《"I won't leave you"》Chapter 5


" I'm sorry"

Yoongi POV

I closed the door.

Yoongi: " What is wrong? Who are you?"

Man1: " Is Y/n your girlfriend?"

Yoongi: " I mean.. Yeah why how do u know?"

Man1:" Listen our boss has kidnapped her and is keeping her in a basement. We were supporting him but he stopped being our boss since he took your girl. He wasn't like that he was a kind person. You need to help this girl. She is not okay!"

I frozed I didn't know what to do. What the hell are they saying what do I do now?! I have to save her!

Yoongi: " Where is she" they looked at me.

Man2: " We will get you there but we can't go alone. Come on"

We went outside. Then we reached at a house with some police officers.

We went in there but no one was there.

The 2 men lead us to a basement. There I saw... Y/n on the floor and a man next to her trying to wake her up. She was in such a bad condition.

Police officer: " Eun Woo you are under arrest for kidnap hands up" he looked behind at us and got up with his hands in the air. They got him out and I was still there and looked at y/n and saw her opening her eyes. I runned at her and picked her up at a hug. She was so pale and weak.

Y/n:" Yoongi...."

Yoongi: " I am sorry" I felt tears at my cheeks and she was tearing up

Yoongi: " I am sorry for not being there for you or listening to you I am sorry. It is all my fault. I am sorry y/n I love you and I am never gonna leave you! Don't think of that again!!!" She passed out in my arms. I cried harder and picked her up bridal style. I brought her to the hospital. I was waiting for the doctor. Suddenly he came out.


Doctor: " Sir she is fine she will recover soon"

I felt so relieved thank god!

Doctor: " These days she hasn't been eating and sleeping well she is really weak and she can't walk."

Yoongi: " Okay.. thank you.. Can I see her?!" I was so worried and i wanted to see her so much!

Doctor: " Yes you can but I don't know when she will wake up-" I runned to her room without another word. I saw her laying on the bed sleeping .. she looked so pale and I felt so stupid. This is all my fault!

I sat next to her bed holding her hand.. I saw her opening her eyes I was so happy!

Yoongi: " Y/N!"

Y/n: " Yoongi.. you are here.." she whispered since she couldn't really talk.

Yoongi : " Yes Y/n I am here and I am never leaving again I promise!"

Y/n: " Yoongi.. I-I never cheated on you.. You are the best thing in my life and I would never hurt you! Thanks.. thanks that you saved my life!.." She said and a tear fell from her eye..

Yoongi: " Y/n I am sorry it was all my fault I should- I should have-"

Y/n: " No yoongi.. None of this is your fault! And I am just happy you are here" I heard her saying that and I felt so stupid! She is the best thing in my life .. I love her so much how could I believe she would hurt me?


So thanks guys for reading BUT this fanfiction in not over yet! There is still more! I have inspiration for my first fanfiction!😂 guys I am also trying to not make them small but I want you to have some curiosity! And who knows... maybe EunWoo will come back..😌😌😌😂 Idk yet it is too early to know. Anyways thank you so much for reading and I am really putting a lot of effort in this since it is my first fanfiction! I Love U all bye!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ( I'll post soon)

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