《Reason for Being (Ikigai)》(Chapter 4 & 5)Droplets turning to Puddle


(Back at the Hotel)

Xin's POV


"Hi-no-ka chaaaaannnn!!!" I cried while hugging her. " はい。。はい。。(yes. Yes.) here, some tissue. Geez. Dont cry so much the conference is tomorrow! " she said and handed me the tissue box.


" b-b-but.. What i did is so embarrassing!! And who knows?! they now think all their fans are like me!! How can i support them now-"


" おおい!(hey!)" I shouted to her then she said

" consider yourself lucky ばか(idiot)!! A lot of fans out there can't even met them!., And here you are! Got the chance to have a picture of them, signatures of them, confessed to them AT THE SAME FUDGING TIME. HOW LUCKY IS THAT ばかあああ!! (idioott)!!!". She said baka (idiot) to me twice.... the hell...

" I GET IT OK?!. i get it.. But.. Why am i still not satisfied? I practiced what i said for the past 4 years.... But why am i still not happy of what i told them.. "

You call that practice... You sounded like a broken radio there.. Hinako said in her mind..

"Hey Xin-san.." then she holds my hands "I know its not easy.. But c'mon, you did great and lets not ruin that face of yours. We have a big day tomorrow. Lets sleep now." and she hugged me.

"はい。わかります。ありがとう(ok. I understand. Thanks)". Then suddenly,


A loud thunder appeared. We looked at the window and the rain came pouring down.

Ah.. Would you look at that. Even the rain is reconciling with my feelings. Thanks a bunch rain..


(The next morning)

We headed to the train station. Its already 8 am and it's still raining. Its not that strong though, but its really upsetting for such a wonderful day.

"xin-chan, here's our stop." hinako tapped me to get my attention. "ah. Yes of course."

(at the event)

"Wow... There's a lot of people.... Look! There's even cameras everywhere! Is this gonna be broadcast nationwide?! They even have a souvenir shops! Cute! Im gonna get one for Jien." I said as i walked through the crowd.

"Xin-chan, lets just go after the event. You will get lost. You dont have a sense of location." Hinoka warned me and dragged us to our seats. "Hey. Who told you that?!"

I asked her. She slowed down and said

"... Tim.. Kun".

Eh?.. ARA~ ARAAAAa~~~~

As we saw our seats, I hurriedly sat down and pulled hina-chan down and asked her. I NEED SOME ANSWERSSSSS.

"I didn't know you know my boss!!. How did you even know him!. And i have a feeling you are interested in him~" i told her while continuously poking her cheeks.

"We are on the same project. And of course you need some guidance here in Japan. So he called our company and asked who will be the representative here in Tokyo. And because i am, i got to know him and he said it to me...through video chat.." hinoka said then blushed.

" ohohoho~ Mr. Timothy, so daring rawr.. " i said while doing the claw thing (u know that " rawr thing"... Ok.)

" Shh. The program is starting."

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!, WELCOME TO THE A. F. T. O CONFERENCE XXXX. Thank you for your participation! I hope you are comfortable in your seats because the program will start shortly."





We got out of the bus and went inside the gymnasium where the conference will be held. If you're asking why, its because all the players that will be representing Japan is needed so the animators will have a reference for their animation that they will make. I dont even know why we need to go, we can just stay at the court and they will just come to us. Isn't that easier? Right author?

(🌼 uh.. Eto..just stick to the story Ishikawa-san dont brake the 4th wall!)

Anyway, the thing also is that so we can know who will be working with and know more about the Olympics so like there will 2 events.

1.) For the Animators and the chosen team to be referenced.

2. The Representatives for the Olympics will have a discussion.

"This is gonna be a busy day." i whispered as i walked inside.

"Everyday is busy day yuki" Yanagida replied.

*Opens door






*click! *click!! *clickkk!!

"woaaaahhh... Hi!!. Hello!!" Nishida cheerfully greeted the people shouting their names.

They went to their assigned seats at the back of the women's national team.

🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼Time skip brought to by Yanagida's Advertisements 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

Announcer: Now that we are all clear for the rules and regulations, animators with your partners! please make a line at the middle of the gym so you can pick randomly the teams that will going to be your reference for the project that you will make. And again, you only have 13 days to complete this task. You will also have an access for the teams place where they will be having their practices, trainings, and games.がんばれ(goodluck).

They all lined up and with their partners, they went to the stage, pick a random paper, and said to the mic the team they picked.

Random animator 1 and 2: "we picked the soccer team. Please take care of us"

Soccer team:*stands up. "yes! Please take care of us. *seats down"

Random animator 3 and 4:" women's volleyball team. Please take care of us."

W. Volleyball team:*stands up. "yes! Please take of us". *seats down.

They continued what they are doing. Some of my team members slept. Some are playing on their phones. Some are... Spotting. Then what got my attention are the women we met last night. The taller one seems so nervous. She... Looked at our direction and we made an eye contact but she take it back so suddenly. I looked at Masahiro who is also looking at her. Deeply. But when he noticed me he looked away and fixed his eyes to his phone.

"We got.. The Men's National Volleyball team." she said while her friend moved forward with her and bowed and said " Please take care of us."

What. What a coincidence. Huh. This is interesting. She is interesting..

M. Volleyball team: *stands up"yes! Please take care of us" *sits down.

"Took you a second to stand up Masa-san.. What happened. You recognized them?.. Or her?" I told him while looking at him.

"N-nothing. I just remembered what happened that's all nothing serious. Its normal. And i dont think i have time for that." He said as he fixed his position and focused at the program once again.



Xin's POV

(this took the same time but in Xin's perspective)

"Wait! You didn't tell me we will be working with the representatives! You said its about culture and animate what we talked about so the whole world will knew the differences of races and such!!!" I told hina in a whisper-like voice.

"Suprise? . And of course there is a project for that but it is not assigned to us. *laughed." She said it straightforwardly. This girl....then suddenly.






*click! *click!! *clickkk!!

Thats why they are here and all those medias! I mean there's a lot of us but!!. They are still hereeee!! What should i do?! What if they will see me?!.

🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼Time skip brought to by Yanagida's Advertisements 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

Announcer: Now that we are all clear for the rules and regulations, animators with your partners! please make a line at the middle of the gym so you can pick randomly the teams that will going to be your reference for the project that you will make. And again, you only have 13 days to complete this task. You will also have an access for the teams place where they will be having their practices, trainings, and games.がんばれ(goodluck).

We went in line. Im so nervous. What if we picked their team?!. It will be cool if we just picked the women's team or any other team. But! Eurus! We always dreamed this what happened now! Ughhh. Its because about last night! Just chill and-

Random animator 3 and 4:" women's volleyball team. Please take care of us."

W. Volleyball team:*stands up. "yes! Please take of us". *seats down.


AH! thats ok, will just wait until someone got the Men's team and everything will be fine. Yea. Everything will be fine.

(after 2 mins)

Ok... The Men's team still didn't got picked. And we are next..

"Xin-chan, you pick." she said and hurriedly went behind.

"え?!! わたしも?!!(what?! Me?!)"

"Eherm please be fast." the holder of the bowl said.

"yes.. Sorry."

My heart is beating so damn fast and im sweating here!!. I looked at them and.. Damn it.... Us three made an eye contact.

I hurriedly take back my stare and opened the paper nervously and another dammn itt!!!!!.

"We got.. The Men's National Volleyball team." I said while hina-chan moved forward with me and bowed and said

" Please take care of us."

M. Volleyball team: *stands up"yes! Please take care of us" *sits down.


Masahiro's POV.

The event has already ended. The first even ended quite smoothly and the animators left earlier than us because we had a second event. We had our lunch there too.

We left the gym and its still raining.

Pouring gently as it hits the ground.

(🌼masahiro why u so poetic here.. HAHAHHAHAHAHA)

"Ah! I forgot my umbrella inside in the train earlier"

"Xin-chan, why are you so clumsy.. What should we do now? We gotta walk. We will get wet in the rain and catch cold."

Huh? Xin?.

I looked at the direction where the 2 talked. To my suprise, its the woman who confessed and her friend we saw last night. They are also the one who will animate us. I set aside what happened last night so i can offer them help.

" Uhm. Hi." i said but the other one is facing back. Only her friend saw me.

"Oh. YA-NA-GI-DA SAN.." then she eyed her friend that suddenly flinched in hearing my name. Maybe this is not the right timing. I should've just call the others to get them.

She finally turned around, looking at the floor and stand beside her friend. "こんにちは。(hello). " she said.

"Hello. Uhm. You are the ones that got our team to be the reference right?."

She nudged her friend quite hard but still looking at the floor. "Ouch- y-yes!"

"Ah i see. So, I heard you two talking and i think you have a hard time walking to the train station. I can ask the coach so you can ride with us and we can stop you there. Is that alright?". I asked them

"O-of course SHE WILL BE- ouch! I-i mean we will be delighted! Thank you so much captain!!". Her friend said i just nodded and went to our coach and told the situation and he said yes. I jogged back to them to say that its alright. Then I helped them get inside the bus with everyone else.

" Everyone. These two will be riding with us. Just to be clear, i offered them a ride because of the rain and forgot their umbrella somewhere. Also, they were the ones that will be working with is tomorrow." Yanagida told everyone to get their attention and just to sure they understand the situation well before making a ruckus.

"oooohhhhhh!!!! Capt. Finally got someone!"

"hey whats your name??"

"you can seat here!"

"Oi oi! Behave!" I warned them its those 3 again..

"Hello everyone my name is Hinako and tjis is Eurus Xin from the Philippines." Hinako introduced themselves to the team.

"hello everyone. You can just call me xin as we work together" Xin greeted then smiled.

"ooooohhh!!!!!" the national team screamed in happiness

"oi! I said behave! Why can't you-"

"Hhahahha, masa-san, please find them a seat so we can get going before the rain starts to get heavy" our coach said.

"ah yes, right away coach. Uhmm.. Hinoka-san u can seat next to takahashi at the second to the last seat together with nishida is that ok?" i asked hinoka if she's okay with my decision.

"はい!(yes) see latur my friend" she excitedly responded and tapped and wink her friend.

"w-wait! Hino-chaaan..." xin said in a soft voice as she's looking at her friend goes towards at the back.

"And xin. Uh. You can seat between me and ishikawa. Its just here, three seats away from the door so that might be ok with you?" i asked her. And Ishikawa gave me with a "what" look.

"n-no..i m-mean yes. Anywhere is fine." she said. Man, she is nervous... This is gonna be a long ride


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