《Brunette》Part 19


We get out of the car and Lauren grabs my hand.

I interwines our fingers and Dani and Y/s/N follow us into the mall.

"Alright where to first?"I ask.

"I want food"Lauren says.

"Didn't you eat not to long ago?"I ask.

"Yeah but I'm hungry again"She says.

I groan.

"Okay But first we're going shopping to see if I can even buy food after"I say.

"Alright.Just So you know Lauren is expensive!She will say she needs one thing and she'll walk out with ten different outfits"Dani says.

I look at Lauren and she smiles.

"I won't make you spend that much on me I promise"She says.

"You sure"

She nods and pecks my lips.

She pulls me to a random store and she looks for flannels.

I sit down on the bench they have outside of the waiting room because Dani said I go inside with her sister she's going to call Christina.

Lauren comes out in her first outfit which consists of black ripped jeans a plain white shirt a red and black flannel with her shirt tucked in and a belt.

I look her up and down.

"Your buying that"I say.

"Okay"She says and walks back into the dressing room.

I'm broke now.Lauren is very expensive.

I told her one outfit per store.

You know what she did?

She went into every store she could find.

"Babe I'm sorry."She says sitting on my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"It's fine Laur"I say smiling at her.

My phone vibrates.

Lauren grabs my phone and rolls her eyes as she looks at the caller I.D.

I grab my phone and answer the call without checking who was calling.

"Hey Y/N!Um I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to this party.You Can bring Lauren but I don't think she'd enjoy it."Lauren J. says.


"Uh Yeah sure when?"I ask.

"Uhm on Saturday"She responds.

"Also Why'd you call me from Camila's phone?"I ask.

"Oh!Yeah!I broke my phone.The screen shattered so now I can't use it"She says and chuckles.

"Way to go.Anyways yeah I'll be there Bye Lauren"I say.

"Bye Y/N"

Lauren grabs my phone and tosses it aside.

I look at my phone that's now on the floor.

She smirks and pushes me onto my back.

"Lauren"I say.

She hums in response and I look up at her.

"Not now."I say.

She looks at me.

"Laur"I groan.

She straddles me.

"Come on Lauren I'm not the mood for this"I groan and after she doesn't get off of me for about another 5 minutes I push her off of me.

"I'm going home Lauren.Bye love you"I say start walking to Dani's room to get Y/s/N.

"Hey Y/s/N do you want to stay here and you can text me when you want me to pick you up or do you wanna go home now cause ima head out now"I say.

"I'll stay"She says.

I start talking to Dani and we fall into a conversation for a while before I decide to leave.

I reach into my pocket and groan.

I walk back to Lauren's room.

I look around for my phone and see it in Lauren's hand.

I groan.

"Lauren I need my phone"I say and put my hand out.

She shakes her head.

"Come on Lauren"

She scrolls through something.

"What are you even doing?"I ask.

She ignores me.

I grab my phone out of her hands.

I look at my screen.

She was reading my texts!?

"You were going through my texts!?"I exclaim.

"Yeah I mean I should be able to if you trust me enough"She says look at me.


"Lauren!I have texted other people things no one knows!What made you think I would've been okay with this!?You shouldn't have gone through my phone!"I yell.

She flinches at my tone.

"Did you read my texts with Sabrina?"I ask.

She nods.

I grab my coat and storm out the door.

I've told Sabrina things no one knows.

"I don't get why you're making such a big deal out of this.We're supposed to trust each other"She says chasing me downstairs.

"I can't trust anyone.People have cheated on me!You can't even trust me!You went through my phone!You couldn't trust me that much!I do trust you!I just haven't told anyone about certain things Lauren!"I yell at her.

Christina walks into the room.

"Is there something wrong?"She asks.

"Yeah your sister went through my phone and read my texts with people"I say.


"I thought she was hiding something!But clearly she is!Otherwise she would've been fine with me looking through her stuff"She raises her voice.

"Whatever Lauren I have to go get Y/s/N.Find a different ride to school"I say and walks past her.

"I'm sorry but Y/s/N we have to go home.Dan you and Lauren need a different ride tomorrow there's no way I'm driving her tomorrow"I say.

"Okay that's fine I'll text Emmyn"She says.

My sister gets up and grabs her stuff.

"Mom and dad should be home now.I'm gonna go over to Ally's place when I drop you off okay"I say.

She nods.

"Bye Christina"I say and me and Y/s/N walk to my car.

After I drop her off I go to Ally's place and I get out my car.

I lock the doors and I knock.

The door opens and Ally's stands in front of me.

"What's wrong?"She asks.

"Why do you think something wrong?"I ask.

"Cause you look like you're gonna murder someone"She says and grabs my hand pulling me inside.

"Lauren read my texts she went through my phone.She said if I trust her I shouldn't care.Ally you already know how hard it is for me to trust people"I say.

"Yeah you really don't open up easily you haven't talked to anyone new since her."She says.

"I know cause I thought that I wouldn't find someone different from her I thought they were all like her.Turns out I was right"I mumble looking down.

We walk up to her room and she shuts her door.

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