《Powerful Bella》Hospital


(so it seems people want me to Update this story. So I will attempt to. Do people actually like my story? Also do they like the style I write in? Sorry for asking questions I just want a lot of feedback so I can make my story better)


We arrived at the hospital, so much blood around hurts my throat but I refuse to drink any. I can't kill innocent people. Not now. Not ever.

I looked around. So many people dying. I looked up at the receptionist. "Please lead me to the rooms that have patients on the brink of death with no connections" I asked politely.

"Why should I? You have no reason to see those poor people. They do not need the distraction." She sneered back. I smiled kindly at her.

"I do have a reason, I am from Organisation, save the..." "Yes?" She urged. "Save the People, you know STP" I finished lamely.

"Oh. Ok right this way please. Is your red-headed friend part of the organisation too?"

"Yes. She is" I answered quickly. She lead us to a big room. It had 9 people in there they all had a sickly colour and their faces were sad and lonely. I smiled a sad smile and Vicki and I went to talk to them.

While talking to them I discovered their names.










They were all very lovely people. Now that I think about it I don't know why they have a room full of people with no family relations left. Well every hospital is different.

I tried not to go into their back stories too much in case it upset them.

I felt a connection to all of them, but mainly Aidan.

When I had finished talking to them and was about to leave when I asked the question, I wasn't going to turn a person into a Vampire without their permission.


"If there was a way all your problems could go away and your sickness would vanish would you go that way."

I asked the room full of people in beds.

"Well of course I would, I would give up anything" Claire declared.

"What if that was your mortality and you had to drink blood for the rest of your life" I replied.

"I think it would be nice to have a fresh start in life, but it sounds like your asking us to become a vampire" Dylan said.

"That's what your asking us, isn't it?- don't think I didn't notice Victoria's red eyes" Sam said. He rolled his eyes. "Seriously, you forgot contacts? Smart vampire you are" He directed at Vicki

"How do you know we're vampires?" I shot back.

"Please, I have been in this hospital since I was 15 and I'm 18 years old. What else am I supposed to do? I went through a phase where I looked up every mythical creature possible and it went for about a year, by the end I was an expert in this sort of thing, congratulations by the way, on covering your eye colour"

I brushed that last comment off and sighed. "You win!- that's what I was asking you. I will turn you and we can live as a large family. So any of you want in?"

There was a large chorus' of yes' and so I decided now. I will take one at a time and turn them. "I will change you know and then stay here till you wake and I will pretend to feed you and stuff so people don't get suspicious"

I went around a bit them all on the neck. All of them began to cry in pain. It was hard to watch but it will all be worth it eventually.


(Ok so this is the end of this chapter, was it good? Was it bad? What did you think of it. Do you want me to skip time to where they meet the 'Cullen's' again or do you want me to find a plot that they have to go through. I need answers so please leave them in the comments and vote for this story.)

You know what I am so happy because I have over 100 votes for this book with only 5 chapters up. This being number 5. My other books on my other account have. 6 chapters and 122 votes that's called Harry Potters younger sister and 17 chapters and 152 votes which is called Bella Black. Can you share my book to people who might like it please.

Also here is the list of Actors I chose to play people. They are on the front of the book but I thought maybe people would want to know who's who.

Emma Watson- Claire

Josh Hucherson- Sam

Colin Morgan- Liam

Victoria Justice- Evangeline

Emma Roberts- Aimee

Booboo Stewart- Oliver (don't get confused he is not Seth. I just like him as this character.

Avan Jogia- Dylan

Hillary Duff- Thalia

Logan Lerman-Aidan

Emma Stone - Victoria

Lily Collins - Bella

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