《Charisma》~ twenty-one ~


[Sorry this was rushed, excuse any errors]

I don't think I can do this Kendrick thought.

He was spending the day with Charisma, and he realized how much he cared about her. She was like the sibling he didn't have.

But he was there because Kayla wanted him to get rid of her. He owed Kayla, because she once saved him from a horrible situation.

"Wouldn't these be cute?" Charisma wondered aloud.

She held up a beautiful painting, looking at Kendrick to see if he agreed.

"It's nice" He nodded.

"I know right" She smiled, she put in the basket and continued walking.

"So tell me how you and August met" Kendrick asked.

Charisma gave him a small smile, as she continued pushing the basket up and down the isle.

"Well as you know, I was homeless for around a year, and one day I got asked to be a stripper, and I could use the money so I took the offer." She said, throwing another item in the basket.

"And while I was dancing, I came across August, whom I met prior, and you know that story" She gave him a knowing glance.

"But we talked and he offered to let me live with him until I got off my feet, and now here we are."

Kendrick nodded.

"Why'd you ask though?" She wondered now curious.

"You never told me. I was just curious" He shrugged, throwing his hands in his pocket.

"Oh" She mumbled.

She continued her little shopping until it was time to check out.

Kendrick helped her put the items into the car. She was getting ready to hop in the drivers seat, but Kendrick insisted that he wanted to drive.

"Why you wanna drive?" She asked.

"Because you drove us here, it's only right I drive us back" He gave her a smile.


"Hmm, okay" She shrugged, handing him the keys.

He pulled out of the parking lot. "You want something before we head to y'all house?" He asked.

"Yeah, we can stop at Mcdonald's" Charisma nodded.


He pulled into the parking lot.

"Can you park? I have to pee" Charisma said.

"Yeah" He nodded, and parked. Perfect

"You know what I like, I'll be back" She rushed off to the bathroom.

After ordering her food, The cashier handed him the cup and he went to go put her sprite in it.

He dumped a little of the powder Kayla gave him into the cup, and swirled it around. He quickly placed the lid on the cup and went to go wait back for her food.

"Whew, thanks" She came out and grabbed the cup from him.

They called her number, and she got her food and they headed out the car.

"Ahh my nuggie wuggies" She pulled the nuggets out and began eating on them.

Kendrick laughed, and shook his head at her.

"You love you some nuggets"

"You know it" She nodded, and picked up the sprite.

Kendrick's palms began sweating a little bit. Please don't let her taste it.

She sipped her drink.

"Whoo shit" She muttered. "This sprite strong"

They both laughed.

Kendrick kept glancing at her, and could tell it was starting to work, her blinks got slower, and she was talking less, meaning she was getting sleepy.

Eventually she was completely out, and Kendrick changed his route to the building Kayla wanted him to meet her at.


I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Kayla and Kendrick sitting down in front of me.

"Looks like your awake" Kayla smirked, standing up.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat

"You know what I want" She simply stated, checking her nails.


"Well it looks like he doesn't want you" I rolled my eyes.

"That's going to change" She smirked.

"You can't force someone to like you"

"Watch me" She winked and went and picked up a small phone.

"You see this right here? That's a timer for how much longer you have left with August"

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Well I'm not leaving him"

"Oh trust me, you might want to" she chuckled.

"And why is that"

"Because if not, I'll easily off all of you"

I felt myself starting to get pissed.

"What are you going to get out of this"

"August" She shrugged.

I looked at Kendrick, who wouldn't even look me in my eyes

"You really ain't shit" I narrowed my eyes.

He just kept looking down.

"Now here's the plan, in the next two days, you need to get away from August, I'll have one of my men pick you up in a location. So you may want to get your last little goodbyes in" She smirked.

I glared at her, and she came closer and smiled in my face.

"Nice chatting with you bestie"


and i oop-

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