《Indelible Affairs》⚜️Chapter 20⚜️
I walked throw the parking lot of the fashion house heading to the van. I had to stay in an extra hour to finish work. There was so much to do and I didn't want to leave any leftovers for tomorrow. I hate it when work piles up. I'm adjusting well at my job and though I haven't made friends it's all good. Evans is good company.
My body is tired and so is my heart. I and William haven't talked in two days and I can't bring myself to look for him. He was way out offline with me and I deserve an apology. Lucy said that William over reacted and the things he was assuming aren't possible. She insisted that Callum is the last person to attempt the things that Will insinuated. He isn't the type.
Some of William's words were beginning to get into my head and I was paranoid but Lucy helped clear my doubts. She has been so supportive and I wish we had gotten along sooner. She is really awesome once you get to know her better. Lucy is still a big lazy ass and I don't think that's ever going to change. I'm planning to have a simple talk with her because I'm tired of cleaning after the both of us each time.
I reached the van and looked through my purse for the key. I know I kept it somewhere in here.
I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned around in shock and almost dropped my purse. That touch was very familiar. I can recognize who it belongs to even in my sleep.
"Did you miss me?" James was right there in front of me.
"I can tell you weren't expecting to see me." He said slowly and I just stared at him. I was in some sort of frenzy and my heart pounded so hard I thought it might burst, but that shock wore out as soon as I took in his appearance.
"What happened to you?" Out of instinct I touched his face and placed my hands above his cheeks to examine the injury. He had a cut on the side of his head and it looked deep. "Where did you get this?"
He placed his hands above mine and I felt the familiar tingling of my skin and I tried not to shiver.
I noticed his bloody knuckles and I grimaced. How did he end up with that? My eyes quickly roamed his body for any other injuries but there was none.
"I'm happy you still give a damn about me." He voiced and my eyes connected with his green ones. I felt the way he caressed my hands that were still above his cheeks with his cold fingers and I quickly withdrew them when blood rushed to my ears. He frowned when I did that and instead bent down and placed his head on my shoulder.
"I thought you'll chase me away now that you are dating Callum." He sounded bitter and sad and tired.
How did he find out about that?
Did Callum tell him about us? We've only been dating for a couple of days. Not that I mind he said anything.
"I need to leave." I tried to push him away but he didn't budge. Instead he wrapped his long arms around my waist loosely trapping me.
"Please don't go." He pleaded with a exhausted voice.
I couldn't ignore the smell of alcohol and I immediately realized that James is drunk. I think.
"James you are drunk." I said. "You shouldn't be here. You have a girlfriend remember and that's where you belong."
He tightened his hold around my waist and sighed. "I forgot I had one. She doesn't realise I exist." His hot breathe fanned the skin on my neck and I bit my lip.
"I'm right where I belong Lisa."
No more of this.
"How did you get here? I hope you didn't drive in that condition." I questioned. Knowing James, he is capable of drink driving in New York without a care.
"Don't change the subject. Why date Callum? Out of all people." He ruffled my hair playfully and I think he was smelling my strands. "I like your new shampoo."
"James stop it." I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him harder this time, he only moved an inch. His hands remained on my waist as he faced me.
"I want you." He affirmed and tried to reach for my lips but I turned away. "I'm serious Lisa, I miss you." His eyes were a bit red and he's movement slippery. It was the alcohol.
"You don't get to say that to me anymore. We're over and done James. I'm tired of being your sex whore." I said seriously.
He stared at me in confusion.
"What do you mean sex whore? Don't you ever refer to yourself like that." His fingers dug my waist and I could feel his warm breathe on my ear.
"Isn't that what you've been treating me as? Well I'm done James. No more." I turned to face him and was met with his green eyes burning into mine. My hands held his shirt tightly as he pressed his lower half on mine.
"You are only saying that because you're angry at me for not trusting you and pressing pause on what we had. It's the same reason you are dating Callum now. To spite me." He said confidently.
He didn't care to listen to me and jumped into conclusion that I was sleeping around with men, so yes I'm mad at him. Even though he eventually reconsidered and helped me get out of that place, he hurt me and it's not fair.
"That's where you're wrong James. I've been moving on and regaining myself. And I'm dating Callum because I have feelings for him and not because I'm trying to spite you."
He laughed lightly almost playfully and I miss hearing that.
"Stop lying to yourself. It's going to take longer than two and a half weeks to get over me Elisabeth. I'm the only man you've ever been with. I'm the only person who ever touched you, felt your skin, seen all of you. You gave yourself to me and that won't be vaporized so easily." He coaxed.
"No.....don't listen to him Elisabeth, he's trying to tie a leash on you." I told myself.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I whispered. "I was finally getting you out of my head. I made so much progress, alot of progress. My life was coming back together , I stopped seeing you when I close my eyes, I stopped sleeping on your t-shirts, I stopped replaying our moments in my head, I was even planning to return all the clothes you left in my closet, I was doing so so well. And you dare show your face to me, I hate you." I hit his chest but it was my weakest attempt. I think he just drained me.
"You can never hate me." He tried to place his forehead on mine but he was clumbsy and ended up on my shoulder.
"Leave me alone." I said strongly. "Get out of here."
"Since when are you so stubborn?" He let go of my waist and took one step back. "Why are you prolonging the inevitable? So you want to what? Live happily ever after with your boyfriend." He mocked.
"You're so selfish. You only care about yourself and don't consider who you are hurting with this." I remind.
I thought of Callum, Merissa and myself, even William was hurt by this.
He chuckled painfully. "Atleast I'm not oblivious. Here you are denying your obvious attraction to me. I can clearly see how your body reacts to my touch, how you longe for me, how your breathing gets heavy, how you clench your fists and how you can't stop staring at my lips. You want this just as much as I do and may be even more." He moved closer.
I raised a hand to stop him. He knows my body well and I won't let him use his knowledge of it against it
"For goodness sake Lisa. When will you admit to yourself that we aren't over?"
"Then why did you say we're done?" I asked.
"I never said we're done. I only paused our affair but you decided to get into a relationship."
"You're in a relationship too. And I think it's time you respect it." I reminded. "This thing we have was good as it lasted but it can't go on."
James held his stomach as if he was in pain and the next thing I knew he was on his knees vomiting his guts out. Must be the alcohol.
He looked worn out and his hands were shaking violently and I knew I couldn't let him drive like that. If he got into an accident I wouldn't be able to live with my conscious. And judging from his state he must have had alot to drink. This won't end well for him. And if I can help with it then I will.
James never came after me, he never begged me to stay. That's how I know he's had way too many drinks.
I did the first thing that came into my mind.
I sat him at the passenger seat of my van, asked him for his address and drove him to his apartment.
The ride was to much too handle. His hands would hover on my thighs over my jeans and sometimes he'll try and reach for my lips, he was teasing me and I didn't appreciate his playfulness. However my body loved it so much that I flushed like an idiot.
It didn't take much work to get him inside. He insisted he could walk but he held onto his stomach all the way to his bedroom.
I knew it was probably a bad idea to get inside but I wanted to make sure he was okay. And he was also clinging to me really tightly so I agreed with myself to leave immediately after he falls asleep. It doesn't take long for a drunk man to sleep right?
I had never been inside James's apartment before. It was very organized and very wide. I wondered if he shared it with someone.
I turned on the lights to the bedroom but he quickly switched the lights off. He claimed the light burned his eyes.
I led him to his bathroom where he threw up all the alcohol. It was a painful thing to watch. He was shaking and sweating and I just sat there and stared at him.
After the withdrawal I offered to help him clean up.
He was a little weak in the knees.
My mother used to say that I got this instinct that pushes me to help someone when they can't help themselves. I used to tell her it's a stupid assumption but I'm starting to believe her.
"James stop it." He was nibbling my neck with his nose as I wiped his chest. He sat on the bathroom counter with his legs parted and I positioned myself between them. It was a compromising position but he kept on trying to get down so I had to stand there to keep him still or we'll end up doing the task all night.
"You smell nice." He placed his hands on my hips.
"Please be still." I began wiping his back. He had his trousers on though. I helped him take off his shirt and shoes so they wouldn't get in the way.
I whimpered when his tongue licked my neck. "What are you doing.?."
He held onto my waist and I found it hard to free myself from his clutch as he continued his pursuit.
I was tempted to let him continue sucking and biting. I fought back a moan when his warm tongue assaulted my lob.
This isn't right. We can't.
I need to get away from here before I'm too far gone. Lucy's words came back to me, reminding me that it takes time getting over someone.
"We can't do this again." I placed my hand on his warm chest. "I can't do this to Callu..."
"Shhhh..." He hushed. "I'll stop."
James released me swiftly.
He was incredibly calm and quiet as I worked to clean his wound and I wondered what he was thinking about.
I could feel his eyes scrutinizing my face and I swallowed hard. Knowing that James was staring made me feel things I swore to bury. Including feeling stupid and overheated.
"What are you thinking about?" I tried to rid of the silence.
"How much I want to kiss you."
My breath caught.
"Holding your body next to me and touching every inch of your radiant skin. How good it would feel witness you laying naked below me as I get inside you and fell you with my cum.... "
My toes curled.
"Enough enough." I nervously said. "I've heard enough. Keep those thoughts to yourself."
James' body is just as strong and hard as I remember it. He isn't buffed rather lean with muscle. I disinfected his bloody knuckles and the side of his face with alcohol and eventually dried the wounds. Turns out they weren't too deep. We are yet to discuss about where he got these from. I know he's too tired and I won't push him today.
"I was keeping them to myself until you asked me to share my thoughts with you." He grinned toothly.
I turned to face him and his lips were already pressing on mine before I could even stop them.
And I was too far gone to hear my conscious and mind screaming NO. My heart was racing with claims that this is how it's suppose to feel like.
He held onto my waist tightly and connected our bodies as his tongue licked my lips. I could feel the rise and fall of his warm naked chest as it made contact with my clothed own. It was too hard to resist the urge to touch him and roam my hands all over his torso but I had to stop.
I pulled away before it escalated further.
I was practically panting and my hands were shaking above his shoulders. I must have dropped the small towel I was using to clean James up.
James' arms were still around me and our bodies remained glued on each other. I could feel the bulge in his pants grow as it pocked my stomach.
"This isn't right." I insisted while catching my breath. Having James so close to me as we shared body heat had my mind so clouded that I failed to see common sense. "Please let me go."
"You don't want me to move but you tell me to go. How am I suppose to understand you?" He asked above my ear as his hands caressed my back from inside my blouse. I didn't realize I was clenching to his shoulders tightly until he said those lines.
"James.." I moaned when his teeth and tongue suddenly sucked on my neck so good I bit my bottom lip so hard it could bleed.
"Let me make you feel good." His hands slipped into my jeans and he cupped my butt cheeks, squeezing them hard. "Don't hold back with me."
Uh huh good fortune help me.
I was heaving at that point.
I thought the man was too worn out from being drunk. Where was he getting all the strength?
Why did I let myself get through that door? I can't bring myself to leave this place now because I'm too aroused to walk and think and resist.
I don't know at what point we got on the bed, I surely didn't notice James taking off my top and bra. I was then bare chest on James's bed with his mouth sucking the nubs so skillfully I began to drip.
"I've been craving you lately." He said above my chest. "I couldn't stop thinking about how perfect these breasts are. It's been a while since I felt you and I got home sick." He sucked harder and my eyes shut tight from the pleasure. The longer his tongue and teeth nibbled on the swollen nubs the more I trembled.
"James..." I whispered with lidded eyes. "Stop teasing." I couldn't take it anymore. I haven't had sex in a month and I never touched myself. It felt like he was torturing me by prolonging this. "Please...."
I grabbed his hair when his mouth moved on mine again, this time deepening the kiss.
I miss this. I miss this, I miss this so much.
At that point I was so deeply gone to think straight. My body and emotions took over.
"I like it when you are desperate for me." He said above my lips.
I hummed in satisfaction.
It's been so long.
My hands reached for his belt and I unbuckled his pants as he did the same with mine.
Seeing him naked infront of me again made me whimper with anticipation and overwhelming lust.
He hovered over me again and the skin to skin direct contact made me whine with want. He was so warm almost burning up.
"I see you are already soaking." He placed his hand in between my legs and I leaned into the touch. His fingers were roaming that wet area and pressing hard.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and rubbed myself against his warm palm for some sort of relief.
I lightly moaned from the friction.
"What do you want?" He asked above my ear.
"Touch me."
I gasped when he slipped two fingers inside of me without warning. My nails dug into his back as he moved the digits roughly in and out of the soaking hole, watching me unravel beneath him. I cried out when the third finger opened me up wider.
"I love the sounds you make." He drew my nipple into his skillfully mouth as he kept on fucking me with his fingers faster.
My mouth fell open as silent moans left my parted lips.
I wanted his length to fill me, his fingers weren't enough. The thought of every inch of James pressed inside me was so tempting and it made the raw emotions in my chest quench. I could burst if he didn't give it to me.
"I need you." I whispered. "Please...I can't take it."
"I know." He removed his fingers from inside me and positioned the tip of his member on my entrance. "I know baby."
We both sighed heavily in relief as he entered me, filling me completely as he dived deeper and deeper.
"So full.." I trembled.
Ever inch of him was buried into me and I felt filled up to completion.
I was shaking and clinging to his shoulders when he began to move against my clenched walls. It felt so good. I had forgotten how euphoric it feels to have James deep into me until now. I was dripping so much from the pleasure of it and I tried desperately to met his thrust, moving my hips back and forth in search for more reasons to enjoy this mistake.
"You are so freaking warm. I can feel every inch of you like I have never before." He thrusted inside of me and my legs spread wider for him.
I was chanting his name with heavy pants as he pounded deeper and deeper into my core. I could feel the skin of his dick so much better than before.
"James the condom.." I tapped his shoulder as my body began to feel even more heated. My stomach rose and fell indicating my frenetic state.
"Shit! I forgot." He was still thrusting inside me and he wasn't stopping and I moaned when he hit a spot that made my stomach quiver. I want him to stop but I think I might lose my freaking mind if he does.
He pulled out after a good minute and I whined.
James reached for his drawer quickly and took out the condom.
I grasped my breasts tightly and bit my lip as my hormones got crazier. "James hurry up..."
He got off the bed and I remained there confused.
"I need to see your body clearly." He switched on the lights. "I've missed the view."
I couldn't take my eyes off every sweaty muscle and every layer of James's body. His skin shined from the sweat.
"You look so fuckable right now." He praised with lustful eyes and I spread my legs wider for him to see everything not embarrassed by the position I put myself in.
Seeing him wanting me so badly made my guts curl and arousal rise. I really miss this.
He came back to bed.
As soon as he put the condom on and entired me again, my eyes were rolling behind my socket from the feeling.
He wasn't being gentle but quick and rough and strong. All I could do is take it and surrender to his power and his urgent need for me.
His hands moved behind my back and he drew me impossibly closer as he pounded harder into me.
"Aaah...right there." My toes curled to the point they hurt as I cried.
His thrust were getting swifter and harder and I felt so so filled as his crotch slammed in and out of me.
"James_" I cried tears from the electric nerves that waved my entire body, my energy was slowly declining but I forced my body to search out the highs.
It didn't take long for him to find that spot that made me see stars and my head spit with arousal. Neither of us was willing to let the other go, especially now that I was dying to be dazed and dragged under by him.
"It's..Nghhh! ." I shattered beneath him as he aimed for that sensitive spot again.
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