《Classroom of the Elite: Unconfined Genius (Test Phase)》Prologue : Part 1
??? POV
Once there was a man I looked up to.
A man who didn't have the intelligence of a genius, a man which many people would consider as "normal" or "average".
But that man had a dream. A dream to progress Japan even further than it is now. A dream to build a new generation of young Japanese men and women and shape them into the future of Japan. A dream to create growth for the younger generation of Japan that the world has never seen before.
He was a man I could proudly admire. A person who never gave up even when the odds were big. A man who shared the same dream as me and my father did.
What made him so admirable you ask? It was his determination. Despite not having the intelligence of a genius, despite not having the physics of an athlete, despite being doubted by many he never gave up.
He had the words to inspire even the most apathetic people. He had the charisma to show people that he truly was passionate about his dreams. A dream to make Japan greater than it ever was in the past. A man I used to proudly call my mentor.
A man I once proudly called
Of course, Ayanokouji-Sensei despite how inspiring his dreams were, despite how much we yearn for the same dream, we didn't share the same mindset
When my father retired as the chairman of a government-funded school called " Advanced Nurturing High School", the position of chairman was left for me to fill as I followed in my father's footsteps.
This school my father left me certainly was different than other schools, of course, it could be considered strange or unique depending on what you consider both words.
It was a school created and funded by the government to teach the most elite students currently residing in Japan. A school which judges you by your merit as a future contributor to Japanese society. A school that promises 100℅ guaranteed success of enrolling in a prestigious college or get a good-paying job.
Of course, not everything is as this school says. For instance, in this school, a hierarchy system is implemented with four different classes as the rankings.
Class A, Class B, Class C, and finally Class D.
What is the difference between these four classes you may ask?
Well just like the alphabetical order, Class A is considered the highest of highest in the hierarchy this school has implemented. Then it goes down and down until it reaches Class D. In which case the students who are enrolled in this class are known as the "defects" of the school. Every student in this class has a defect that is preventing them from placing in a higher class.
Why is this school unique? Well even if you are placed in such a lowly class as Class D or managed to place above every class as Class A, this school encourages competition between classes. Meaning even if you are placed in Class A, your position is never permanent and you could be overtaken by another class.
For example, this school has what it's called "Class Points" or CP for short. If somehow class C has more class points than Class A, the current Class A will drop its ranking to Class B while simultaneously the current class B would also be dragged down as the new Class C, and the current Class C would rise above the two classes to be the new Class A. This competition will continue constantly until the end of the students' third year where they will graduate as the class they are currently placed in.
You're probably asking yourself, "Why would a student deliberately aim for a higher class even though getting accepted and being enrolled in the school itself already guarantees your future?".
Well, not everything is as what the school says it is. For instance, the benefits the school mentioned as being guaranteed to be able to enroll in any college is only truly guaranteed if, at the end of your high school year, you are placed in Class A. It could be considered a scam for the government to lure students like this to their school just to find out their not guaranteed a promising. But as a future working member of society, nothing in this world ever comes easy.
Of course, just because you're placed in a class that's not Class A, doesn't mean you won't have a future. Students of lower classes can still find a suitable job or find the job they're passionate about for as long as they work hard and strive to work harder.
This is the kind of school my father has left for me to manage in his place. A school that breaks, grows and nurtures students as no other Japanese school does. A school that aims to maximize the potential of every student enrolled in the school for them to become future contributing Japanese citizens for the new era of Japan.
Despite all the preparations made by the government for this school, my mentor, Ayanokouji-sensei never considered the school as the best place to raise the future contributors of Japan. He deemed some things taught by the school as unnecessary. Although he did respect my wishes to continue to manage this school as the chairman of this school, he never once said he supported the idea of the system that is implemented in this government-funded school.
Ayanokouji-sensei decided to create his school or as a better way to put it as an educational institution. Its goal was to raise a human by removing unnecessary things from their curriculum and education. This institution was also to prove that one doesn't have to have good genetics to be a genius. Sensei believed in hard work and determination above all else speaking from his own experience.
From a bystander point of view, the idea of this so-called educational facility seemed to be the next step in progressing Japan even further than it is now. Even foreigners that came to know of this place have started to invest in this educational facility.
Why did many investors believe in Sensei's experiment? Because of one boy were they convinced of the true potential of this facility. One boy proved Sensei's theory of not needing to have good genes to be a genius. It was this boy who put even adults to shame with their lack of knowledge.
It was because of this boy that the idea of creating a perfect human being could suddenly be possible.
This boy was none other than Ayanokouji-sensei's son.
Why was this boy so special? I've heard from some of the investors supporting the white room that a mere kid could solve math equations that even high school students would struggle to solve. He could answer any question given to him without any hint of confusion or struggle. Simply put, he had a terrifying amount of knowledge for a kid.
Because of the display of intelligence, he had shown to the investors, they had finally taken more interest in the white room and began investing more money in it in hoping more of its experiment succeeded as it did with this boy.
Hearing all of the accomplishments of this facility you must be intrigued right? You might think that this facility might finally be the answer to what path to take to make Japan the greatest powerhouse country in the world.
Well beyond the accomplishments of the facility, a dark secret is kept hidden in this facility for barely anyone to know. Even the Japanese government does not know the existence or whereabouts of this facility. Why would they hide an educational facility that might help Japanese society to progress further than it already is?
The answer to this question is quite complicated. Did this facility bring results no one could have expected? Yes, there is no denying that.
But what lies beyond the facade Sensei has created, lies dark secrets that should never be exposed to the public, especially the government.
The teaching methods of this facility were not something the government would tolerate, let alone the public. To say their teaching methods were abusive is an understatement.
It was inhumane. It was unjustifiable.
Many Children were seen in this facility either studying or doing physical tasks without a single time of break. It is unknown where they found these children. Maybe they were sold? Or maybe they were kidnapped? Adopted? Abandoned? No one truly knew where they came from except the owner of this very own facility, Ayanokouji-sensei.
Kids were sent to a room where all they could see was white.
White walls,
White floors,
Even their clothing only consisted of the color white.
Thus earning this facility the name
The kids in this facility were usually only doing tasks they were ordered to without any retort in fearing the punishment the instructors would give them. They only studied, did their orders, and sleep. They didn't even have time to develop relationships with their classmates not even recognize each other due to the individualism that is promoted in the white room.
This certainly took a toll on most children's mental health in this facility. Children were seen panicking, gasping for air, sometimes even collapsing mid-order due to stress they can't even relieve.
The instructors also had a part in the children's mental health. Although it depends on each generation, some instructors might give harsher punishments than other instructors like making them do more tasks, verbally abusing them, sometimes even being violent towards them.
Every kid in this facility had it hard for them. Some even had thoughts they shouldn't even be pondering at their age.
"Where are my parents?"
"Why was I born in this world only to fail?"
"I wish I was dead so I wouldn't feel pain every day"
But no other generation had it any harder than the infamous
The 4th generation had the hardest curriculum and cruelest punishments handed to them by their instructors. Some even died by their instructor's own hand. This generation truly was what you could consider torture. Children disappeared day by day, week by week.
What did they do to the children who couldn't live up to the facility's expectations? Simply put, they were disposed of. They threw them away as if they were nothing but trash but in sensei's eyes, they were probably a level below trash. But what made this generation demonic wasn't just its harsh and excessive education.
The generation's only survivor, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, had become the missing piece that sensei had been hoping to create after all these years of spending wealth for this experiment. He was the so-called sensei had been hoping to create when he first started this experiment.
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, he excelled at everything both academically and physically. He did every task he was ordered to do perfectly never showing any hint of struggle.
To say he was brilliant was an understatement.
He was different than the other kids of that generation. He would destroy his opponents with ease without even caring what would happen to other kids when they failed. He saw children breaking down in front of his very own eyes, yet never showed any sign of pity nor empathy. Based on the visits I've had in the white room, he always wore an emotionless expression.
He was made the main goal of the white room. Despite every single generation that was ever created, no matter how many children were trained, no one has ever lived up to the white room's expectation as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka did.
If I were to tell you my opinion of this facility I would say it made me sick to my stomach. How could a human being torture all these children for the sole reason of "building Japan's future" without a hint of empathy? Of course, this facility did produce results, even I couldn't help but be impressed at that. But at the cost of what?
The lives of innocent children?
I couldn't help but ponder these thoughts as I couldn't help but do anything as I watch what these children go through on a daily basis. But I knew that if I did something of my own accord, not only would I be endangering myself, but also my family. I couldn't bear to live a life without my family. Sensei has a major influence on this country, if I were to betray him he could end me and my family without hesitation.
I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly came back to reality. I was in my office at ANHS when someone had requested for my appearance. I didn't know who it was but the government contacted me saying it's one of their military generals and another person would be accompanying them.
I got caught off guard when I heard a knock at my door. It seems that they have arrived earlier than I had expected.
"You may enter," I spoke to the people knocking at my door.
The people who entered seemed to be a lady wearing a military outfit with brunette-colored hair tied up in a ponytail with purple-colored eyes. Accompanying her seemed to be a man looking like he is in his 30's. He had black short hair, hazel brown eyes, and was wearing a lab coat. I felt like I had seen him before somewhere.
"We're sorry to take your time chairman Sakayanagi knowing you're a very busy man," the girl and her company apologized while bowing.
"No need to apologize, I'm sure if the government has sent you guys to meet me, it must be something very important," I said as I try to lighten the mood.
"We won't waste any more of your time. We'll get straight to the point. My name is
Midori Fumiko, a general in the Japanese military. The person accompanying me is
Yamato Daichi." The girl said assertively.
"Nice to meet you both. If I may ask what the government wants with me? Is it something regarding the school?"
Of course, I wasn't sure what they had come for, did I make a mistake as the chairman of the school? Had I somehow done something that would get me in trouble with the government? I honestly had no idea what these two government officials were doing in school territory.
"Rest assured, we are not here to discuss matters of this school, but rather we think you could be of help to a case we're currently investigating."
"A case? I don't know how I could be of help in a case where even the military is involved."
"I think you'd be a ton of help actually chairman Sakayanagi. Because this certain individual we're investigating certainly has some ties with you."
I couldn't think of anyone acquainted with me that the government would need me to relay information to them except one person. But they couldn't be talking about him... Right?
The man who had been silent finally spoke up, "You may not know me chairman Sakayanagi but I certainly know you. The person we've been investigating these past few weeks is someone by the name of Professor Ayanokouji. Surely you and him have some sort of relationship or connection to each other."
I flinched a bit when he said sensei's name but I tried not to show it but it was worthless as General Midori stared at me suspiciously
"I do admit we are acquainted with each other, but what does his relationship with me have to do with the case you're trying to solve?"
At that moment the man named Yamato said something that made my heart skip a beat.
Beads of sweat started appearing around my forehead.
How did they know about the existence of the facility? No, moreover how did they know I was acquainted with the facility? Do they suspect me of being involved with the facility?
I calmed myself and tried to think straight. Playing dumb here would certainly not help me, moreover, it would bring more suspicion to me.
As I calmed myself, I finally found what words to say to them. "I certainly won't deny I have been there a couple of times, although I would like to know how you knew of my relationship and involvement of the white room?"
"As I said you may not know me but I know you. Professor Ayanokouji always mentions to us instructors to let the children in the white room know to be on their best behavior whenever you're around. If you're wondering about how I know about you, if you haven't recognized it, I was one of the instructors in the white room assigned to the 5th generation. Well, at least I was posing as an instructor." The man named Yamato explained
"If I may add something, Yamato here has been an undercover agent posing as an instructor in the white room since the white room's 5th generation first started. He had done some investigating on the facility itself. Rest assured chairman, we do not suspect you of any crimes that involve the white room. Although we would like your cooperation. All you need to do is give us information about the white room and we'll stop involving you in this case." General Midori added to agent Yamato's explanation.
Even if I wanted to cooperate I couldn't put my family in danger. Who knows what Ayanokouji-sensei would do to them if I was dumbfounded by just gave random government agents information regarding the white room.
As I was busy thinking of an answer, General Midori interrupted "You may be thinking the risks of you exposing information to us government officials about the white room. We know the influence professor Ayanokouji has. That's why we would like to make a deal with you which will benefit both of us equally."
"A deal?," I asked. What kind of deal would benefit me?
"A deal that in exchange for information regarding the white room, we the government will offer you and your family government protection for as long as until Professor Ayanokouji is put behind bars." General Midori proposed
"Although it seems like a deal that would benefit me, how do I know that some of the government officials aren't related to Ayanokouji-sensei. Surely you've thought that through haven't you?" I tried to argue.
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