

Five years have past, Lauren and I now have two more children. One boy and one girl. Gia, and Electra both hated when they were born because of the fact that we had to pay more attention to them you know to make sure they don't get hurt.

The twins are in first grade, I'm sorry for Electra's classmates.

"Y/N! Come spend time with me!"Lauren calls from the living room as I put my plate in sink.

"Calm down. I just finished eating,"I say washing my hands and going to sit next to her.

"How is it that we're still together? Did you think we would get this far? Four beautiful children, stable jobs, a great family,"She says.

"No, but that was until we started dating, I knew then that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I can never imagine a world without you or the kids. And I don't ever want to,"

"I don't want to either,"

I lay my head on her shoulder and she wraps her arm around me.

"How long do you think before one of the cries?"I ask.

"One minute,"She says.

"If I'm right, we call Lisa to have the kids sleep at her house tonight and I can do whatever I want with you tonight,"

"You don't have to place a bet for that. Just ask,"I say.

"I say fifteen seconds, if I'm right... we have a date night, at a nice restaurant,"I say.

I start counting in my head and once it gets to a minute I hear Gia.


"Damn it,"I groan.

"You're mine tonight,"She says seductively, getting off of the couch and walk to the twins room.

I collect myself and walk into the room about a minute after Lauren.


"Electra Violet Cimorelli. What have I said about hitting your sister,"Lauren says when I walk in.

Damn she pulled the full name out.

"But she took my toy!"She raises her voice.

"Do not raise your voice at me. Give the toy back and you're grounded for a week,"

"Momma help me,"She says pouring and look at me.


"Do not even think about it. She hit her sister because of a toy. I'm not to rough on her. Her actions have consequences whether she likes it or not. Now if you want to say something think about later. How will it reflect?"She asks glaring at me.

"No. I'm fine. Continue on," I say raising my hands in surrender.

"Mommy! It's not fair!"

"Stop yelling at me. Do you want it to be two weeks?"


"Exactly. Now apologize and give it back,"

"I'm sorry Gia,"

"It's okay Electra,"

Lauren sighs and walks back to the living room.

I walk into Cade and Blake's room and see them both asleep in their cribs.

I walk back to living room and sit next to Lauren.

"Do you want me to call Lisa now?"I ask and she nods.

"Alright. Calm down. You're face is red,"I say grabbing her hand.

"If I could smack the girl I would,"She says.

"You know we don't that. And we will never do that,"

"Tons of parents spank their child. It's discipline,"

"Lauren with what my dad did to me we are never doing that! You know that!"I yell standing up.

"I'm not your dad. I won't hurt them,"

"Yeah well you've lost control a couple times. I'm not risking it. We ground them. We don't touch them,"

"Yeah. Sure,"She says looking away.


"Have you done it?"


"Have you hit them before!?"


"I can't believe you,"

"It was one time,"

"You know my dad spanked me when I was around seven. He said it was a one time thing and it was discipline. That was not a one time thing. Don't ever hit them,"

"I'm their mom if I think spanking them-"

"No! Lauren we don't do that! With what you've done to me before I don't want you to lay a hand on them! How could you have hit one of them before and not tell me!? Why didn't she tell me!?"

"I told her not to. Because I knew you'd react like this. Calm down,"

"Calm down!? I'm not gonna calm down! Was it Electra!?"

"Yeah. She yelled at me,"

"That's why? Cause she yelled at you? So you just what hit her?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It's just I couldn't stop myself,"

"Lisa's going to pick up the kids. We are going to talk about this and you are never going to touch her,"

"You're over reacting-"

"I'm over reacting!? My dad used to beat me! He left bruises and scars on me! I went to the hospital multiple times because of him! You can see why I don't want to hit our children!"

It's been a week since the argument. Lauren has been more cautious around me for some reason.

"Lauren come on talk to me,"

"You want to talk or yell?"

"I'm sorry for yelling,"

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit her and then keep it from you. I know how you feel about it and I disregarded your feelings. I'm sorry. And I understand if you want to keep Electra away from me-"

"Lauren that hasn't even came to my mind. I wouldn't do that,"

"I really am sorry that I touched her. I just- I hate myself for letting it happen, for letting myself do it. I hate myself-"

"Don't say that. I forgive you, you just have to forgive yourself and that might take time but, I'm here for you and I always will be, till the day I die. I promise,"

"Thank you. For never giving up on me,"

"I should thank you. I was so broken and you helped fix me Lauren. I could never give up on you.Not after you saved me,"

"I love you so much,"

"I love you more,"I notice the silence in the house.

"How long?"I ask.

"Forty seconds, same thing as last time,"

"Twenty five seconds, I can do what I want to you,"

It get to thirty seven seconds and so it was closer to Lauren's.


"Okay but seriously we should get check on them,"

"You do it. I'm calling Lisa. I want them to leave as soon as possible!"Lauren says getting her phone out of her pocket.

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