"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youuu" Little Mia cheesed as her momma sang to her.
Mia's fingers inches away from the Cinderella cake that lit the candle number 5.
Closing her eyes she blew her candles happily.
"Yay" she giggled, clapping her hands together. Momma taking picture with her camera.
"You're so big now Mia bear, momma loves you so much" momma smiled, embracing her daughter in a big, warm hug.
Licking her icing coated fingers, little Mia watched as her momma brought out a big box wrapped in pink paper.
Little Mia's eyes lit up, and she imagined all the nice things her birthday gift could be.
"Here honey, I know papa couldn't make it. This is from him and me" She handed her the gift.
Right now she didn't care if her papa was here or not, all she wanted to do was open her present.
Wasting no time she ripped away at the wrapping, revealing a baby doll dressed in baby clothing and a wardrobe to go with it.
Little Mia gasped, her eyes growing bigger as she stared at her new toy. "It's so pwetty, thank you momma" she jumped. Legs swinging side to side.
"Anything to make you happy my little bear" momma poked at her nose teasingly.
"Okay let me open this for you" she said as she saw Mia struggle to open the toy box.
Momma opened the box and held the baby doll in her hands.
Reaching the arm, she pressed two of her fingers on the doll's wrist.
"Blood pressure is normal" she said making little Mia frown.
"What's that momma?" She asked curiosity evident in her tone.
"What about vital?"
"Vitals are at average rate" Squeezing my eyes I winced at the bright lights piercing through my eyelids.
I slowly fluttered my eyes open, an unfamiliar ceiling catching my sight.
"She's awake doctor" I heard and I raised my hand rubbing my eyes.
I stared at the two people infront of me, a man dressed in a white coat and a woman in green scrubs.
"W-Where am I?" I coughed, my throat dry and croaky.
"Nurse, please get her some water" the man said and the lady nodded exiting the room.
Taking in the setting, I frowned wondering why I was in a hospital.
"Welcome back Miss Valentino" the man said, standing beside me.
"Why am I here?" I asked.
"You're in the hospital, things happened and you were shot" he explained and that's when I remembered everything.
I was at the park taking pictures, next thing I heard shots and..
"Where's Amar?" I lifted myself up, looking around for him.
"Is that your family member?, they're all outs- No, where's the guy that was with me?" I cut him off.
"Oh..." The doctor looked a me, a remorseful look plastered on his face.
"Please don't tell me he's..." I began to feel my heart beat rise.
"I'm sorry, but he didn't make it"
No no no no no no
I furrowed my brows as I let out gasps of air.
My heart ached as I remembered the last images of him, blood pooling around his body as his eyes slowly gave out.
This is so fucked up, who would've done something like that.
"Fuck" a single tear slipped from my eye and soon more came pouring down.
"Did you find the shooters?" I looked to the doctor, vision blurry.
He adjusted his glasses before shaking his head, "I can't tell you anything, my job is to heal you. For that you'll have to file a report at the police station.
Lowering my head I let out a small cry, my hands shaking. To think I actually liked him.
He didn't deserve to be killed so brutally, he seemed so loving.
I wonder if his family knows, that's if he has a family.
Speaking of family.
"Can I see my dad?" I raised my head.
"Sure" the doctor walked out and seconds later he came back with my stepmother.
An annoyed frown quickly sat on my face. Last thing I want to see right now is her.
"Oh honey" she pouted bringing me into a hug, rolling my eyes I kept my hands on the bed not wanting to share a moment of affection with her.
"Just see how awful you look" she said pulling away and then hugging me again.
This bitch should've been the one on this hospital bed.
I shoved her and she cut her eyes and me, but quickly smiled when she remembered the doctor was still in the room.
"Where's my dad?"
"He couldn't make it, he had a huge meeting. But he's glad you're okay" she answered and I scoffed.
Great, he couldn't even put his job aside just to visit his hospitalized daughter.
"Bastard" I hissed.
"Watch you language young lady" her eyes glaring at me warningly, "Anyways, doctor so what's the news now?"
The doctor cleared his throat, flipping the paper of his clipboard. "Well there wasn't any infections or other types of fractures after we removed the bullet. All she needs, is to take it easy for a few weeks and take pain medication, other than that she'll be discharged by this afternoon" he told us.
Sighing I thought about the effect of this situation, this means I won't be having sex for weeks.
I don't think I'll be able to handle that.
"Thank you. Mia I'm sure you're hungry, I'll go get you some food"
"Sure" I mumbled.
"Can you stop" I hissed at my stepmother as she tried to assist me up the stairs.
"Don't be a brat, I'm just trying to help you" she said.
We arrived back at my house and this lady has been treating me like I'm crippled.
"I'm very capable of going up the stairs myself. Only thing you should worry about is your son" I said to her.
I'm starting to belive she doesn't care about him, I mean he's been in jail for the past 4 days.
"Oh shut up, he's my son so I'll do whatever I feel like doing" she retorted, her hands on her hips.
Is she talking to me?
Scoffing, I climbed back down the few stairs I got up and walked up to her, my eyes looking at with pure disgust.
"My father should have never got with an ugly bitch like you" I gritted through my teeth.
I felt her hand send a hot slap to my face, gasping I held the side on my cheek.
"Did you just hit me?"
"Yeah, and I'll do it again you slut" she spat.
I raised my brow, "Are you calling me a slut?"
Chuckling she looked at me with boredom. "Don't think I don't know about the fact that you had sex with my son. Oh Mia, if your father were to find out, it'll be over for you"
I felt myself get embarrassed, biting on my inner cheek I stared at the floor.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I mumbled.
"Oh really?" she laughed, "You can lie all you want, I have a tape. So the next time you have the nerve to disrespect me, remember I have something that can ruin your life"
I tried suppressing my tears as I thought about how she could actually ruin my life like she said.
If my dad were to ever find out, he'll disown me and never want to see me again.
I can't risk losing another parent.
How the fuck she did she even find out about us?
The fact that she even had the audacity to film us, she's a fucking weirdo.
"Whatever" I said and began going up the stairs.
The devilish smirk on her face made me want to kill her here and now. Seeing her have an upper hand pissed me off.
"Hey Mia boo" she called and I turned around, "Yes?"
"While you're at it, pack all your things. I want you out of here by tonight" she said and my eyes widened.
"You can't kick me out of my own home, you don't even belong here" I yelled at her.
This bitch is delusional.
"Aht, is that disrespect I hear?" She cupped her hand to her ear.
I bit down on my lip and shamefully shook my head. "Either way my father wouldn't agree to this"
"You'd be surprised honey, I have full control over your idiot of a father. I'll just tell him you chose to move out of the house because you feel you're an adult now. There's no ways he wouldn't believe me"
"You're insane" I muttered.
"Yeah whatever, like I said pack your things and get the fuck out" she waved me off and I groaned angrily.
"Fucking bitch" I hissed under my breath before going to my room and pulling out my suitcase from my wardrobe.
Okay, I know what you thinking. "How could just let someone kick you out of your own house"
Well truth is, I'm going to let her have this one. She can smile and laugh all she wants.
At the end of the day, I'm still my father's only daughter and nothing's going to change that.
I just need time to come up with a plan that would make him come back to his senses.
Even if that means I'll have to kill that woman with my bare hands.
She doesn't know me and what I'm capable of, right now though I need to think properly and not let my emotions get in the way.
Either than that, now I need to find a place to stay.
I obviously don't have enough money to stay in a hotel or even a motel.
Maybe I can find someone who can help me.
Opening my phone and going to my contacts, I scrolled through names until I stopped at one.
Clicking on her number, I pressed my phone to my ear, as the dial tone rang.
"Hi Makayla, how are you?" I said as soon as the phone connected.
"I'm wonderful, and you?" She spoke, sounding as happy as ever.
I sighed, faking a sniff. "I'm not good at all, I need somewhere to stay for a while"
"Oh my goodness, what happened?" She asked worryingly.
"It's a long story, but I've just come back from the hospital because I was shot and my stepmother literally kicked me out of the house for no reason" I sobbed as I played with my hair.
I need a new hairstyle...maybe a little trim.
"What!?, are you okay? How did this happen?" She ranted, asking all types of questions.
Rolling my eyes I sighed, "Yes I'm okay, but like I said it's a long story, I have nowhere to go so I was wondering if I could stay at your place for a while?" I asked, crossing my fingers.
She better say yes.
The line went quiet before she spoke again, "Um sure, I don't think my brother would mind at all" she said and I grinned.
Her brother.
Oh how I wish to see his face again.
"Thank you so much. I'll be there in an hour" I said before hanging up, not worried about what she had to say.
I then began packing all over my stuff into my big suicase, making sure to leave non of my belongings behind.
I went into my bath and looked at myself in the mirror, lifting up my shirt I saw the bandage wrapped around my stomach.
Funny, who would have thought one day I would get shot.
Grabbing all of my other stuff, I finished everything within an hour, like I had anticipated.
I lifted up my suitcase and backpack, marching down the stairs. My stepmother was nowhere to be found, thankfully.
Leaving my house I called myself an Uber, which arrived shortly.
Soon I was at Makayla's house, standing on her porch as I took a deep breath.
Prayers that her brother opens the door.
I knocked twice on the door and to my dismay, a chripy Makayla was revealed.
Quickly switching my face, I dropped my stuff and I brought her into a hug.
"I don't know what I did wrong" I cried, forcing tears to slip out.
"Oh best friend, I'm so sorry. I promise everything will be okay"
"Thank you" I sniffed into her shoulder. "Are you sure I'm no going to be a burden?"
"Not at all" She rubbed my back, "Plus it would be nice to not be the only girl in the house, for a change" She said and I chuckled.
"I guess" I pulled apart from the hug, and we got in the house.
My eyes scanned the house, looking for Matt. "Is your brother here?"
"Yeah, in his room as always. Are you hungry?"
"Extremely" I nodded.
"Cool. I'm going to buy pizza, I'll be back okay" I nodded as she grabbed her keys off the counter and walked out the house.
Taking a seat on the couch, I watched as a movie played on the TV.
As I leaned back I felt a pain in my stomach, I lifted my shirt and my bandage was full of blood.
Shit, probably because I've been moving around so much.
I grabbed a small bag from my backpack that the doctor gave to me for when I needed to clean my wound.
Going to the bathroom upstairs, I closed the door and opened the bag.
I held my shirt in my mouth as I tried to unwrap the bandage.
Struggling a bit, I let a frustrated groan. "Come onnnn" I mumbled to myself.
Just as I almost got it, the door swung open and I jumped a bit in frighten.
"Sorry about that" I stared in awe at the brown haired boy.
"It's o-okay" I stumbled on my words, my eyes not leaving his.
"I heard you from my room, let me help you" Matt said stretching his hands out and I quickly nodded.
He stood close to me, and I took in his scent. Fuck he smells so good.
Yes, Daddy.
Obeying I sat on the edge of the bathtub. He grabbed the medical things and sat it next to me.
"Arms up" listening, I raised my arms in the air and he swiftly slipped my shirt off over my head.
I could feel myself get wet just by the thought of him ripping away the rest of my clothing.
I felt his cold fingertips brush against my skin as he removed the bandage. Tossing it in the trash can by the corner.
"Did it hurt?" He looked at my wound.
"Yeah" I answered. "I've never felt such pain before"
He grabbed cotton, dipping some ointment on in before cleaning around my wound.
"Just do you know, a gun shot wound isn't even close the most painful thing" he said, attentively attending to my wound.
Oh really?
"Then what is?" I looked up at him. "Try a nail being drilled into your skull" he said bluntly.
"That's disgusting" I cringed, scrunched my nose. "Is that what happened to you?"
"Yep" he peeled open the fresh packet of bandages. "Almost penetrated my brain, I could have died"
I started to feel sorry for him, that must have been a traumatic experience for him.
And by the tone he spoke in, I could tell it still took a toll on him.
"Sorry about that" I said.
"Not your fault. Anyways I'm done" he patted my stomach before packing away all the stuff.
I stood up and grabbed my shirt from off the floor. "Thanks"
Catching me by surprise, he took my shirt out of my hand "I've got it" he told me.
He pulled himself closer to me before gently pulling down my shirt over my head and slipping my arms through the holes.
As he did this I could feel my cheeks grow red and my heart flutter.
What is this feeling?
"Now you're good to go" he smiled, making me blush.
Finding no words I watched as he turned around, walking towards the door.
He opened it before staring back at me, "By the way, you can stay here as long as you want" he said and then left.
Leaving me with an unfamiliar feeling.
As long as I want...
Stumbling a bit, my eyes twitched as I tried to regain my breathing.
Something is wrong with me, why is my heart feeling this way?
This has never happened before. EVER.
Jesus Christ Matt what are you doing to me.
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- In Serial153 Chapters
Late Night at Lund's
Book 1 - Late Night at Lund's is available for sale on Amazon. Book 2: The Lockwood Quest continues the story! A dental hygienist walks into a bar..... Dental hygienist Isa Chamberlin thought the biggest challenge in her life was getting over a messy breakup, but when she pops into a new neighborhood bar, she finds herself in a different world, one filled with wizards, spells, and monsters. Join Isa as she explores unfamiliar surroundings, uncovers new skills, and learns to level. Magic and monsters, allies and enemies, romance and danger, all of it just on the other side of a simple door. "Wear these bracers with pride.” the half-orc slid first one bracer and then the other over Isa’s forearms. “Fight with your heart,” he said as he pulled the laces tight. “And come back with a story to tell. That is what an adventurer does.” ....... **** Thank you for reading, and if you like the story, please rate and review. Isa and I would both like to level up! This story uses the 5th Edition Open Gaming License for game mechanics. I roll dice for combat outcomes and all skill checks.... which is sometimes surprising! One side note - I don't have a "sexual content" tag on - this is more romance than romp. But that might change!
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Atlas Code
With no face, no friends, no memory, and absolutely no idea what he's supposed to be doing, Atlas finds himself stranded on the island of Tartarus, where fantastical monsters and mysterious forces run rampant. Armed only with his wits and a pair of high tech bracers with no instruction manual, Atlas must discover the true nature of the island and its inhabitants, and why nobody ever leaves...
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The Immortal Supreme
On the huge and vast planet named Zhou that lies near the edge of the universe, there lay 4 continents surrounded by an ocean even bigger than all the continents combined. There is the Teolim continent in the East, the Cold North continent in the north, the Hu continent in the west, and the ever prosperous Heaven Reaching continent in the south. Every continent is wracked with conflict as cultivators roam about searching for their own good fortune to achieve Ascension and venture further in towards the center of the universe. However, good fortune does not end up in the hands of whoever wishes for it. It comes to the destined few, the Chosen of their generation such that they may surpass their predecessors and bring more prosperity to their family through their own strength. However, there are still mortals who live normal lives in the 4 continents. Every one of which have the choice to walk the path of cultivation or to continue with the peace that eternally sleeps with them in their mortal lands. This is the story of how a young boy who steps into the bloody world of cultivation willingly and realises that it was not what he hoped it was. Witness as he slowly changes his attitude towards cultivation and the meaning to be a cultivator. Watch as he slays those that determined it right to slay him. Await his rise to fame as he achieves his Ascension and ventures towards the centre of the Universe, where he will make his name known to all the Immortals and reign supreme over them! Author's note: This is my first novel and as you had expected from the title, it's a xianxia novel. It's going to take a couple years to finish so stay a while. I will need your continued support to stay strong and finish this as fast as I can for all of you. Each chapter will have 2000 words at least. Posting schedule: 1 regular chapter a week. There may be an extra one so watch out for that. There may be a few errors here and there so I would like your assistance in spotting them. Thanks for reading! P.S the cover isn't mine, you can find it here. I just edited it a bit. https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Sword_Specialist_(3.5e_Prestige_Class)
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Legend of Xeor
Part of The Chronicles of Allastar. Early after the creation of the world Beasts were the Rulers of the world with physical might and low intellect acting mostly on instinct and desire. Xeor is a "Young" lionman who travels around the world of Allastar following his destiny. Might contain grammar mistakes and bad jokes.
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Please don't leave me. ."Yandere Emperor X Fem reader"
"Yandere Emperor X Fem Reader"This story is about a girl named [Y/N], [Y/N] is secretly a Agent!When someone find out your secret, Its up to you too find out who uncovered it, And who behind your friends death's. Seem like you have a stalker on your hands, Or should I say a Inky murder."Please don't leave me....Because I Love you." -unknownFind out and this chapter of "Please don't leave me. ." Oh and art not owned by me! And don't forget to check out my "Don't fall in love! Emperor X Fem reader" its a good one and my first story! Bye!~ And enjoy!Made: October 3, 2020Completed: july 29,2021_____Emperor X Reader #1st place!💕Splatoon manga #1st place!💕Splatoon2 #1st place!💕Author note #1st place!💕
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Distance (mizo) #complete
"Tunah khan Ka Kookie hi a hmui a fawh ka chak lutuk tih i ngaihtuah", ~JungkookFlash back tamtak a awm a i in chhiar bo em lovang chu a✌😂
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