《Charisma》~ eight ~


Didn't proofread, Excuse any errors

"Mom!?!" I looked at her. She didn't look exactly the greatest. Her hair was messy and her clothes hung loosely against her small frame.

"Nice place you got here, surprised you could even afford it" She mumbled the last part.

I inched closer to the door.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked, surprisingly calm.

"I can't come see my daughter? Jesus you get an apartment and don't know how to act" My mom chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "You weren't my mother when you hit me" I spat.

"Who you think you talking to?" She got closer to me.

"You". I refuse to be scared of that woman anymore.

She chuckled evilly. "You always been a little bitch. I should've just swallowed you"

I took a few breaths. Don't let her get to you.

"You can leave" I held the door.

"Gladly, can't stand looking at your ugly ass anyways" She smirked.

"Well hurry it up then" I motioned to the door.

She walked to the door, but then she turned around and slapped me hard.

I let out an unintentional screech. I instantly pushed her, and she fell.

"Get the hell out now!" I yelled at her.

She stood up, before charging at me. I dodged her punch and tackled her to the ground. I sat on her chest and started punching her.

Charisma had forgot her wallet and she wasn't answerin' her phone, so I decided to just bring it to her.

I stretched as I got onto the elevator. They had some little song on, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

When I reached the flo' Charisma stayed on. I heard screaming and shufflin' noises.

I raised my eyebrow out of confusion before walkin' down to her do'. The noises got louder and before I could knock, the door was already open.

I walked in surprised to see what I saw. Charisma was on top of this woman, punching the fuck outta her.


The woman looked like she was goin' in and out off consciousness. I quickly ran over and pulled her off the woman.

"Charisma stop! " I said holding her, she tried getting out of my hold. I held her tighter.

"Get out of here now! I fucking hate you" Charisma yelled in hysterics. The woman looked surprised, but then that's when everything clicked.

That's her mom

It had to be, they look just alike, except Charisma was bigga' than her. I watched her get up and limp out of hea' She didn't even say a word.

I felt Charisma, calm down before she just slid down to the floor and cried. I leaned down and hugged ha'

"I hate her August! I do" She sobbed, her small frame shook. I kissed the top of her head.

"I know ma, I'm sorry dat happened" I said. I just held her till I felt her calm down, letting her rant.

She sniffled and stood up, going over to the kitchen, before cleaning up the mess they made. Normally she would be talking my head off, but she was quiet.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I mentally palmed myself. Dat was a stupid ass question. She just beat ha' momma's ass.

"No but I'll get there" She looked at me, her face was tear streaked. I went ova' and started helpin' her clean up.

"Um can you stay?" She muttered, rubbing her arms.

"Sure" I said, slightly taken aback.

"Thank you" She sighed.

"I got da rest, go get ya self cleaned up" I said.

"Okay" She mumbled. She walked to her bathroom and soon I heard da shower start.

I really feel bad for her man. Her momma ain't shit. Hell I wouldn't even call her a mom.

I laid on the couch and got comfortable. I assumed she wanted me to stay because she wasn't to keen on bein' alone after everythang dat happened.

I texted Chandra, tellin' her I'll be back in the mornin'.

"You don't have to sleep on the couch"


I looked up and saw Charisma, her face was bare and the tip of her nose was red.

"You sho'?" I asked, sitting up.

"Mhm" She shook her head.

I got up and followed her into her room. She slid in the bed and I got in on the other side.

"Thanks so much August, you really don't know how much I appreciate you" Her soft voice cracked at the end.

"It's no problem ma"

I heard sniffling. "Why me? I'm a good person, what did I do to ever make her treat me like this?" Charisma broke down.

I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. She calmed a little, bit I could still hear her soft sobs.

"It'll get better eventually, just keep your head up" I whispered to her.

She cried for a few more minutes before eventually she fell asleep. She moved closer to my chest and I smiled a lah' bit.

I closed my eyes, taking in the scent of coconut from her hair. Soon after dat I was knocked out.

I yawned and opened my eyes, instantly shutting them from the bright light seeping through the window.

I glanced at the clock. It read 8:45 a.m

Looks like I'm not coming in today

I sighed. I moved my arm and brushed up against another arm. I turned to see August straight behind me. Events from yesterday started replaying in my head.

I sighed and slightly rolled my eyes. I carefully moved August arm from around me. He stirred, but didn't wake up.

I stretched as I headed to the bathroom to handle my hygiene. I walked into my kitchen, before just deciding on a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

I sat down at the bar stool before calling my boss.

"Hey Diana I'm not coming in today"

"Is everything okay?"

"Just a little family emergency" I sighed.

"Okay. I hope everything's okay. I'll just have Taliyah cover some of your clients"

"Thank you so much"

"Don't mention it. Goodbye Charisma"

"Bye Diana"

I hung up and munched on some of my cereal. I heard the toilet flush, before August came in the kitchen.

"Good Moanin'." He stretched.

"Morning" I glanced at him.

"You good?"

"Yessir" I gave him a small smile.

He looked at me for a minute. "You got any extra toothbrushes?" He muttered.

"Yeah, hall closet, second shelf" I pointed.

"Thanks" He turned around and went to grab it.

I finished my cereal and washed my bowl and spoon. August came and made him a bowl of cereal and sat down in the spot I was in.

"Sorry about yesterday" I leaned against the counter.

"It's ight" He shrugged, putting another bite of Lucky Charms in his mouth.

"I love ya big headed self" I chuckled, muffing his head.

"Gone na'." He swatted at my hands. I laughed, before going to find something to wear for today. Me, and Kai were hanging out.

Tiana has been busy lately, dealing with a custody's battle for her 2 year old daughter. I made a mental note to check on her to see how's everything going.

"Charisma, I'm finna head on out, I'm takin' da girls to Jeepers" August peered in my room.

"Okay, have a good time" I laughed.

"I know Kay finna have my grown ass squeezing through shit, bet not make me get on dat roller coaster" He sighed.

"Oh you know you wanna ride the roller coaster" I laughed.

"You can ride me" He smirked, Making one of his usual slick comments.

"I- bye, get out August" I chuckled. I pushed him towards the door, before he hugged me and went on his way.

That man needs to find a filter.


*wipes tear* They are so cuteeee

Her moms a bitch though.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm taking test right now at school...Jesus take me now.

I'm patiently waiting on summer. Freshmen year has not been it for me.

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