《The Midori Cafe》3


After their date, Izuku had walked into the café after saying his farewells to Katsuki. After locking the door to the apartment, he had sighed. "He's so perfect..."

"Awwee!! My baby is in love!!" Izuku, promptly screamed at the sudden voice of his mother. "Jesus Christ-" "sorry! I didn't mean to startle you! I just wanted to put my input out there." She had a small motherly smile on her face. "I'm proud of you.. You know?" Izuku returned the smile. "Yeah..."

Izuku the suddenly remembered what time it was. "Hey- what are you doing up still?" Inko chuckled a bit. "Just getting some tea. Though, it is pretty late. Make sure you get a reasonable amount of sleep!" She said before disappearing off into her room.

"Good night!" She yelled before closing her door. "Yeah. Good night!" He the returned to his own room.


The next morning Izuku had woken at his normal time. 6am. He then went down to the bakery to prepare for the day. He made all of the coffee for the day and put all the treats where they belong, then at 7am, he opened the café.

As per usual Eraserhead was his first customer of the day. "Black coffee?" Izuku asked. To which the man nodded. After paying, Izuku got straight to work.


At closing Izuku had been tired. His day had been busy. Not that he was complaining or anything, he just wasn't really prepared.

But alas, the day had ended, and he could rest. 'After cleaning up.' His mind provided. So he got the broom, and started sweeping.


Now he was done for the day. He had collapsed onto the couch in their small apartment upstairs. He had sighed, letting all his muscles relax.


Then his phone started to ring. He looked to see who had been calling him, deciding whether or not if he should pick up. When he saw the contact name, he picked up immediately.

"Hi kacchan!" Izuku said, trying to sound less tired.

"Hey Deku, what are you doing this weekend?" Katsuki asked.

"I'm probably gonna get some shopping done. Why do you ask?" Izuku tilted his head, not realizing the boy on the other end couldn't see.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to a hero convention with me? If you want to-" "YES I WILL GO WITH YOU!"

Izuku had been sitting up straight at this point, a big smile on his face. "Okay jeeze. Shut the fuck up will you? You're gonna kill my hearing." Izuku blushed. "S-sorry Kacchan..." Izuku scratched the nape of his neck.

"Okay, now that the important shit is out of the way, how was your day?" Katsuki asked, changing the subject. Izuku sighed thinking on the day.

"Busy as heck."


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