《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》No more
Nightmare was wondering the woods at night. His breath being seen to the naked eye due to the cold temperatures of the night. He looks at his hands then the red scarf around his neck. His hands shake as he covers his eyes as images of a little girl laying in her bed with a smile on her face appear in his mind. He gets on his knees and starts to hyperventilate. He sees himself approach the little girl and all of a sudden her eyes as she grabs him by the collar of his shirt.
???: Why weren't you quick enough?!
He slouches down further into the ground getting dirt in his hair as his forehead touches the cold dirt.
Nightmare: I tried. I really did!
The Grimm in the area began to take notice of Nightmare. Three Beowolves, a king taijitu and an Ursa Major.
Nightmare: I'll get you back. I have to.
A beowolf charged at him, jumping in the air and going for the kill. Nightmare's head jerked up as his golden eyes burned bright.
Nightmare: They will all die!
He puts his fist through the beowolf's stomach. As it fades away another one approaches as does the Ursa Major and the king taijitu. He backflips dodging the Grimm and hits a tree making it start to timber. He sees the King taijitu chase after him and grabs the tree and brings it down on the snake Grimm only for it to wrap around the tree and try to bite him. He however disappears into the ground. A dark aura is seen moving around in the shadows as it sneaks behind the Ursa Major. Nightmare rises from the aura, grabbing the Ursa's right leg and looking at the Beowolves. They growl and charge at him. He smiles maliciously and runs at them dragging the Ursa Major behind him by its foot. He then jumps into the air with the Ursa and slams the Ursa's back into one beowolf, impaling it with its bone-like spikes. He leaves the Ursa Major stuck in the ground and turns the last Beowolf. However as it got close its vision went dark as it was lifted up by something big. Nightmare's Cerberus.
The Cerberus chomped down hard on the Beowolf's head making a sound as one of the heads grabbed its legs and pulled on it, splitting the beowolf in half.
Nightmare looks at the King taijitu as it approaches however the Cerberus growls and pounces on the snake Grimm as they both wrestle.
Meanwhile Nightmare goes over to the Ursa Major and proceeds to beat its head in with his bare fists. He proceeded to keep beating its head turning it into a black paste.
The Cerberus got a hold of the King taijitu and held it down as Nightmare stopped and looked at them then at his hand as he noticed he had bleeding knuckles from hitting the ground still even after the Ursa Major vanished into black dust. He stood up as his hands fell to his sides and began to heal.
He walks up to the Cerberus and King taijitu and kneels down to the snake Grimm.
Nightmare: He was a pup before I made him. A small lonely pup. Now look how much he's grown.
He looks into the King taijitu's eyes and smirks.
Nightmare: Pretty strong to take down an agile creatures such as yourself. Almost embarrassing.
The King taijitu hisses at him but is silenced as soon as Nightmare put his hands on it.
Nightmare: Don't worry. I can make you much more as well.
The King taijitu's eyes widen as its red eyes turn into a gold. The Cerberus gets off as Nightmare's hand gets enveloped in dark aura and turns into a claw that digs into the King taijitu's head.
You jerk awake hearing the sound of water droplets from the bathroom. You sit up, kicking your legs out of bed and rubbing your eyes. You stand up taking a stretch and yawning at the same time.
The water stops as you enter the kitchen area of your dorm and sit down at the kitchen counter.
The door to the bathroom opens as you look and see Bianca in a towel. She looks at you and freezes.
(Y/n): Really, we're doing this now? I barely know ya.
In response she slams the door shut.
Bianca: I thought you'd sleep in!
(Y/n): Why? Cause of our talk last night?
You had spent all night filling in Bianca about what you already know about the boys and Nightmare. She agreed to work with you while also agreeing to your terms which included her telling you what Ironwood says to her which may be 'Nightmare' related.
That was rule one. Rule 2 was to not pursue him alone.
Bianca: That and its a Sunday!
You chuckle and lean on your arm which was on the kitchen counter.
Bianca cracked the door open a little and peeked through the door.
Bianca: Can you give me my clothes on the couch.
You nod and jump off the seat going to the couch. You grab her attire and bring it to her. You notice some black laced panties and blush. You look away and hand Bianca her clothing which she takes quickly and closes the door.
Ike: Fancy.
(Y/n): Ah morning sleeping beauties.
You go to your fridge and grab some orange juice. You drink some out of the carton then put it back, smacking your lips together as you do.
Bianca comes out fully clothed and stares at you.
Bianca: How was your sleep?
You shrug.
(Y/n): Good till I jolted awake.
You look at her and try to look her in the eyes as her head hung low.
(Y/n): What about you?
She shrugged also.
Bianca: I lost my entire team yesterday. I don't know if sleeping was even an option last night.
You frown and think. You smile when an idea hits you.
(Y/n): I know this isn't gonna really sound like a good idea but do you want to go stress eat together?
She looks at you puzzled. You facepalm.
(Y/n): Okay yeah that really did sound better in my head. What I actually meant to say was beacon on Sundays makes mean bacon and sausages for breakfast. Very delicious plus it'd be nice to go for a walk, takes my mind off things usually when I'm stressed out.
You stare at her with a small hopeful smile. You see her tail wag as a small smile grows on her face.
Bianca: I like sausages.
You smile wider.
(Y/n): Great. I'll have a quick shower then we're off!
You say as you quickly run into the bathroom.
Bianca chuckles and sits at the kitchen counter, waiting for you.
You both enter the cafeteria which was full of students. You look around from time to time which catches Bianca's attention.
Bianca: What's wrong?
You look at her.
(Y/n): Nothing just, I'm not what you would call the popular type.
Bianca stops at stares.
Bianca: You don't like standing out?
You shrug.
(Y/n): Ehh. Sort of. Let's just say I don't like to stand out to a bunch of certain people.
Bianca got confused but caught on as you were hit in the face by a sausage. She follows the direction the sausage came from and sees four boys laughing amongst themselves. Team CRDL to be more specific.
Bianca: That's terrible.
You wipe the sauce from the sausage off your face.
(Y/n): They're not the only ones.
Bianca looks around then back at the boys.
Bianca: Come on.
She grabs your hand.
(Y/n): W-What? Hey! I said I don't like standing out!
She ignored you and stood in front of the boys.
Bianca: Who threw that sausage?
Cardin looked at you and Bianca.
Cardin: Oh no! Little Hunter is sicking his freak of a girlfriend on me!
He exclaims dramatically.
Bianca: I'm not his girlfriend! Also, freak?! Looked in the mirror lately??
You stare at Bianca with your mouth gaped as Dove chuckles.
Dove: She's got bite Cardin.
Cardin stands up.
Cardin: Yeah. Not bad for a freak.
He looks at you.
Cardin: I thought you had your eyes set on Xiao long over there.
You look over at where he's pointing to to see Yang staring at you guys along with her team.
You sigh and look at him.
(Y/n): I'm not interested in her, dickhead.
This comment made everyone in the cafeteria stop what they were doing and look at the both of you.
Cardin: Pfft. W-what did you say punk?
You sigh.
(Y/n): What? You having trouble hearing too? Here I thought the lack of brain cells was your only issue but boy was I wrong.
This time all of Cardin's team stood up. Your arm made a small twitch which Bianca noticed. She also noticed purple and white electricity irradiate off your arm.
Bianca: (Y/n)?
She whispers.
You look at her and blink before taking a deep breath and looking at Cardin and his goons as they surround you.
Cardin: First it was the homework now this. Man let me tell you, you're gonna get it now. You and your pathetic Freakazoid frie-
You punched Cardin in the nose making him hold it.
Star: Yikes! Nice punch.
Ike: Didn't that hurt with the aura and all?
You look at your knuckles and move them around seeing a flash of white and purple electricity on them.
(Y/n): Huh. Y'know what?
You got in a fighting stance.
(Y/n): It didn't.
Bianca stepped away.
Dove, Sky and Russel rushed to their leaders side
Cardin: Don't just stand there! Get him!
He shouted.
Russel, Dove and Sky look at you. Russel was the first to attack as he threw a punch at you but you caught him by his wrists and slammed him into the ground. Sky jumped up onto the table and tried to get an aerial attack on you but you moved swiftly out of the way and ducked when Russel got up and went for another swing at you.
Russell and Sky attacked you together this time by trying to punch you at the same time. You however stopped their fists with both your hands.
(Y/n): This is definitely new. Are you guys secretly feeding me power?
You asked.
Star: Nope.
Jasper: Not me.
Ike: This is all you apparently.
(Y/n): Huh. I don't know why but...I feel great.
Using this newly awakened strength, you make Sky hit himself by pushing his own fist into his face then elbowed him in the face making him fall to the ground. You look at Russel next and lift him up onto your shoulders and slam him down onto Sky.
You then look at both Cardin and Dove, as you were, Russel got back up on his feet and looked at you. Doing a battle cry he charges at you only to miss as you spun around dodging his tackle. You then grab him by his shirt and pull him back then punched him square in the face, into the ground, making a small crater which causes Russels aura to flicker and dissolve into particles.
Dove backed away from this but was grabbed by Cardin.
Cardin: Where are you going?!
He said angrily.
Dove: Cardin he just punched Russel into the ground leaving a small crater! He's changed somehow!
Cardin rolls his eyes.
Cardin: Then we attack him at the same time! There's no way he can stop the both of us!
Cardin let go of Dove and grabbed a metal tray off a table. Dove grabbed one quickly and held it defensively, shaking as he and Cardin circled you. You watched them move to your sides as you clenched your fist.
Jasper: (Y/n), your getting agitated. Calm down.
(Y/n): I know. I don't know why?
You were starting to lose control of your emotions as flashbacks of what Cardin and his team did to you these past months filled your mind.
Star: It okay (Y/n). You've done well. Just give me the wheel, I'll take care of it.
You closed your eyes and take a deep breath. You stood still breathing but appearing motionless.
Weiss sat up taking an interest in what was transpiring.
Weiss: Not going to lie, he's holding them off really well.
Pyrrha: I agree. However, why is he leaving himself open like that? Its almost like he's asking to get hit.
Coco: I want to know where he got that strength from. No way he's trained hard enough to reach CRDL's level.
Yang was worried, her hand placed firmly against her seat, ready to jump over the table to assist you if it got out of hand.
Cardin: ....Now!
Cardin yelled as he and Dove charged at you with the trays. You smirked and opened your eyes to reveal them Hazel as you lifted your hands up as two sabre swords materialised in them and stopped both trays.
Cardin: W-what!
Yang's eyes widened as Ruby's sparkled as they leaned forward in surprise while the others were stunned.
Cardin pushed harder but you didn't move. Your smirk grew wider as you moved back making the boys stumble forward and headbutt eachother. Dove shook his head and charged at you doing a battle cry, his tray and the Sabre sword you had in your right hand connecting with every swing and blow while you held your other sword down. Dove then went for the legs but you raised your foot and slammed it down on the tray and backflipped kicking Dove in the jaw and sending him flying into the air.
Cardin recovered from hitting his head as Dove came back down smashing a table to pieces. Making his aura flicker and dissolve into particles. Cardin raised his tray and you dismissed the swords and caught it bending your knees.
Star: Strong bastard ain't he?
You cracked your neck and removed one hand from the tray and uppercut Cardin. Cardin stumbled back and looked at you, holding his jaw
Cardin: Your nothing (Y/n)! A little training isn't going to help you against me! They don't call me team CRDL's leader for noth-
Glynda was walking past the cafeteria with Ozpin. He looked inside and sighed. He placed his cane in front of Glynda which got her confused. That was until Cardin came flying though the window in front of them.
Glynda: What in the name of Oum?!
She looked inside.
Glynda: (Y/n) Hunter!
Star: And I'm out.
(Y/n): Star don't jus-
You were given control again.
(Y/n): Fuck.
Glynda approaches and stares down at you.
Glynda: Care to explain why Cardin is outside the window covered in cuts and bruises?
You run the back of your head and opened your mouth to speak, but-
Bianca: It was my fault!
Glynda looks at her.
Bianca: They were throwing food at him and I confronted them about it. (Y/n) was just protecting me after they got hostile.
You stared at Bianca in disbelief.
Glynda: Is this true (Y/n)?
You stare at Bianca who smiles at you. You nod.
(Y/n): Yeah. They were throwing food at me..
Glynda sighs and looks at Bianca.
Glynda: Please try not to make further altercation with them again Miss Jewel.
She leaves carrying the rest of team CRDL to the infirmary with Ozpin behind her who looks at you and smiles with a nod.
Bianca: You okay?
You look at her.
(Y/n): Yeah. No one is ever done that for me before. Thanks.
She smiles and heads to the food area while the students continue about their business while you follow along side her.
(Y/n): So, your last name is Jewel?
She nods and takes a tray.
(Y/n): Fitting.
She looks at you.
Jewel: Why's that?
You opened your mouth but choked on your words.
(Y/n): No reason just sounds nice.
Bianca chuckles.
Bianca: Weirdo.
You groan while mentally facepalming.
Ike: Bianca Jewel....HA BJ!
(Y/n): Can we silence him somehow?
Jasper: You're not the only one to ask that question.
You snort and get some food while also thinking about that weird power that showed up out of nowhere back there. If it wasn't the boys then what...?
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