《Powerful Bella》Denali's


The Man and Woman came out of their house and introduced themselves to us as we greeted them and told them our names. The Man's eyes glazed over as her stared at us. "You all have a power, it's so rare for a group this large, not including the Volturi, You my dear-" he said pointing at me "are the strongest of them all as you are a Copier" "What does that mean?" I questioned, "It means you may copy people's powers and use them for yourself, people may not be able to use their powers on you if they effect you directly. People who have this power are VERY VERY RARE (Authors note: Not rare in Fanfictions, am I right?) and always have unusual eyes. Say Acid Green, Violet or Electric Blue, yours being Violet" "Will this be a problem? Will humans notice my eyes? Will they notice somethings off?" I worriedly spoke. "You my dear are a gorgeous female, who's change into Vampirism has changed your looks quite a lot, people are bound to notice, you can either tell them it's a mutation or say you wear contacts" He explained. "Great, now that you've told me all about my power, can you tell us what they have?" I said pointing to the start of my family.

He nodded, and his eyes glazed over again. (To make this easier I'm going to write a list, but let's pretend he told them all in a mystical voice and explained their powers too them 😊)

Claire- Brainy, if ever need an answer it will appear in her mind. She can also make people see illusions. (eyes no longer red anyone? NO SPARKLES!!)

Sam- Power, he can control electricity.

Liam- Magic, he can use magic like using spells to move things, control things.

Evangeline- Water, has the power to move water molecules, (very powerful as she can move everything that has a water molecule in it)

Aimee- Invisibility, can disappear from sight but can't stay invisible for longer than 4 hours.

Oliver- Fire, can control fires and also make Fire from nowhere and can't get burnt by fire that he has 'made'


Dylan- Telekinesis, can move things with his mind.

Thalia- Can see people's and things past present and future by touching them. (Very powerful)

Aidan- Elemental, unlike the other three who control elements he controls all 6, Air, Water, Fire, Earth,Weather

And electricity.

Victoria- Healer, like Carlisle but slightly different, her expertise is animals but can heal small things on a human.

(end of List)

It seemed as though as soon as they all realised their powers they started to use them, moving around between each other and laughing, generally having a good time. I locked eyes with Aidan, something within my chest drummed like my heart was pumping again. I realised that this must be what it feels like to copy someone's power. I looked into Claire's eyes but it was a a different experience, I felt a tug in my gut. Aidan ran over "That was so cool!!" he exclaimed like a five year old. "What was?" I replied confused, I doubt he was taking about the tug in my gut. "Your eyes flashed when you looked into Claire's eyes. It was like a rainbow!" "What happened when I looked at you? Did they flash?" I asked him. "No, but did you feel like your heart was beating again? Because mine did and I thought I was going crazy" He replied. "You're not going crazy, I felt it too" I answered. "What do you think it was?" he questioned.

The Words formed in my mind

"When two Vampires are mates, and their eyes meet for the first time, the dead heart will feel like it is beating again to let the Vampires know they are mates"

"We're mates" I offered as an answer. He moved closer, "does it mean I can kiss you?" he whispered, his face centimetres away from my own. "Yes" I let out, and that's all it took for his mouth to be on mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms circled around my waist. 1 minute later we pulled away to see all of our friends, new and old looking at us. And then they started clapping and cheering for us. I smiled at them. Aidan did the same, no one failed to notice that his arm was still around my waist.


"Are we gonna live in Australia?" Aimee asked us all once we had come to the conclusion of our celebration.

"I think we should, but first can you all line up and look me directly in the eyes until my eyes flash rainbow?" I answered. They all nodded and formed a line, Claire stood next to me and Aidan was at the front of the line.

After we where finished and I had everyone's powers we said goodbyes to the Denali's and made our way back to The Cullen's house, smiling and laughing as we did so.

Once we got back we decided that we should go through the house and see if we can find some money so we can buy a house. Going through the house we realised exactly how well off the Cullen's where, we found Millions of dollars behind paintings, under pillows and even a small amount in the safe, which was easy to break into.

"Where are we going to go? And how will we get there?" Aidan asked me as I sat down on his knee.

"Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. To get there ask Liam to use the spell "Ianuae Magicae" and say your destination after Magicae"

I repeated those words back to my new family, first before we go we decided to come up with who we are.

Lily Anne Grace, I decided to go back to my original name as Bella brings back bad memories.

Claire decided to go by, Claire Gemma Grace and we were sisters.

Sam went with Samuel James Grace and was our Brother.

Liam decided on, Lamia and Thalia followed, Going by the names Liam Brodie Lamia and Thalia Mae Lamia

Evangeline, Oliver and Dylan chose to be siblings with the last name Vilkacis. Evangeline Emily, Oliver Dean, Dylan Timothy.

Victoria chose Daniels and Aimee and Aidan decided that they will go by, Aimee Maria Daniels and Aidan Xavier Daniels. Victoria chose the middle name Rhianna.

We decided we would choose our ages once we got there and that Victoria would be our Foster Mother who is very wealthy because our Foster Father died who owned his own business called "Derek Daniels" which was a law firm that was very successful until is was sold when Derek died in a car accident at the age of 58, and the name changed. Derek was A Lot older than Victoria who was only 28. They'd been married for 8 years. Aidan and Aimee where children from a previous Marriage of Derek's. And the rest where foster kids, who Victoria and Derek took in so they could all stay with their 'siblings'. Aidan and I had met and just clicked him being a year older, we started dating when I turned 16. And I am 17 now.

Looking up Schools, it was probably a good Idea that we go to separate schools for boys and girls so it's not as obvious how many people live in the same house, we can catch the bus most morning because you don't get a license until you're 18 in Victoria Australia, and only Aidan and I had decided on ages so nothing was permanent with the others.

The schools we chose where Brother/Sister schools and weren't too expensive because wasting money on a school that we will have to keep going to over and over again is not a good idea.

Loreto College Ballarat and St Patrick's College where chosen.

Now all we needed was a house...

(That's the end of this chapter, I hope it was ok, please leave some feedback and maybe a vote if you like it and would like me to write more. Also comment how long you want them to Stay where they are before the Cullen's come back so Bella/Lily and Aidan can kick some Serious Cullen butt)

Love FOR_NARNIA_XD (does anyone else scream FOR NARNIA in their heads when They read my name?)

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