《I finally found you (itto x Sara)》Itto's routine


Itto woke up fairly early like every other day to annoy Sara, but little did he know what he was walking into today was very far from his routine.

He reached the Kujou's residence and started knocking brutally on the door while shouting " TENGU WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND FACE ME".

That went for about five minutes until one of the guards came up to him looking annoyed saying:

" mister Arataki, today Kujou Sara isn't present in her residence, so if you don't mind going somewhere else if you'd like to yell at someone"

Itto looked at him and without saying anything he left the Kujou's place.

since he wasn't interested in anything other than challenging her, he decided to ask the other guards where she might be

He wandered around the city looking for some guards to talk to about Sara's whereabouts , but his actions where cut short after a group of kids ran towards him asking him to play with them.

"Mister Oni, can you play with us hide and seek?"asked a blond haired boy enthusiastically.

" haha uncle Arataki would have loved to play with you today but I have someone to find first" said the crimson oni happily while patting the kid softly on the head.

"Who are you searching for uncle Oni?" Asked another child, with dark hair

"Umm... she's an old uhhh.... Friend of mine!" He said

"What's her name?" Said a little red headed girl

"Kujou Sara..." he said looking away

" the one you always ask for a rematch?" Said the blonde boy

"Maybeeee..." noted the Oni trying to think of something to get him out of the subject

"Uncle itto I think I know where she went" notified the girl

" You do?"

"Yeah, it was very early in the morning when I saw her going out, so I came up to her and asked her where she was going, because I knew that you'd be very sad if you didn't know where she went to"

" wait I would be what now?"

"Anyway, she said that she was moving out to Turumi Island"

"WHAT !?"

"that's what she said"

"Look kids Uncle might not come home for a while, but I promise I'll play with you a lot when I come back"

With those last words itto rushed back to where his gang and Granny Oni where staying at.

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