《Monster High preferences》Little catch up on Valentine


You are a plant monster like your sister!!

You heard there was a new guy at Monster High and wanted to check it out. You saw a group of girls circling someone and rose an eyebrow. You walked over to the pack of women and stood behind them. "Ladies, give the fresh meat room to breath, you can all kiss him tomorrow." I only assumed it was the new guy because of the reactions the girls gave. They turned around to face me and rolled their eyes but walked off. "Weirdos." I turned back to where they were facing before and saw a man standing there. "Why hello there darling." I kept back a laugh at his voice, I could easily tell it wasn't his regular voice. "Why do you talk like that, where's your real voice?" He looked at me surprised but didn't answer so I sighed and walked away, leaving the guy staring after me with a smile.

He took you to his house, making sure you aren't noticed by his mother, then to his room. You two watched movies until 10 at night and you had to go. You both loved the date and you would laugh any time his mother would yell out for him and he would groan.

You two were walking down the hall and today was the day you decided to wear shorts since it was hot out. Wrong move. Almost every single guy stared at you while you walked past, going to Valentine's locker. You finally met him there and you could see the anger written on his face, of course it wasn't at you, it was at all of the guys. Before you could say anything he pulled you in by your waist and smashed his lips against yours. You had to pull away to breath and he smirked when he saw the guys look away. He didn't leave your side at all that day, not like you didn't mind.


You did. You guys had been out on a few dates and were practically irrespirable, but a bunch of girls tended to over look that. Today, they were pissing you off, so you did want any normal person would. You stormed up to Valentine in the creepateria and told him you're both officially dating then pulled him in for a kiss. All he did was grin and kiss back, both of you could hear serval girls around groan disappointment.

He will come up behind you, wrap his arms around your waist, and start kissing your neck. If that doesn't make the person go away he'll whisper funny things in your ear to make you giggle. The person you are talking to will usually walk away and he'll turn you around in his arms while grinning in success.

You don't like to admit it but you get jealous pretty easily. You come up and cling onto him with your arms wrapped tightly around his front torso. He will grin at this and wrap his arms back around you and try to make the conversation end without being too rude. After the person leaves you'll pull back at grin up at him innocently, saying something like "Too bad they left, I really like the person" which always caused him to chuckle.

He will take you into his arms and not let you go, not caring if you're doing something important like essays or homework, until you give him your induced attention. Or he will kiss your neck and make his way up to your lips, by the time he reaches your lips you've already completely forgotten about what had your attention before.

It's basically the same when you're jealous. You cling onto him until he gives you his attention, sometimes he drags you around with him because it amuses him how stubborn you are and how much you desire his attention. Soon enough he gives it to you and you're like a child on Christmas morning.


He did. He finally decided for you to properly meet his mother, after a lot of begging from your end. "Mom, this is Y/n, the girl I love." You were surprised while his mother took you into a hug immediately then went to the kitchen to make hot coco for you. "You love me?" He grinned and took your hands. "Yes indeed, I love you little moon." You grinned and pecked his lips. "I love you too."

What he calls you: Little moon

He likes to call you little moon because you love looking at the moon when night come around. You like to see how beautiful it is so he just started calling you little moon. You absolutely adore the little nickname he has given you.

What you call him: Cubby or Val

You two were out venturing some woods, and came across a little cub and a mama bear. Valentine started to freak out and was running all over the place while you laughed at him. Soon enough the little cub and mama bear left and then you two made your way out of the woods. "Let's go Cubby!!"

It's like he invented PDA. Seriously, he must've invented it with all of the PDA he uses. Doesn't matter if you two are alone or in Public, there will always be PDA. Kisses everywhere, mostly your lips and neck, hand holding, hugs, his arm wrapped around your waist, butt slaps, almost everything.

Definitely your neck. He likes the little giggles you make when he kiss the spot on your neck where you are ticklish. He also finds it the most romantic and a bit ironic, considering he's a vampire.

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