《Charisma》~ twenty-five ~


I was up before August, as usual. I got out of bed and handled my hygiene.

I sighed and glanced at the timer.


I had 9 hours left with August. 5 hours left with my friends.

I threw it back down in the drawer.

"Dammit" I slightly yelled.

I turned and looked at August. He was still sleeping.

I went downstairs, and went to kitchen grabbing some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and making me a bowl of cereal.

I sat on the bar stool deep in thought, not even noticing August come in.

"G'mawnin'." He said.

"Morning love" I hopped up and pecked his lips.

"What you and yo friends getting into today?" He asked, making him a bowl of cereal.

"We just finna go to the mall, and shop a little" I shrugged.

"How long y'all gone be there?"

"For a few hours dad" I laughed, adding emphasis on "dad".

"Nah I'm daddy" He smirked.

"Boyyy" I laughed, and got up and put my bowl in the sink.

"Boyyy" He mocked, grabbing me.

"Aug I have to put my bowl in the sink."

"So?" He pecked my lips.

I laughed and kissed him.

"You betta' give me a kiss" He said, placing another one on my lips.

"Oh hush" I chuckled.

"That's cute, you getting that?" Kai said as I held up a yellow crop top.

"Yeah it's really cute" I said, draping it on my arm.

We were at the mall, shopping and laughing. Their flight left in a few hours, and we were trying to spend time together before they left for the states.

"Charisma, you getting thickk" Tiana hit my butt.

"I know" I stuck my tongue out.

"Oop" Kai said. "Let me find out"

I wiggled my eyebrows.


"Y'all nasty" She shook her head.

"Tell me something I don't know" I mumbled.

"That yo bestie Kendrick is over there" Tiana motioned towards his direction.

I looked over at him, and rolled my eyes.

I'm so tired of seeing him.

"Y'all mad at eachother?" Kai asked, holding up a shirt.

"I guess you could say that." I said, "Hold this, Ill be right back"

I looked at him again, and this time he was looking directly at me.

As I walked over there, I felt myself getting more irritated.

"What you here for?" I asked.

"I can't come to the mall?" He smirked.

"Did I say that shit?" I folded my arms.

"Well, you implied it. But enjoy your time, cause it looks like it's limited" He chuckled.

Before I realized, I slapped him. Hard too.

"Fuck you" I said, and walked back to the store with Kai and Tiana.

"Damn! What happened?" Tiana asked.

"Just got into an argument. Y'all wanna go get some fro-yo?" I asked.

"Um yeah, cotton candy with coco puffs, and cap'n crunch sounds good" Kai rubbed her tummy.

"That shit sounds trifling" Tiana scrunched her face up.

"Girl don't cry, I'm going to see you soon" I hugged an emotional Kai.

When was she wasn't emotional?

"I know, but it's so beautiful here, and I miss seeing y'all everyday" She sniffed a little.

"We miss you too light bright" August muffed her head.

"Jerk" She punched him.

"Bye brother" I hugged Chris.

"Bye lil bit".

"Bye baddieeee" I hugged Tiana.

"Bye love, Imma miss y'all" She chuckled.


August and I watched as everyone boarded their flights.

"You hungry?" He asked, as we headed back to the house.

"No I'm fine" I shook my head.

"You good? Cause yo ass always hungry" He chuckled.

"I'm good, I swear" I laughed a little.

"Well I'm finna get me some McDonalds." He said.

I'm splitting this chapter into 2. Cause Ion wanna drag it on.

Y'all it's been too damn hot. Wayyy to hot for where I live. I already have a tan, and I barely been outside like that.

I play basketball, and normally I play it inside, but since it's summer, why not outside? But no, it feel like satan been tap dancing out there.

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