《Monster High preferences》How you meet pt. 2


I laid by the pool at monster high, soaking up the sun while it's out. I got up and started to walk inside to grab my book until I heated someone yell. "LOOK OUT!!" I turned around in curiosity to see a frisbee heading my way. I quickly brought up a water wall just before the frisbee could hit me. I reached into the wall of water and grabbed the frisbee and then the wall of water fell to the ground. "WHO DID THAT?!" I saw Manny slowly ease his hand. I stormed over towards him and pulled him down to my height by his nose ring. "Say sorry Manny or I swear to god I will shove my foot so far up yo~" He cut me off before I could finish threatening him. "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!!" I grinned and let go of him. "Here's your frisbee back Manny." One of his friends came and snatched it out of my hands. I turned my head to see a very good looking monster, I think his name is Heath, or at least that's what I've heard people call him. "Heath Burns pretty lady." I giggled some as Manny took the frisbee back. "Well it was nice meeting you Heath." I turned around and started walking away. "Wait I never got your name!!" I turned around and grinned. "It's Y/n." I turned back around and walked inside of the school. The whole way to my locker I couldn't help but think back to Heath.

"Spectra can I go back with you this time?" My sister sighed as I asked her again. "Fine, just be good." I let out a little squeal and followed her into the attic.

We made our way into the creepateria of our old ghost school. "I forgot what this place looked like, I'm gonna go explore!!" I left before Spectra could say anything and didn't watch where I was going, causing me to bump into some. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I looked at the guy and saw the paint cans in his hand then at the wall where he was spray painting. "What are you doing?" I heard some people yell behind us and looked behind to see three ghosts talking about detention or something. "We gotta go!!" The guy took my hand and started running from the three people. "Why are we running away from them?" He glanced at me before we went through a wall. "They're the hall monitors, they want to give me a detention for the spray paint and since you're with me they'll probably give one to you too." We went through several more walls before we stopped. He let go of my hand and walked to one of the walls of the room. "I never got your name!" He turned his head away from his spray paint to look at me. "Porter, what's yours?" I smiled slightly. "Y/n."


I walked to Headmistress Bloodgood's office, she said she wanted to see me. I knocked on the door and heard her to tell me to come in. I opened the door to see a guy and Headmistress Bloodgood talking. "You wanted to speak with me?" Headmistress Bloodgood nodded. "Yes I would like you to show Pharaoh here around, he just transferred and doesn't know where everything is." I smiled and nodded. "Let's go, we can stop by the creepateria, it's right next to here." I walked out of the room and Pharaoh followed after me. "So what's your name?" I smiled at him and kept walking. "It's Y/n Wolf." He nodded. I walked through the creepateria doors. "This is the creepateria, I suggest to try and not eat it's food because it isn't the best thing in the world, but it won't kill you." I grinned at him before crossing the creepateria and out the other doors. "Now let's ditch, I can show you the classes or whatever tomorrow." He rose and eyebrow and I skipped towards the opening doors. "Come on, we have to go before Headmistress Bloodgood comes!!" He laughed and ran to my side. "Let's go!!" I grabbed his hand and ran out of the school while laughing. The rest of the day we hung out and talked and returned to the school for the last class that we just happened to have together.

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