《Brunette》Part 1


I groan turning off my alarm.

I text my friend Lauren who I've seen only once in real life for like five seconds because Dani dragged me to her room to work on a assignment my mom gave us.


Good morning Y/N

We're both gonna have a good day

I make a confused face

I have a surprise

You'll love this one.

Okay Bye Y/N

I get up and throw on an outfit for the day.

I brush my teeth and leave my hair down not deciding to do it because I have no one to impress.

"Ma I'm taking my car!"I yell.

"Okay I'll see you at school!"

If your wondering a lot of my family graduated with a teaching degree and they all so happen to work at my school.

"Wait!Let me see your outfit!"

I walk to her room to see her putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"No go change"She says point to my room.

"Ma I like this outfit and I have no time"I say and run downstairs grabbing my keys and getting in my car.

I go to Dani's place to pick her up.

I see Lauren at the door arguing with Dani.

I look at Lauren's outfit and notice how cute she looks without even trying to look cute.

Nothing new.

Lauren comes out after Dani and gets in.

"What's going on?"I ask.

"This was my surprise I'm going to school with you guys"She says.

"Now I have to deal with two Cimorelli's"I say.

She smack my arm.

"Shut up I am way better than this rat"She points at Dani.

"I'm not a rat I'm beautiful"Dani says.

"For a rat"

I laugh and start driving to Shawn's.

He gets in and sits in the back with Dani due to Lauren being in the front.


"Hey Shawn"I say.

"Hey Y/N"He says.

I drive to school and get out walking into the office with Lauren.

"So Y/N it seems you two have met you will be giving Lauren a tour of the school showing her where her locker is how to try out for sports if she wants to and basically telling her the rules of the school"The principal says.

"Okay"I say.

"Lauren do you have your schedule?"I ask her.

She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a paper.

"Yep"She says as we walk out of the office.

"Okay so can I see what your locker number is?"I ask.

She nods and hands me her paper.

"So which one of us is your favorite sister"She asks.

"Dani Lisa Amy Kath and Chris"I smirk.

"Wow you choose the rat the 12 year old boy the country girl the nerd and the mom over me!?"She asks pretending to be offended.

"I'm just kidding it's you"I say.

"I know I'm beautiful."She says and runs her fingers through her hair.

I roll my eyes.

"You wish"I say.

"So your saying the rat is beautiful but not me!?"


I stop at her locker and since she's looking down she bumps into me.

She trips and I catch her.

"Wow your already falling for but don't worry cause I'm here to catch you"I say.

She rolls her eyes playfully.

I open her locker for her because she tried multiple times but she couldn't do that's fun.

"How did you open that!?You know what your opening my locker everyday"She says surprised.

"I opened it cause I've been here for a couple of years so I've learned"I say.

"Okay But I've never been here unless like there was a sport event"She says.

"Do you understand sports?"I ask.


"Not really But I have everyday planned so I just sometimes have a hour or so left so I come."She says.

"Do you come to the lacrosse game?"I ask.

"Some of them.Dani always drags me out of the house yelling 'Come on I want to see if Y/N gets hurt so I can bully her!'"

"Does she really?"

"Sometimes"She laughs.

"Wow I feel disrespected"I say.

"Well don't expect anything from a rat"Lauren says.

I see my friend Haley in the hallway.

She always skips first hour because she doesn't like art class.

"Hey Haley"I say.

"Hey Y/N/N"She says.

We do our handshake and she looks at Lauren.

"Is this Lauren Cimorelli?The one you never shut up about?"She asks.

"I don't always talk about her"I say.

I look over at Laur and she smirks.

I roll my eyes.

"Your being over dramatic"I say.

"So your telling me your not 24/7 like 'Ash Lauren texted me what do I say?Lauren sent me this.Lauren that, Lauren this, Lauren said, Lauren did'"She asks.

"Yes I'm sure"I say.

"Liar!"She exclaims.

"Haley Jones"They say over the intercom.

I laugh.

She groan and walks to the office.

"Anyways first hour you have the same class as me."I say looking at her schedule.

"Actually we have all of our classes together.Oh and half of our classes have Dani in them.So that's going to be fun"I say.

"Yeah watch Dani say something dumb"She says.

"She does that 24/7"I say.

"So since I know all the teachers and when they have free periods or not I can introduce some of them to you"I say.

"Yeah Okay"She says.

"None of them have one yet so we can just sit and talk"I say pulling her to the back of the school.

We sit against the wall and talk for a while.

"So how do you think school is going to be?"I ask.

"I'll probably get bullied"She says.

"Why would you think that?"I ask.

She pulls her hands out of her pockets.

"Their cute okay."I say and interlace our fingers.

"Your lying"She says.

"I am being 100 percent honest right now and it's cute how insecure you are but if anyone were to bully you, you have to tell me okay?"I say.

"Okay"She says.

My eyes flicker down to her lips and her flicker down to mine.

I know what your thinking 'you just met you can't kiss' no we met a few years ago but we've always texted each other.

We both starts to lean in and as soon as her lips brush against mine we connect our lips.

We pull away due to the lack of air and I hear the bell ring and that means one teacher has a free period right now... my mom.

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