《Far Away, In Another Place | Ruikasa》Part 11


I left the SEKAI too. I was devastated. As I layed on my bed, I started tearing up. Tsukasa left me. Now that I think about it, he had a good reason.

This is Amarias fault. I didn't do anything wrong. I love Tsukasa, I don't want to see him hurt. Amaria probably edited the photo to mess with Tsukasa. Tsukasa normally visits the SEKAI to do homework or to talk to everyone. So if I just wait there, I can talk to him when he comes. Or maybe I could try calling or texting him.

My Star ❤️


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Yea that did not work. I'll just wait in the SEKAI. I entered the SEKAI and sat on the bench once again. It should be sometime in the day for Tsukasa so.

Tsukasa hasn't visited the SEKAI the past few days. Or at least I haven't seen him in the SEKAI. Maybe he comes when I go eat. I've told KAITO that I've been waiting for Tsukasa. However, I have yet to see him.

After school, I took Saki to the mall so she could secretly buy her and her friends matching outfits. She was very excited to do shopping and got distracted a few times. I offered to pay for it but she said no.

Once we got home, Saki went to her room and I decided to go to the SEKAI to have KAITO help me with my homework. Usually, Rui would help me, but... Nevermind.

Once I got into the SEKAI, I hid as quick as possible behind a bush.

Rui?! Why is he here? There's no way!

I peaked out, and I swear he saw me when he turned his head.

Shoot. He didn't see me right?


I peaked out really quickly again and he was looking the other way. I sighed in relief. A few minutes later, he left the SEKAI. I waited another few minutes to make sure he wouldn't come back, then I found KAITO and asked him to help me do my homework.

By the time I finished my homework, it was dark outside the SEKAI. I thanked KAITO for his help, and was about to leave in plain sight when, again, I saw Rui sitting at the bench.

Before he could notice me, I left the SEKAI.

After I finished eating, I went back to the SEKAI to wait for Tsukasa. A while later, KAITO came out from the stage area looking confused. He walked over to me and asked, "Do you what's wrong with Tsukasa?"

"No. Wait, was he here?" I asked.

"Yea, he just left."

Dammit. I missed him.

"Oh, uhm anyways how's he acting weird?"

"When he turned the corner, he looked panicked and quickly left."


"Anyways Rui, are you waiting for him again?"

"Uhm. Y- No I'm waiting for my parents to come home from the store. I was bored in my room so I decided to wait here. My mom texts me when they get home, so I'll leave when they get back."

Coincidentally, my phone got a notification.

"Oh, there they are. See you later KAITO!" I left the SEKAI and crawled into my bed.

I missed Tsukasa because I left the SEKAI. I should sleep for a little then wait for him tomorrow.

I ended up building a robot to relieve stress. It took a while meaning I'd probably missed Tsukasa yet again. I messed up quite a few times because I hadn't slept for a few days now.


I used the bathroom, then I went to the SEKAI and started waiting again. The only times I left the SEKAI was when I needed to use the bathroom.

He didn't come at all that day, so I ended up staying the entire night. I went to the bathroom again, and when I re-entered the SEKAI I saw Tsukasa looking at me before he fully left.


I missed him again.

"Hey Rui, what are you doing?" Miku asked while she walked over.

"Uhm, nothing. What was Tsukasa doing here?"

"Tsukasa? He hasn't come at all today."

"What?" I asked, confused, "I just saw him leave though!"

"I would've known if he came here, but he hasn't at all. Is something the matter?"

"Thats- that's not possible I just saw him! There's no way he wasn't just here!"

"Rui are you okay?"

"I'm fine Miku, just please tell me why he was here!"

"He wasn't here Rui, I promise you!"

"Then who did I see?!"

"Rui are you seeing things? Have you been getting enough sleep? You do look unwell."

Sure, I feel light headed and if I lay down, I'd probably pass out, but Tsukasasmore important right now. "Miku, that's not important."

"How about this, you get some rest and something to eat, and when Tsukasa comes, you'll be the first person I tell. Okay?"



"Fine. Deal."

I left the SEKAI. Why would I be seeing things? Maybe hallucinations from no sleep. But this has never happened before.

I walked out from my room feeling even more lightheaded. I really should've eaten something earlier. I walk downstairs. While walking to the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel dizzy.

My vision started to blur and I ran into something, breaking what sounded like a glass cup. "Rui?! Are you alright?!" I heard my mom yell while she rushed downstairs. That's when everything went dark. "Rui?! . . . Ru-. . ."

I woke up in a room with bright lights. "Rui! You're okay!" My mom yelled.

"Huh, what happened?"

"You fainted or something but it's okay."

"That's good."

A few minutes later a doctor came in and asked me some questions. I had to stay at the hospital for at least a day to make sure I don't faint again. I ate the food there and actually slept. The one day passed pretty quickly.

The next morning, I was discharged from the hospital. Once I got home, I went to my room and sat on my bed.

"Ruiiii, is it clear to come out?"

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