《•°From Peer to Professor°• Severus Snape x Reader》Quidditch Complications



The next couple weeks were pretty.. normal? I had Quidditch practice every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I fulfilled my duty as a Prefect, did my work in class, etc. The only thing that was different was that I disliked going to Potions, unlike when Professor Slughorn taught us. Every time I walked in I felt weights being dropped on my shoulders. It made me so upset to see Severus look at me like another one of his students.

The closer it got to the day of the Quidditch Game, the more excited everyone got. Right now it was Thursday evening and our Quidditch Captain, Alex, was giving the whole team a lot of material to study on. Such as different techniques to use against Gryffindor. Yep, Gryffindor was the first team we would play against. Slytherin and Gryffindor weren't really known for getting along, so this Quidditch game may be rougher than usual.

I was seated in the bleachers, occupied by other Professors. Although (Y/N) and I weren't on the greatest of terms at the moment, I was slightly unnerved by the fact that (Y/N) was part of the Slytherin team. I remembered watching a game of Quidditch with her during my 6th Year and her 3rd. We witnessed a Ravenclaw Beater get knocked off her broom by a bludger. That girl hadn't woken up for well over a week. I sensed the fear in (Y/N)'s eyes as she watched the girl fall to the floor. It broke me. Seeing her fly high above the crowd does nothing other than remind me of that wretched game.

The announcer began introducing both teams. Once she got to (Y/N), I cringed. I didn't want to see her go through the same thing that she once saw as a 3rd Year. Once the announcer finished, the game began.

(Y/N) - Chaser

Linda - Chaser

Ryan - Chaser


Alex - Beater

Lucas - Beater

Hannah - Keeper

Katrina - Seeker

Samuel - Chaser

Tanner - Chaser

Emily - Chaser

Kat - Beater

Jason - Beater

Xander - Keeper

Lionel - Seeker

Once Madam Hooch blew her whistle, the Quaffle flew into the air and I followed it as fast as I could. Which is exactly what two of the Gryffindor Chasers did. I grabbed it before either of them could and passed it to Linda. I was ramed into by Samuel and Tanner, two of the Gryffindor Chasers. I got into position to take back the Quaffle as a Bludger zoomed past my head. Lucas blocked it for Linda so she could pass the Quaffle back. I caught it and threw it through the right hoop. Scoring us our first points. This went on back and fourth for an hour and a half.

The snitch had already been spotted for the first time half an hour ago. But it seems to be hidden in the clouds right now. Katrina and the Gryffindor Seeker Lionel are already searching up there. All of a sudden, it is announced that the snitch is in sight again and that Katrina and Lionel were neck and neck for it. I noticed one of Gryffindors Beaters had the bludger in hand, aiming it at Katrina. I had to interfere, because either I would be injured or Katrina would be, and we would loose the game. I hadn't put much thought into my approach, because the second I was in the path of the bludger, it rammed into my broom and caused it to snap in front. I was now hanging about 15 meters in the air with a bludger now focused on killing me, apparently. I swung my body out of the way of the bludger, which is when I realized Katrina had caught the golden snitch. I was smiling while still hanging there. I was distracted until I heard someone yell my name. At that moment, the bludger hit my arm and caused me to hang by one hand. I heard many people stop cheering to watch me hang from my broom. Madam Hooch cast a spell on the bludger to stop attacking me, while Lucas flew under my broom, telling me to let go.


"C'mon (Y/N)! I'll catch you! Let go!" He exclaimed.

I did and dropped on the back of his broom. He flew us to the floor where some Professors had already gathered. As well as the two Quidditch teams. I was on the verge of tears once the numbness of my hand faded. I cursed under my breath while grabbing my hurt arm. Madam Hooch had me taken to the Hospital wing. Lucas helped me up so that I could get my arm treated. Once off the ground, I spotted among the Professors on the field, Severus standing with a pale face. He seemed frozen and looked so fearful of what happened to me. I'm surprised he cared at all about what happened to me, being that we aren't really on good terms with one another. He must really be upset about this.

"Here is the bone growth potion for your arm Ms. (Y/L/N)." Madam Pomfrey told me as she handed me a glass of the concoction.

I made a sour face once I drank some of it.

"Yeah.. nothing like pumpkin juice." I choked out.

Lucas was already sitting with me as I heard a bunch of chatter coming from the entrance of the Hospital Wing. I then saw Alex, some of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and 3 Professors round the corner.

"What the hell were you thinking!? We didn't plan any of that in our practices! You are lucky you didn't get severely injured!" I heard Alex yell.

"That was a very dangerous stunt you pulled Ms. (Y/L/N). It is not acceptable to purposefully get in the way of a bludger!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed.

Some arguments were heard among the group, but I noticed a certain Professor within that group. Severus was there. He still seems as upset as he was at the field. I gave him a reassuring smile which he just shook his head at and continued arguing with the other Professors. I don't know why I smiled. I'm not very fond of him at this moment, but something inside me is telling me to let him explain his actions.

The arguing eventually died down enough for Katrina to get a word in.

"Everyone! I believe you're all missing the point of (Y/N)'s actions. She saved me from getting knocked off my broom by the Bludger and made it possible for me to catch the snitch! Although her decision may not have been the safest one, she won us the game. So thank her for that, don't scold her." Katrina had everyone listening and nodding there heads at the end of her statement.

"Now why don't we let her get some rest for once." Katrina said, giving me a quick hug as a thank you.

"I for one agree!" Madam Pomfrey said while coming up to me with a bandage for my arm.

"Yeah. Lets let her rest. I'll talk to you later (Y/N)." Lucas said, getting out of the chair next to my cot.

"See you later." I waved with my good arm.

After Madam Pomfrey left, I noticed how late it had become. It was probably around 9 or 10 in the evening. It was very quiet as well. There was no one else in the Infirmary except me. Great.. I'm in an almost completely dark room all by myself. That's fantastic.

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