《Charisma》~ twenty-three ~


I woke up, and felt August arms around me. The events from last night played in my head, and I smiled a little.

I got up, and tried to walk, but almost fell.

"Damn" I laughed lowly.

I went and brushed my teeth, and looked at myself in the mirror

I touched the love bites, left on my neck, and my lips were slightly swollen.

August came in and wrapped his arms around me.

"G'mornin'." He said.

"Morning" I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You okay?" He asked, touching my thigh.

"Yeah I'm fine, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah baybeh" He chuckled.

"Okay" I smiled at him, I went to go throw on some shorts and a shirt

I headed downstairs to go make us something to eat.

I decided to just make some eggs, waffles and bacon.

"It smell good in hea'." August came in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Well I try" I laughed a little.

Someone knocked on the door, and my breathing hitched.

"Let me go see who dat is" August moved and went to the door.

"My nigga!" I heard Chris loud ass.

"Hey t-rex" I heard Kai, and chuckled.

The three of them came into the kitchen,

"Heyyy girl" Kai came and hugged me.

"Hey babymama" I returned the hug.

"Wassuh lil sis" Chris muffed my head.

"Wassup" I chuckled.

"You cooked?" Chris said, taking a piece of bacon.

"Get out!" I laughed, swatting him.

We were all in the living room just chillin and laughing.

"We figure out what we're having my next appointment guys" Kai said excitedly.

"Aww, I hope it's a girl" I said.

"Nah I want a nephew" August said.

"It's gonna be a girl" Kai nodded.


"Nah that's gone be my son" Chris said confidently.

"No-" Kai was cut off by someone knocking on the door.

I quickly hopped up, and went to go look through the peephole

"Tianaaaa" I smiled opening the door.

"Hey boo" She spoke, I gave her a hug and we walked to the living room.

"Let me find August been on that, cause you limping a lil sis" She snickered.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"I want details" She smirked.

"Hey pooh" She hugged Kai as she entered the living room.

She threw something at Chris.

"That's why nobody like you" He mumbled.

"If that was true I wouldn't be here, so gone with that" She waved him off.

"Wassgood sparky" August nodded at her.

"Sup Crimson Chin" She nodded.

I busted out laughing.

"Crimson Chin?" I cackled.

"Oh so you think das' funny huh?" August pushed me away from him.

"Noo, I was playing" I tried scooting back next to him.

"Play ova there" He moved me back.

"Oh wow" I mumbled.

"Talk about butthurt" Kai mumbled, eating some chips.

"Bruh where you get them chips from?" Chris asked, holding out his hand

She looked at him, and then his hand and looked away.

"You gotta eat better for the baby" He said, reaching for the bag

"Chris I can have chips" She snapped at him.

"Oop" Tiana mumbled.

"You don't need all that salt" He took the bag from her.

She glared at him, and if looks could kill, he would be deceased.

"Give. Me. My. Chips." She hissed.

"You already had some" He said, putting them on the table.

Her eyes glossed over, and I guess he could tell she was getting ready to cry.

"Here we go with this man" He sighed.

"Shut the fuck up" She cried.


"Ion even think I was like that" Tiana muttered.

I just shook my head and hugged her.

She was really crying over chips.

"Okay so we'll see y'all tomorrow" Chris nodded, as him and Kai walked out the house

And she was still eating those chips.

"Ight, see y'all" August said, and closed the door.

"Man Kai is somethin' else" August shook his head,

"She's pregnant Aug" I chuckled.

"I wish you would ever" He mumbled.

I just looked at him and shook my head. We straightened up a little.

"Let me get that" August said, as someone knocked on the door.

"Man you late as hell" August said to someone.

When they both walked back, I did a double take.

The fuck was Kendrick doing here

"Hey Charisma" He smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Hey" I spoke dryly

"Bruh why you ain't come earlier? Everybody left now" August shook his head.

"My bad I had things to do" He scratched his head.

I just rolled my eyes and finished straightening up things.

"I'll be upstairs for a minute" I said to Aug.

"You don't want to spend time with your bestie?" Kendrick chuckled.

"I'm tired" I said, and headed up the stairs.

I plopped down on the duvet, and groaned in frustration.

I sighed and turned on the tv, and watched reruns of Martin.

The door opened and I thought it was August. My smile quickly faded when I saw it was Kendrick.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"August went to the store real quick" He said.

"Okay. Bye" I turned my eyes back to the tv.

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw he was still there.

"You can leave now" I said, getting irritated.

"Charisma, I'm sorry" He sighed.

"Sorry ain't gone change the fact that I still have to leave. Now like I said, get out my room"

He glanced at me, with an unreadable expression and walked out.

I put my head in the pillow and screamed out of frustration.

I peeked in my drawer and looked at the timer

It read a day and a half. I threw it back and buried it under my clothes.

That would be the middle of Monday.

I would just have to make "plans" with Kai and Tiana since they would be leaving that night.


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