《A Birdflash Story》Σε αγαπώ~I love you
They both awake to the sound of Alfred knocking on the door, "Master Richard, Mister Wallace, dinner will be ready in half an hour."
"Thank you Alfred," Dick replies, eyes still closed. Alfred used to just open the door and come in, but of course they aren't kids anymore. Dick cracks his eye open to look at his boyfriend, who he ended up holding hands with in his sleep. Not quite cuddling like usual. Dick just can't bring himself to having much physical contact after what happened. He asks, "Can you last half an hour, Walls? I heard your stomach growling."
"Oh? Yeah I think I'm good. Alfred made sure to give me lots of food when I arrived here to wait for you. I wish I had an Alfred."
"He's great. But...he knows about everything that goes on in the manor. I've never once dared doing anything with a girl here because he would find out."
"The greatest detective in the world is not Batman, but his butler," Wally jokes. He rubs his eyes, "Suppose we should make our way downstairs soon."
"Oh god. Everyone is going to be there. Minus Jason of course. Damian is going to ask questions and Bruce probably found out what happened. He's going to be so disappointed with me-" Dick runs his hand through his dark hair with worry.
"Hey," Wally says softly, "It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Not everyone is perfect. Not even you."
"Some big fucking mistake I made."
"You're speaking to a big fucking mistake, remember?" Wally says, then smiles. Must be getting the idea of Tim's self-depreciating humour.
"You're a not a mistake. You're a happy accident," Dick tells him.
"Yeah well, tell that to my parents," Wally says with a laugh. Then he asks, "How are you feeling now?"
"Less tired, that's for sure. Hungry. But as for the emotional damage, I'm sure you understand it's not going to really go away.
"Yeah," Wally sighs, "I still have nightmares about my dad. Same old. Only now his new favourite nickname for me is faggot, so...that's great."
"Oh, Wally," Dick says with a frown, rubbing Wally's freckle-covered arm.
"It hurts, but I know it's not real."
"We're both kind of fucked up, aren't we?" Dick says.
"Yeah, we are. Therapy would be pretty useful if we didn't have secret identities," Wally says, after which his stomach growls. He sits up, "We should definitely head downstairs for dinner now."
"Wait. One more thing," Dick pushes himself up and presses his lips to Wally's. It's the first time they've kissed in a few days and it's soft and sweet. When Dick pulls back he says, "I love you."
Wally smiles, "I love you."
Dick smiles back. They've never said it out loud to each other before, for fear of rushing things, even though they've both thought it. It feels right.
Their cheesy staring-into-each-other's-eyes thing is interrupted by a cough. They both turn around to see Damian standing by the door. Someone needs to put a bell on him or something.
"If you two are quite finished making heart eyes at each other, dinner is ready," the teenager tells them and then says, "I'm glad to see you're okay, Grayson. Drake has told me not to ask you any questions about why you were missing."
"...Are you going to ask anyways?" Dick says.
"No. I feel as if I would rather not knowing."
Dick nods, relieved. He and Wally get off of the bed. Damian turns around and walks out. They follow him downstairs after putting on shoes and doing a bit of quick bed-hair fixing.
Bruce, Selina, Damian, Cass and Tim are already sitting at one end of the long dining table. Wally's hands are sweating as they walk in. Sure, he's eaten dinner at Wayne Manor before, but only ever with Dick and occasionally Bruce. Now he's Dick's boyfriend. He knows why Dick was nervous about having coffee with Aunt Iris. However, this looks more formal then just morning coffee and cookies. He hopes there isn't like, multiple forks and spoons.
"Hi boys," Selina greets, giving them a very Selina look that seems to ask 'have fun upstairs?'
Wally was pretty surprised when Dick told him that Bruce proposed to Catwoman, but then again it was bound to happen at some point. Their constant chasing game had been going on long enough and they're not getting any younger.
"Hi," Dick and Wally both say rather awkwardly and join them at the table.
"You're alive," Tim says.
"Thankfully, yeah."
"Wally kind of got everyone worked up yesterday. Turns out speeders are great at spreading panic and worry quickly," Tim adds.
"Yeah that sounds right," Wally says sheepishly.
"Did you two sleep well?" Bruce asks, not really giving away much in his expression.
"Yeah. Out like lights," Dick says. Wally nods next to him. Alfred starts bringing in dishes of food and putting them in the centre of the table. Dick asks if he wants any help, but as always Alfred shakes his head.
Once all the food is out, everyone starts putting things onto their plates and tucking in. Alfred's cooking is of course delicious. Wally feels like he's eating Christmas dinner.
"How was school?" Dick asks Damian.
"Tt. Useless. I already know everything and my classmates are idiots," He replies, causing Bruce to sigh at the head of the table.
Tim smirks, "He's just cranky because his only friend is three grades behind him."
Damian shoots him a look, "You didn't even finish high school!"
"Didn't see the point in it," Tim shrugs.
"At least I made it to college," Dick says. Wally laughs and adds, "And then dropped out."
When Dick left the mantle of Robin he tried going off to college like Wally did, studying law. It only lasted about a semester.
"I'm still the only one of my brothers with a diploma though, that's something."
Bruce joins the conversation and says, "If Jason hadn't died he would have finished high school and then likely would have gone on to major in English."
"If," Tim says, "But he did die."
"Why English?" Wally asks, "Or was that random?"
"Oh no, Jason is a lit nerd," Dick says, then eats some more mashed potato.
"I used to get first edition classical books for Jason. He liked collecting them," Bruce tells Wally.
Tim coughs and says, "Nerd."
"Says the weeb," Damian says dryly.
"What did you call him?" Bruce asks.
"A weeb, father."
Bruce looks at Selina, then back at his son, "Is that Arabic? I don't think I've heard that word before."
Tim is wheezing with laughter. Damian bites his lip to try stop himself from joining him. Dick and Wally are almost as confused as Bruce and Selina. It's probably from a part of the internet that neither of them have ventured to yet.
"It's not Arabic, father. Drake is an anime fan," Damian tells him. Bruce is no less confused.
"I have a right to be, I'm half Japanese."
"What's anime?" Bruce asks.
"It's Japanese animation," Dick explains. Damian rolls his eyes, "Cartoons are for children."
"It's animation aimed at teens and young adults, actually. And it's really good," Tim says defensively.
"Good," Cass nods in agreement. It's the first thing she's said so far this evening. She's usually pretty quiet. Dick tells Wally that she's secretly an amazing fighter. Probably better than himself or even Bruce.
"I suppose your favourite genre is yaoi, is it not?" Damian asks with a smirk.
Tim fires a comeback, "How would you know what yaoi is unless you watch anime yourself?"
"I do not!"
"Stop arguing. What's yaoi?" Bruce asks, cutting his steak.
"Boy love," Cass says, then goes back to eating.
"Yeah and Drake watches it," Damian taunts.
"Shut up I do not!" Tim says through gritted teeth.
"Boys," Bruce says sternly. Selina is giggling.
"Oooooh I get it," Dick says in realisation, glancing at Wally, "That's cool Tim."
"I watch shounen stuff. I only watch shoujo and occasionally yaoi with Cass," Tim tells them with a roll of his eyes.
"I think you boys are making Bruce feel old," Selina says. He shakes his head, "My Japanese is rusty."
They eat comfortably in silence for a few minutes. Then Bruce asks, "Where were you the last two days, Dick?"
Dick tenses up. Great. He just had about ten happy minutes where he temporarily forgot all about it. Wally glances at him with concern, "I uh. I was following a case. I got a bit out of my depth."
"Barbara called and explained that Tarantula shot Blockbuster," Bruce says.
"What exactly did she tell you?" Dick asks, fingers tapping on the fork and knife.
"That you froze and didn't stop her. That's all."
"Are you..disappointed?" Dick asks.
"No. It..happens to the best of us at times," Bruce assures him, "The important thing is that you're alive."
"She's still out there though," Dick says, "I was following her afterwards but I didn't..catch her."
"Barbara told me that the Birds of Prey are looking for her. She said she felt you needed a break."
"I'd talked about going away for a while with Wally but we never really made any plans," Dick tells him. Bruce hums thoughtfully.
"Remember the Greek Island I own half of?" He says. Dick nods and Bruce offers, "Why don't you two take a week or so there?"
Dick and Wally both look at him in surprise and then at each other, "Really?" Dick asks.
"It's not like I'm going to be using it any time soon. Take the private jet or something, go ahead. Tomorrow, even."
Barbara must have given him a real talking to over the phone earlier if he's being this calm about the whole thing. If Bruce knows anything about the rape however, he knows better than to mention it. After all, Talia had drugged Bruce before Damian was conceived. It wasn't a very consensual situation on his part.
"I have no idea if you're joking or not," Wally says. Bruce shakes his head.
"No joke."
"Thank you, Bruce," Dick says with a small smile. Wally also thanks him.
"How gay-friendly is Greece though? It's pretty orthodox, isn't it?" Tim asks, "You might wanna check that."
Dick nods, "Good idea."
Tim pulls his phone out of his pocket, to which Bruce raises a brow at in a very dad-like fashion. Wally finds it kind of amusing. After a quick google Tim says, "Well same-sex marriage isn't legal there yet but I don't think that's going to be a concern for you guys. Other than that it's okay. Discrimination is completely illegal and male homosexuality has been legal there since 1951. Female homosexuality has always been legal, interestingly enough."
"At one time, Greece was probably the gayest place going," Selina adds, "The ancient Greeks didn't make a big deal about sexuality."
"I wish everyone else could take the hint," Tim mutters. Everyone looks at him expecting him to spill the beans, but he says nothing further. Another time maybe.
After dinner, Dick goes back up to his old room. He tells Wally that he wants a bit of time alone to think about everything. So, after calling Donna to let her know Dick is okay, Wally finds himself sitting in the living room (one of many) with Bruce and Selina. He had suggested leaving and just coming back if Dick needed him, but Selina insisted he stay because she wanted to ask how pride went after she left them.
"We found Tim and he came with us for a while as followed the parade along the route. Then Jason suggested we go get drinks. He did try to convince Tim to come with us but Tim said no and left to go find you. He's pretty responsible," Wally tells her. Bruce is sitting next to Selina, reading the news on a tablet. He pretends to not be listening, but Wally reckons he is.
"I suppose you all got drunk and can't remember the rest?" Selina says with a giggle.
Wally shakes his head, "No, actually. I can't get drunk because of the speedster thing. Donna and Artemis as Amazons, have high tolerances and Roy is a recovering alcoholic so he didn't drink anything."
"So you're saying nobody was actually drunk?" Selina says, "That's no fun."
"Well...not everyone was sober. Dick and Jason both got drunk."
Bruce takes a very long blink. Selina laughs, "Oh? I bet that was interesting."
"Dick always gets weird when he's drunk."
"I suppose you'd know what he's like drunk better than most people, drinking as teenagers and whatnot."
Bruce raises an eyebrow like this is news to him. Selina rolls her eyes, "Oh come on, Bat. That's what kids do."
"Dick never drank much, for the record. Definitely not as much as the rest of us," Wally says quickly. He doesn't know if that makes things any better. He should shut up.
"Goody two-shoes?" Selina asks.
"No, he just gets drunk quickly without a lot."
This information amuses her, "Hear that, Bat? Dick's a lightweight."
"Jason isn't very far behind him but he's better at hiding it," Wally tells her. Ugh. Why does his mouth go faster than his brain?
"Please tell me they didn't do anything stupid," Bruce says. Wally shakes his head.
"No. Just lots of talking. Some..crying."
"No special celebrations that evening then?" Selina asks with a wink. Wally goes scarlet so fast it's like he's a red light that has just been switched on. He shakes his head.
"No, no. Not while he's intoxicated."
"Good answer," Selina says, then turns to Bruce, "You have no reason whatsoever to worry about him, Bat."
She gets up and walks out of the room with the grace of a feline. Wally doesn't know if he wants her to leave or stay. He'd prefer no more embarrassing or slightly sexual questions but he also wasn't a fan of being left alone with Batman either. Even if he does spontaneously give away holidays to private Greek islands.
There's a bit of awkward silence until Bruce suddenly speaks up, "Barbara did tell me what happened with Tarantula. But don't tell him that I know."
"He was pretty concerned about you finding out," Wally says.
"It's not a pleasant situation to be in. It does leave damage. I didn't talk about it for a long time. About ten years."
Bruce nods, "Talia drugged me."
"So Damian..?"
"Is the product of her raping me, yes. It doesn't mean I don't love him now, but at first it was hard to love him. But what I'm trying to say is that there is the possibility that Tarantula got pregnant."
Wally is speechless. What do you say to that? It is a possibility. Wally wasn't really looking at the footage properly because of how horrified he was, but thinking back he doesn't remember seeing any condom. He hopes she's on the pill. If she did get pregnant, Wally can only imagine how awful that would be for Dick.
"Oh god."
Dick walks in and sits on the arm of the chair Wally is on, "Has there been any news from the Birds of Prey?"
"No, not yet. And if there's any news while you're away, I'll tell you when you get back," Bruce says. He smiles just a little, "You two better get packing."
"I advise bringing sunscreen," Alfred says, entering the room, "Especially you, mister Wallace."
Wally takes a glance at his pale arm and nods, "I have to wear it every day of summer anyways. The really strong stuff. Factor fifty."
"That's the same strength they use for babies and small children," Dick points out.
"Yeah I know, that's what it says on the bottle," Wally chuckles, "You want me to run over to Blüdhaven to get your stuff?"
"Yes, thank you. You're a lifesaver, Wally," Dick says as the redhead stands up.
"That's my job," Wally gives Dick a smile before dashing away.
"Thank you. For not choosing Roy," Bruce says randomly.
"But Jason-"
"I let Jason get away with things so he'll actually talk to me once in a while," Bruce says, which makes a lot of sense, "I would prefer if you picked Barbara, but..."
"Bruce you're getting married to a thief, you literally can't say anything," Dick comments, "And Babs and I are just friends now."
Wally arrives back, "Your stuff is upstairs. I wasn't really sure what to bring so I just took everything remotely summery. I'm not good with clothes."
"Thank you. C'mon, we better go pack," Dick walks out and Wally follows him after turning his head around to thank Bruce again.
The jet touches down on a runway on the mainland after a long, ten hour flight. Before getting off the plane, Wally applies a generous amount of factor 50 sunscreen. Dick put on some too, but doesn't need such a strong spf due to his naturally sallow skin.
It's hot, as expected, when they come down the steps of the jet, but it's late evening so it's not too bad. A porter is waiting to take their luggage for them. They head into the airport and Wally is pretty glad for the English translations under the Greek on the signs. Even if there wasn't, Dick knew enough Greek to get by.
They get in line with their passports for customs, watching with slight jealously as the people with EU citizenship go through far faster.
"You know, I've never properly been to Europe on holiday," Wally says, "I usually just run over here occasionally for food."
"Europe is pretty nice," Dick says as they move ahead in the line. A passenger plane from Tunisia had come in not long before them at the same terminal so it was busy. They would have flown into the private terminal, but it's undergoing repairs after a terrorist attack a month ago.
Once they get through security (Wally had luckily bothered to get a passport a few months ago just so he could have some form of ID and feel less invisible) a nice, silver convertible is waiting for them outside the airport. How Bruce arranged everything so quick baffles Wally, but he isn't complaining.
They put their luggage into the truck and Dick sits into the driver's seat because Wally is shit at driving. He never really bothered getting his license when he was 16 or any time after that for obvious reasons. Dick jokes about the 'gays can't drive' stereotype, which is certainly true in Wally's case.
Dick drives out of the airport and Wally marvels at all of the scenery. It's something he often misses while running. He also marvels at Dick in his sunglasses and blue shirt, hair blowing in the wind as 'On The Loose' by Niall Horan plays through the car's Bluetooth speakers.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
It reminds him of the annual road trips they used to go on. Dick can't remember them, but Wally is looking forward to making new crazy travel memories.
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