《•°From Peer to Professor°• Severus Snape x Reader》Upcoming Birthday


I slept pretty well last night, even after all that had happened yesterday evening. Breakfast in the Great Hall went as it usually did. Lucas and I talking either about Quidditch, classes, or just random things.

Today was also the day classes resumed. Each of my classes went by as usual. Since most of my classes were with Lucas, they went by much quicker than I expected them to. Once potions was finished, I gave Severus a smile before leaving. Just at that moment, I remembered something. His birthday. I told Lucas that I was going to go to my dorm room early and walked in the direction of the Common Room. Once there, I dropped my books on the bed and sat down at my desk.

'How could I have forgotten about Severus' upcoming birthday!?' I thought to myself, confused as to how something as important as this could slip my mind.

I checked the calendar pinned over my desk and realized that it was already January 2nd. One week from Severus' birthday.

Now that I know how much time I have left, I began to plan out what I would do celebration-wise without anyone else finding out.

'Maybe a simple cake? A drawing perhaps? Or both...'

An hour later I had finished planning what I wanted the cake to look like. It was a small chocolate cake with thin silvery lines of icing running down the sides of it. I smiled at what I had drawn out. Now on to what I would gift him...

It's been 2 days and I have no idea what I should gift to Severus. If I want to finish a drawing or painting in time for his birthday, I need to start now.

'I mean.. it doesn't have to be a drawin-' I stopped mid thought.


I realised what I could make instead of a drawing. It would probably be the most memorable gift I've ever given. Besides, I already made Severus a drawing for Christmas.

I woke up surprisingly early this morning. But I have a reason for that. I have to make a trip to Hogsmeade. Firstly to get some baking supplies, and secondly to get supplies for the gift. I asked Lucas if he would go with me and he of course said yes. We both made our way down the path that lead to Hogsmeade.

"So (Y/N), what's the occasion?" Lucas asked me as we trudged through the snow.

"Well, Severus' birthday is coming up and I wanted to do something special for him." I replied, simultaneously starting to blush.

"So how old is he turning?" Lucas inquired as we finally had Hogsmeade in view.

"I believe 22." I replied, trying not to talk much because of how tired I became from walking through the snow.

"Huh, he doesn't really look it." Lucas chuckled.

I elbowed him, which caused him to laugh a bit.

"We've made it. Now where would we go for baking supplies?" I pondered.

"I don't believe there is in actual shop where you can purchase supplies, but we might have luck in asking Madam Puddifoot if we can bake something there." Lucas told me.

"Great idea!" I replied as we made our way over to the Tea Shop.

We entered the shop and we're greeted by the sound of the bell hanging over the door. Madam Puddifoot could be heard making her way out of the back room and into the front where we were standing.

"Hello dears! What can I do for you two today?" She asked us.

I explained to her that I was planning on baking a cake for a friend and wanted to know if I could bake it at her store to make sure it stayed a surprise.


"Oh how lovely! Of course you two can bake one here!" She replied with a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much!" I thanked her.

She showed us into the back room where we then gathered the ingredients to begin baking.

"Aaand.. finished!" I exclaimed as we put the finishing touches on the cake.

"We'll just need to put a preservation charm on the cake so that it will stay fresh until Thursday." Lucas reminded me.

"Oh right." I said as I took my wand out to put the charm on the cake.

After I had finished that, I let Madam Puddifoot know that I would return on Thursday to collect the cake.

Next stop was Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. I needed to get some stationary that I would be using for the gift. After grabbing those items, Lucas and I decided to eat at The Three Broomsticks for convenience and then went back to Hogwarts.

I spent some time working on the gift in my dorm room. I have no doubt that Severus will like this gift.

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