《Realm || A Game Of Thrones Fanfiction》10


Anthea was having her daily walk in the gardens when she bumped into Euron Greyjoy.

This wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been the rude Greyjoy wanting to marry her mother and the guy that just creeped her out in general, but he was. And it was showing.

He strolled down her gardens like he owned the place. Which of course, he didn't. Anthea wasn't planning on giving him the Iron Throne anytime soon.

When his eyes locked with hers, he grinned and pushed some highborn ladies aside to reach the queen faster.

His behavior disturbed Anthea. He was so mean and rude that it genuinely surprised her. It was like he had a talent for it.

'Your Grace,' he greeted her whilst smirking. 'It's so good to see you. I have a question for you.'

He looked at her, waiting for a response. Anthea frowned. 'Can't it wait, my lord? I was just having a nice, peaceful walk.' Until you disturbed me, she added in her mind.

Instead of listening to his queen and leaving her alone, he grabbed her arm and forcefully locked it with his.

'Your Grace, this is of importance,' he urged while almost dragging Anthea with him.

She tried to keep up with him, but her legs weren't that long.

'My lord, could you please let go of me. I don't mean to offend you,' Actually, I do, 'but I don't think this is the right time for questions. I will meet you tonight.'

Euron Greyjoy stopped in his tracks and raised his brows in a cocky way. 'I don't think you understand, missy. I have got an important question. We're at war, there ain't no time for that lousy demeanor of yours. You think that you're the queen? I think that you're just a little, fragile girl that doesn't know how to rule the Seven Kingdoms. I've got a question and you're going to answer it, so you can skip your 'peaceful' walk.'


Anthea didn't know how to respond. She felt so angry and scared at the same time.

'What do you want?' she growled, spatting each word at him.

'Walk with me,' he said while stretching his arm out in front of him.

She made a quick reverence while grimacing. 'Of course, my lord.' It was hard to be nice to him. He was so arrogant and so cocky. She hated him.

'Don't 'lord' me. We both know you fucking hate my guts,' he said while resting the tip of his tongue on his bottom lip.

Anthea's eyes shot up. 'No swearing in my gardens, please.'

'I am sorry. It won't happen again, love,' he mocked.

'Call me 'love' again and I will have your tongue ripped out,' she hissed.

He laughed at her like she was some stupid kid. 'I don't believe you, love.'

When she didn't reply he pointed his finger at her. 'That's you're problem, missy. You don't scare people. If you would have been an actual queen, you would have ripped my tongue out. You're not a queen. You're a princess. You think you are ruling, but you're not. And you shouldn't be ruling. The only thing you should be ruling right now is my bad boy.' He looked down at his crotch.

Anthea looked at him in shock and turned red. 'That's inappropriate. Why would you say something like that to your queen?'

He just smirked. 'Don't blame me. Blame my boy.' He winked at her.

'You are disgusting,' she whispered angrily.

'I know right?' He laughed. 'What I am trying to say is that you need a strong man by your side who can help you rule the shitty world we live in. Someone like me, for example.'


'Is this a proposal?' Anthea asked, disgusted by the man in front of her.

'You could call it that.' When she didn't answer, he went on. 'But of course you could always marry that dickhead Baelish. He likes you. Which is creepy, because he is way too old, but, oh well, if you love him just as much as he loves you, who am I offer you a better future with me?'

'Even more creepy,' she sneered. 'Thank you for the offer, but no, I won't marry you. Neither I nor my mother have any interest in you.'

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