《Game Of Thrones Texts {finished}》Leaked picture


Jon: dude, I had a wonderful night. Pls don't tell the others hehe... I know you won't. Here is the pic that Jeremy took. If the others find out, I am dead hahaha

Tormund: Jon Snow, you are so dead...

Sansa: 😳😳😳😳

Sam: wow...

Jon: oh shit

Tormund: wrong chat?

Jon: aye...

Long awkward silence


Sansa: 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Tormund: I know you probably feel embarrassed and everything, but I do have one question; How the fuck did you manage to drink from that bottle without holding it? 😂😂😭😭😂😂

Sansa: I'M CRYING RN 😂😂😂😂

Sam: where once was innocent Jon, he is now gone

Sansa: 'Ai em a man of tha nightswatch, I shall take mah vows and throw tham in da river, cause I don't botha about tham!'

Tormund: who is that girl on your shoulder? Cersei? 😂😂😂

Sansa: he wish

Jon: guys, please, stop

Sam: you did this yourself, jonny boy

Jon: please don't tell the men of the nightswatch

Tormund: oh... I eh... kind of already did...

Jon: shit

Sansa: *shift

Jon: did maester Aemon approve?

Sam: he said 'egg'

Tormund: you mean like egg and bacon? HA LMAO

Sam: too soon, Tormund, too soon...

Jon: promise to me that u won't tell it to anyone else, okay?

Sansa: I promise, brother

Sam: I promise

Tormund: I promise, after I posted this pic on instagram

Sansa: did you make an account for him?

Tormund: yeah, I did

Sansa: what is it called? Imma follow his ass

Tormund: @sexyjonsnowygettingdagirls

Jon: I hate you all

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