《Writer's Guide》Cliches in Fiction Writing (Part 2)


This is the story where a character finds someone who looks exactly like them but isn't related (probably) in any way. They decide (for whatever reason) that they want to switch lives for a bit. At first, they enjoy their new lives, but after a while, they miss their old lives and switch back. By the end, everyone knows (sometimes).

I've seen this one more often in fanfiction. Basically, two people are born with the same mark, and anyone who has the same mark is destined to be in a relationship because they're soulmates. They fall in love instantly and live happily ever after.

I think this one is kind of cool, to be honest.

These stories are usually some sort of retelling of the classic Cinderella story, or the character just happens to have a bitchy stepmother. This one doesn't really need much explaining.

This is a type of "forbidden love" story, I guess you could say. To me, this is kind of nasty. I'm not going to say much else, because I feel like it will start drama or something on here.

These stories typically go a few different ways.

1) The girl gets pregnant by her boyfriend and they stay together throughout her pregnancy. He is either very supportive at first or a bit unsupportive at first.

2) The girl gets pregnant by her crush, who is probably a popular guy at school and is most likely a player. She doesn't tell him at first, scared of how he'll react. He'll either be supportive right away, or he'll refuse to help out at first, which is more common.

3) The girl gets impregnated by her boyfriend. She finds out and tries to tell him, but he breaks up with her before she gets the chance to do so. Heartbroken, she decides to raise the child herself. A few years later, she runs into him, and she lies to him about who the father of their child is. They start falling for each other again and eventually he finds out that the kid is his (or he finds out before they start falling for each other and he insists on being part of the kid's life). I've seen this one in fanfiction more than in books, movies and/or TV shows.


Need I say more?

Well, that's all for now. I wanted to post something on here again before school starts. We're almost at 200 reads, guys. Let's get past that!

Can you guys please check out my new story? It's called "Thin". It's a Harry Styles fanfiction, and I'm pretty sure you can guess what it'll be about based on the title. It's different from my other fanfictions, and I'd love it if you guys could check it out and give me some insight on it.

Bye guys :)


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