《Indelible Affairs》⚜️Chapter 14⚜️
"That must be Callum." Lucy whispered upon hearing a knock on the door. "Why on Earth aren't you ready yet?" She stood by the bathroom counter.
"Hey get out..." I covered my naked self with my hands as I glared at her. That's so inappropriate.
"Then make it quick. I can't believe you're barely ready and the guy is right outside."
I can't believe I got late either. I lost track of time earlier during group discussion.
"I still can't get over the fact that you and Callum are going steady." She mumbled. "I thought you'll hold onto your pointless anger towards him. Now please don't mess this up by tiring him out there."
I resume taking a bath knowing she isn't planning to leave without airing her opinions.
"We're just friends so don't create scenarios that won't happen." I informed for the millionth time today.
"I didn't even insinuate anything. I only said I'm glad you're making friends other than that William." She convinced. "Now hurry up."
"Give me a second okay." I said while scrubbing my back choosing to ignore her presence. "Help me pick outfits from my closet." I requested.
"That won't be a problem." She left the bathroom. Finally some privacy.
I did my best to save time. I just hope Callum isn't offended.
After five minutes of careful clean up, I left the bathroom.
"That's what you want me to wear?" I stared at the clothes placed on my bed mortified. Why did I let Lucy pick me those outfits? Those pants aren't even mine. She ravaged her own closet instead of my own.
"What's wrong with them?" She looked at me funny. "It's just ripped jeans and a tank top."
I walked into the room and stood by Lucy.
"Those jeans seem a little too tight." I lifted the pants and examined it.
"I'll barely walk comfortably in these."
Lucy moved from myside and went by her own closet.
"Wear this then." She threw me a light fabricated skirt. I placed it on my bed and began wiping myself.
"Isn't this way too short?" I hesitated as I applied some lotion quickly.
"Of course not. It's a little above the knees but its not inappropriate at all." She assured. "Now dress up. Callum has been out there for nearly fifteen minutes."
I dressed up quickly and settled with wearing no make up. It's just going to waste my time and there's no need in applying it anyway. It's just friends hanging out.
I tied my hair up in a pony tail and put my brown boots on.
The skirt wasn't that short but it was still short. However, I have no time to change so I hope it works.
"How do I look?" I picked up my bag and turned to Lucy who was sitting by the window.
"Does it matter? It's not even a date." She said blantly.
"Right." I turned to leave. "Good bye."
I opened the door and saw Callum leaning by the wall opposite me typing something at his phone. He lifted his head to face me when he heard the door open.
"Sorry I kept you waiting. I was caught up in something." I walked out and closed the door . "Hey..."
"Hey..." He moved closer to me and smiled. "It's okay. I didn't wait long anyway."
Callum always trying to be modest.
I felt the urge to tell him he looked really good but I held my tongue. He was dressed simply but somehow made it work.
"We should get going." He said as he began to move. I followed suit. "You look different by the way. It's a change from how you usually dress."
I raised a curious eyebrow. "And how do I usually dress?"
"You know the usual crop top and very tight shorts that almost look like panties." He chuckled.
I'm sure my cheeks are as red as blood right now from embarrassment. So that's what he means!, Of course that's how he assumes I usually dress.
Callum has only seen me at the night club, except for that one day at campus. And I wore a really short dress that day since I run out of clean clothes in my ward robe.
"Don't be shy. I don't mind. You look good either way." He sounded honest, he must have noticed my flushed cheeks.
"Thank you but that's not my usual way of dressing. It's the uniform at work." I explain bashfully.
"Gotta hand it to them then." He smirked.
I smacked his shoulder. "You pervert."
He chuckled lightly and said, "I'm kidding Lizy, relax."
I shake my head at him.
"I'm still going to drop by the club though. Who would miss a chance to see Elizabeth in those tight shorts?" He teased with enthusiasm in his tone.
"It's Elisabeth." I correct.
He shrugged. "Same thing."
"There's a difference."
Callum stared at me curiously, "So I should stop calling you Lizy then?"
A smile grew on my face. "Nobody calls me that."
"Except me of course. " He smirked. "And I'm still planning to drop by the club this weekend, Elizabeth."
Well ....
"I was beginning to forget how intolerable you can get." I commented. "But you should know I stopped working the club. So don't bother showing up."
He seemed intrigued. "Why did you quit? Or did you get fired?"
"I did not get fired. Someone helped me score a better job opportunity." I explain. This made me remember that James was the one who helped me get that job and he is Callum's best friend. The irony.
I got that job so easily that I'm beginning to suspect that James might have bribed Miss Inez. The thought makes me a little disappointed. Someone out there with good qualifications didn't get hired because I got the job. I got that job only because James asked Miss Inez and she said yes only because she's his sister.
I can't let guilt stop me though, I need this job for my mum and for myself.
"Wish me luck okay. I haven't started yet and I don't want to get fired." I said nervously. Thinking about this job makes me nervous.
He smiles.
"Good luck and don't worry about it.
You'll be fine."
That's exactly what James said.
"Thank you Callum." I return the smile.
"So where do you work now?"
"At a fashion house." I reply. "As a personal assistant."
He seemed shocked. "But you're a medical student. So I'm guessing it's not an internship."
I shrugged. "Just a regular employee."
"A big change from your initial job. That friend of yours pulled serious strings to land you a job at a fashion house in New York city and not even as an intern."
I feel a little offended that he openly implied I got the job only because of strings but he's right. I know how hard it is to get a well paying job in New York as a student at a company.
"So where are you taking me?" I change the subject as we head downstairs.
"It's a surprise." Callum grinned. "I'll give you a hint though."
"Okay." I nodded. "I like surprises so don't make the hint too obvious."
He glanced at me for longer than usual and the next thing I know is Callum swiftly tagging my pony tail and lightly pulling the band out causing my hair to fall on my back.
"Heey..." I glared at his smirking face.
"Much better." He threw away the hair band.
"Was it necessary?" I pointed at the black band now on the floor.
"It'll keep you from tying up that gorgeous hair." Callum ruffled my hair.
"You're crazy." I tried fixing it with my fingers.
"Let me help you." He stood behind me quickly.
"No Callum." I took a step forward. "I don't trust you."
He raised his hands in surrender and moved back to my side. "They look better that way."
I shake my head. "Just tell me the hint now." We resumed our walk down the stairs towards the exit.
"Some place you've never been."
"That could be anywhere." I threw my hands. "You've decided to make it harder for me."
"Guess." Callum encouraged. "You might get it right."
It's impossible to get it right.
"Rockefeller." I beamed.
"Not even close." He chuckled. "You're gonna love it though."
I smiled.
"So you've never been to rockefeller, we'll try that place next time." Callum announced. "The top of the city."
"Seriously?" My eyes flickered.
I felt my heart warm.
"That'd be nice."
We got outside the dormroom and moved to the parking lot as people made their way in and out of campus.
"How's your foot?" He glanced at it.
"It's better now. I can run on it." I jogged infront of him.
"That's good." He chuckled lightly. "But I'm not convinced yet so I'll carry you to my car."
"Nope." I run ahead as he followed closely behind.
"Damn you're fast." He tried to reach me. But I also noticed him holding back his speed.
"I know." I barely run five steps and he was already an inch behind me.
He eventually caught up to me and swept me of the ground and onto his shoulder. I tried to ignore the feeling of his hand behind my thighs. I'm sure my cheeks are anticipating a red flush. This skirt is way to short.
"Your thighs are warm." He blunted out. I think he wasn't intending to say that out loud because he began to chuckle nervously. "Sorry .... I didn't mean to say that out loud. My tongue sort of slipped."
"Your hands are warmer." I confessed to put him out of his misery. I noticed him smile from the side of his face.
"Leave it to Lizy to soothen the mood. You'll carry me next time." He joked. "I'm lighter than I look."
As if.
"Gladly." I laughed. "Better start working out then."
It was 8 o'clock by the time we left NYU campus in Callum's Maserati. He played old school songs as he drove along the highway.
I've come to realize that Callum is the easiest person to talk too. There's no weight in our conversations, I don't feel self conscious around him. Quite the contrary, Callum makes me feel myself. After being aware of his background and from our first encounter, I assumed that Callum would be an arrogant person. But he isn't.
Callum happens to be very thoughtful and kind and it's extremely attractive.
"Do you live in campus?" I ask him.
"I rented an apartment near it. I stay alone though." He replied, his hands holding the steering wheel.
Alone? Why? What about Adrian or James?
Then again, it's none of my business.
I doubt Callum would want to leave with that douche for a brother though. James may be, but not Adrian, I remember James mentioning they're close.
"Sounds boring." I commented. "Living alone."
Callum chuckled at that. "I actually like it. And some of my friends do come over sometimes so it's not that lonely nor boring."
I nodded in understanding.
"I assume you and your roommate have fun often?" He inquired.
I laugh at that. He hasn't met Lucy. Lucy can barely stand me at time, it's only recently that she started talking to me with out seeming annoyed. I can't imagine I and Lucy ever having fun together.
"We don't really hang out, but she's the loudest laziest snob I know. She keeps me on my toes." I honestly said.
My answer must have amused Callum because he began laughing.
Lucy may be mean girl but she brings light to my boring ass life.
The ride was kinda long but not boring at all. We sang to the Beatles Records and Paul McCaurtey as time passes by and I was actually intrigued with Callum's music chooses.
Songs I thought would be boring to hear were actually pretty cool. No wonder some people love these.
My personal favorite was a song Callum sang to called "feeling good". It was a cherry beat sorta jazz song and I couldn't remember the artist. I'll Google it later.
I picked up on something though, Callum's taste in music is very similar to James's. Old school, rock and cherry beats. Guess they really are best friends.
"We're here." Callum lowered the music as an open field came to view. I can't even remember how we got here.
I looked through the windshield and took in the surroundings. It was a semi sized open field with low cut grass and a few trees surrounding the area.
Few cars where around and even fewer people scattered around the landscape.
Some sat on car trucks while others settled down in some sort of blankets. There was a white projected screen by the far front playing a movie. It looked like some kind of romcom.
The place was generally very quiet and the sky was clear so stars where in clear display. I swear this whole place looked really really romantic.
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a date.
"Do you like it?" Callum held my shoulder as he too looked through the windshield.
"I love it Callum. This is beautiful and the stars....they're perfect." I smiled while glancing at the clear blue sky. "Thank you for this."
His hand on my shoulder gave me a cosy feeling. "I'm glad you joined me."
"I'm happy too."
We stared at each other for a second too long and I had to look away.
"I thought you might. Its great that you actually do." He switched off the car. "Let's go outside." He opened the door and got out.
I stepped outside as Callum took some stuff from the back seats.
He came around seconds later holding some blankets on one hand and some drinks on the other. I helped him carry the drinks.
"We lay this over there." He pointed at the very front of the car.
We we're far from other cars and beyond view just like most people. I assume people come here to have some alone time along side a theatre up front just incase they got bored.
I helped Callum set our own small comfy place.
He went by the car and brought back a long fluffy pillow to lay out heads on. He must have really planned this out carefully.
Why do I feel beyond fluttered by this? I smiled again, a bright kind of smile, Like a child when her eyes met. I've never done anything like this.
I wonder if this is what a date looks like?
If its so, then some girls are really lucky.
I lay close to him under the covers as we looked at the stars.
"This is nice." He commented.
"The view of the sky is spectacular." I added. My eyes were on the twinkling little lights on the night sky. Beautiful.
"I was referring to the movie." I could sense Callum smirking at me.
I turned to look at him with narrowed eyes as he chuckled.
"What?" He questioned. "The scenes are funny." He tried to sound serious.
But I know he's messing with me. I didn't even notice him paying attention to the film.
I looked at the screen and witnessed the actors having a very intense make out session that was heading else where.
I stared for a while longer and then quickly turned to face Callum. He held a huge grin on his face.
"You weren't watching." I pinched his ears.
"Ouch." He held my hands and turned us over causing him to lean ontop of me.
"That hurt." He faked. "I think my ear is bleeding."
"Sorry." I tried not to blush from the position we were in.
"You deserve a punishment." He drew my hands a little next to my head as he grinned at me.
"I'm so scared." I said sarcastically.
Callum's blue eyes where on mine for a while as they now held a darker shade on them due to the night sky.
He withdrew one of his hands from mine and gently tagged a loose strand of hair that lay on my temple behind my ear.
I don't know why but we just stared at each other for much longer than intended. From such a close distance I could inhale the scent of his cologne. He smelled like something blue.
Like blue berries and pine wood.
His eyes seemed to glow a dark blue and his features were more clear to me.
I gazed at his skin that appeared less tanned now but perfect. I never noticed how fair his skin was till now.
I unconsciously turned my eyes to stare at his lips. I don't know why I did it, but my eyes lingered there for a while.
Those lips appeared a bit more crimson and so so reachable.
I turned my gaze quickly back to Callum's eyes and I caught his eyes gazing my lips.
Out of habit and only out of habit I leaked my lips because they felt dry.
"Lizy..." He licked his own lips as his eyes met my green ones.
"Mmh." I breathed.
He seemed much closer now. I could feel his heavy hot breathe on my cheek as he lay above me.
"Can I kiss you?" His lips hovered above mine so much closely. My own breathing went uneven.
The gap that was initially between us was turned to nothingness as Callum's lips met mine. And my eyes fluttered shut at the connection.
It was like kissing someone for the very first time and I have no idea why it felt like that.
May be it's because Callum was the only man aside from James to ever get this close to me. Does that make him any special?
He moved his lips on mine as he held me closer to his body. I kissed him back willingly. I gave my mind and self into that moment as everything around us didn't matter.
Purely because my nerves bolted to my core as my body warmed and the feeling of his mouth on mine was thrilling. A reliever. Something I needed.
His left hand held my hip as his other cupped my cheek to deepen the kiss. And I allowed him. I permitted him to explore every inch of my mouth with his warmth as the kiss escalated further.
He kissed me with such want I could feel it in my bones as I tried not to shiver.
My body reacted to the kiss as it should. And I understand why. It's common knowledge.
It's the thrill of boy meeting girl, opposites attracts. It's physical. Only logical.
How could it mean anything but that ?
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