《Brunette》Part 4


"Hey mom I was wondering if you could catch Lauren up with what we've been doing in class lately"I say.

"Shouldn't you be able to do that?"She asks.

"I don't pay attention."I say.

"Well than how do you have an A+ in all of your classes?"

"That's what I asked her"Lauren says.

"Because I'm just really smart"I say.

They both look at me.

"Girl you are more stupid than your sister is!"My mom exclaims.

"That's because she has a tutor and I teach her stuff to"I say backing myself up.

"Shush honey just admit you aren't as smart as you claim to be"Lauren smirks.

"Come on!"Lauren day attempting to drag me to the doors of the school.

"No Laur I have to wait for my sister"I say.

"So your sister is more important than me?"She asks smirking.

"I mean yeah she's my sister"I say.

"So Dani is mine but your still way more important than her"She say stepping closer to me.

I take a step back so my back is against the lockers and Lauren smirks.

"Okay But That's you"I say.

"And that's your opinion too"She says as she continues to walk closer to me.

She grabs my wrists and connects our lips.

I kiss back and she smirks as I gave in right away.

"Okay I'm here!"I hear my sister yell down the hallway.

Lauren still doesn't pull back.

"Hey Lauren"My sister says then Lauren pulls back.

"Hey sis"I say.

"Hey Y/N"She says.

We walk to my car and wow Y/S/N is so nice.

"Lauren sit in the back"She says.

"Fine"Lauren gives up.

"Hey, no you little shit sit in the back"I say.

Lauren smacks my arm again and I groan.

My sister sits in the back and pouts.

"Stop your not five"I say.

"I am mentally!"She exclaims

"So that means Dani must be 2 mentally"Lauren says.

"It all adds up"I say.

"Yeah but your like 70 mentally."My sisters responds to Lauren.

I bursts out laughing.

"Shut up Y/N your like 4"

"So Y/N we can't do this it's an illegal relationship."Lauren says.


"Shut up"I mumble and start driving to Lauren's house.

Yes I know where she lives me and Dani always go there to annoy Amy and Lauren.

Now Dani is going to be annoyed.

You know what she has Y/S/N though and they're interested in about the same things.

They both sing Y/S/N and I post covers on YouTube and sometimes I upload original songs.It rarely happens but you know when inspiration strikes I write.

They both are idiots and act like 2 or 5 year olds.

There are things that my sister comes to me for instead of my mom.

She's openly gay she came out not so long after me.

She didn't care what people thought and she did get bullied which is I can't leave her or abandon her.

I take her everywhere because she does have a rough past.

I'm the only one she really trusts.

I pull up to the younger Cimorelli household.

I stop the car and grab my keys before getting out.

Lauren gets out and so does Y/S/N.

"School is already going to be a pain I can tell"She says.

"I already told you it only gets worse"I sigh dramatically.

She unlocks the door and we walk in.

"Hey it's my favorite Y/L/N!"Dani exclaims.

She hugs my sister.

"Nice to see you too Dan"I say.

"Oh and the other one"She says.

"Dang that's harsh"I say.

"I was kidding!"She exclaims.

"And you said she acted like a 2 year old"Lauren mumbles.

"She does"I say.

"Your proving me wrong"She says.

"Dan Y/s/N go upstairs to Dani's room go make music or something I honestly don't care what you do"Lauren says.

The two younger girls run upstairs mumbling things.

"What do you want to do?"I ask.

"I have a few things in mind"She smirks.

"But they wouldn't be right in the eyes of god"She says walking to the kitchen.

I groan and follow her.

"I'm hungry"I groan.

"Then eat I think any reasonable person would eat if they are hungry just saying"She says.

"Well I would but I don't feel like cooking"I say pouting.


"Go Get sonic you know our orders"She says.

"Wow I feel like I'm being used to get food for you and your sisters"I say.

"Well you thought correctly"She smirks.

"Fine I'll go hang out with Chase"I say.

Chase is the head of captain of the football team.He is hot to most girls.

To me oh no honey he is not hot.He is an average boy who just likes being popular. I mean have you heard of a jock that doesn't want to be a jock just because of the popularity and free hookups to girls who are obviously blind.

Let's just say him and Lauren don't...like each other.Yeah she doesn't like him because well he hooks up with people and that's the only thing you have to do to have a Cimorelli hate you.

"No!I'll go with you"She says.

"I was just kidding I don't like chase he a jerk"I say making sure not to cuss in front of Lauren mainly because I don't want her to punch me again cause that actually hurts.

"We'll be back guys!Dont do anything stupid!And Danielle I swear to god if anything happens to my little sister"I yell walking to the door.

"How come you've never told me why your so protective of her?"Lauren asks.

"Because I Just was never able to tell anyone what happened and yeah you were the first person to ever know about what happened because I trust you a lot.I know you won't tell anyone anything"I say.

"Are you ever gonna tell the other girls"She asks.

"No it's not my place I ran it by Y/s/N to tell you and I think to tell your sisters she should tell them"I say.

"That makes sense"She say softly .

"No let's go I'm hungry!"She yells running to my car.

"I want to drive"She says grabbing my keys as I reach the door.

"Okay But don't crash my car"I say.

"Don't worry I won't"She says starting the car.

Once we get to sonic of course we had to wait for a while there six of them and then me and my sister.

She straddles my lap and my fingers go to her hair.

"Babe the food is gonna be here soon"I moan.

"Okay Fine"She pulls away.

She sits down and grabs her phone going onto her camera and looking at her makeup and lipstick which I'm pretty sure is smugged on my face and neck.

"Babe do you have like makeup wipes or anything"I ask.

"Yeah I'm prepared"She says and grabs a makeup wipe from her bag and hands it to me.

I clean my face and neck up.

"Sorry for the Wait"The waitress order person says handing us our bags.

I put them in the back because there is no way I'm letting Lauren drive all the way back and have food on my lap.

We walk into the house once we get there and as we knew it all the Cimorelli sisters are here.

We all say hi and stuff then I grab my food along with Y/s/N's food and hand it to her.

"So has anything happened recently"I ask.

"No im pretty sure that Kayden got the message whoever he sees me in the hallway a quick look of fear take him over then he walks away"She smiles.

"That is why you tell me stuff"I say eating.

Lauren comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

I smile and lean into her.

"If y'all want to hide this things you gonna have to try harder"Christina says walking into the room.

"What?"I question

"That you guys have finally gotten together."She says.

"Wait How did you-"She cuts me off.

"You guys are the most affectionate people I know so when you two fell for each other me and the other girls decided to not say anything because well we wanted you to tell us.Now that you two are together though there are rules"She states.


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