《•°From Peer to Professor°• Severus Snape x Reader》Prologue



"Severus! Severus, wait up!" Your voice could be heard yelling down the corridor to your best and first friend, Severus Snape.

You were running down the hall to catch up to him, while also struggling to keep all your books from falling off the largely stacked pile you were carrying. He turned just as you began to stumble while slowing down. You came to a stop next to him and grinned. He noticed one of your books sliding off the pile and adjusted it to stay put, then looked at you, giving you a weak smile.

"Hello, (Y/N)." He replied with a neutral tone and began to continue walking.

You followed him and matched his pace. It was the last day of school and you planned to go to Hogsmeade one last time before Summer let out.

"Are you excited for Hogsmeade?" You ask, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I would like to think so." He replied looking over at the Whomping Willow swinging a select branch at a bird, but missing.

You smiled at Severus and continued walking with him to the Great Hall for the End of the Year Feast. Once there, you both took a seat at the Slytherin table.

'Severus seems a little out of it today. Usually he would wait for me at the end of my last class, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Not only that, but I haven't seen Lily around.'

It would seem that this past year, Lily has been spending less and less time with me and Severus. Which may explain Severus becoming less and less happy. I had found out that he fancied Lily for a long time now, but never acted on it. Sadly, James Potter, Severus' Bully, caught Lily's attention. They soon became an 'item', which is when Severus' livelihood plummeted. I was sad for two reasons. One, because Severus was and still is unhappy. And two, because I fancy Severus, even though he doesn't seem to fancy me. It hurt, a lot.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Severus nudging me to let me know the Feast was starting. Severus was probably one of the only Slytherins who I was able to befriend. And that's mainly because Lily introduced me to him.

As Professor Dumbledore stepped up to the podium, the golden owl on said podium spread it's wings as if to hold any paper sheets that would be set upon it.

"Attention students! Attention." He began, causing the mass of students to gradually become quieter.

Professor Dumbledore began,

"It has been yet another fine year at Hogwarts. I would like to congratulate all 7th years on graduating from Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

I stood up and clapped while cheering, as did many others. I looked down at Severus to see that he wasn't standing up. I pulled him up by his left arm, causing him to groan while getting up. He stood there until the clapping died down, which insinuated Dumbledore to continue his speech.

"I am also very proud of all 1st years for completing their first year at Hogwarts, School of-" Professor Dumbledore couldn't finish his sentence before the hall erupted with cheers.

The speech went on for a good 15 minutes before this year's winners of the House Cup were announced.

"In 4th place, we have.. Ravenclaw!" There was an array of cheers.

"In 3rd, Hufflepuff!" The cheers became gradually louder.


"In 2nd place, Gryffindor!" I looked over at the Gryffindor table and noticed Lily smiling to some of her friends. I was very happy to see her smiling.

"And with that, I would like to award this years House Cup to, Slytherin!" Our entire table started cheering.

I looked at Severus who smiled at me a little more than he does on a normal day. After the Feast, we waited for the others to empty out of the Hall before we left our seats.

"We did it, Sevy!" I said, knowing it would grab his attention by using the nickname I made up.

He gave me a half smile while rolling his eyes playfully.

"Why do you keep calling me that? It's getting somewhat repetitive now." He said as his smile receded back to his resting face.

In response, I shrugged my shoulders while grinning mischievously.


As we were walking through the Courtyard, I spotted Lily with a huge smile on her face. I then tapped Severus on the shoulder, pointing in her direction. He attempted to walk back the way we came, but I grabbed his sleeve before he could do so.

"Hi Lily! Congratulations on graduating!" I said as we walked up to her.

"Thank you (Y/N)! I'm going to miss the both of you so very much!" She said to me and Severus.

"As will I." Severus replied, with his previous smile nowhere in sight.

"I'll miss both of you very much! So, how about a butterbeer before we leave for the Summer?" I said, slinging my arms around the both of them.

"Sounds like fun!" Lily replied.

"This was evidently planned, so my answer remains, yes." Severus says, with an automated sounding voice.

We made our way to The Three Broomsticks and found ourselves a seat. Not much later, James appeared at the entrance. He looked around until he spotted us.

"Hi James." I greeted him while trying to muster the most believable, sincere smile I could.

"Hello (Y/N), good to see you!" James seemed much more cheerful than he usually was.

He turned his head to look at Severus and gave him what was obviously a fake smile to please Lily. He then sat down in the booth with us.

Severus stayed glued to his seat, glaring slightly at him.

Lily smiled at James and kissed him. For the moment that that was going on, I turned toward Severus, shielded my face from them, and made a face that made it seem as though I were gagging. Severus chuckled quietly and smirked before they turned back to look at us.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), Severus. I had promised James that I would go to Honeyduke's with him and his friends. I'll see you both at the train when it departs." She says, giving us both a smile.

"You double planned? Couldn't you have told us that in the Great Hall?" I asked her as my smile faltered with disappointment.

"You're right (Y/N). I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before." She looked slightly embarrassed as she responded.

"Oh it's alright. You three can talk on the train after all. Come Lily, Remus and Sirius are waiting with Peter in front of Honeyduke's." James lead Lily out the front door as quickly as he could, to which I just sighed heavily and rested me chin in my hand.


After a moment of silence, I turned to Severus and asked him,

"C'mon. Let's go walk around. Not really feeling the whole butter beer thing anymore."

"Agreed." Severus replied as he stood up with me to leave the establishment.

We ended up walking to a spot near the Great Lake that the two of us would often hang out at when avoiding James and his group. We sat down against a tree and just enjoyed the silence for a while.

"So, you graduated today. I'm gonna miss not seeing you here next year." I said while fiddling with a few twigs on the ground.

Severus looked down at the twigs and took one from the pile to distract himself with. He nodded in response to my statement and frowned slightly.

"Will you promise to write me? Maybe even visit sometime as well." I suggested as I sat back against the tree again. Severus replied after a moment,

"I promise."

I smiled happily and rested my head on his shoulder. I expected Severus to flinch, but I guess he's so distracted by the twig that he didn't care much about my actions.


"Severus we have to hurry!" The train departs in 10 minutes!" I say as I make my way to the back of the train, Severus in tow.

"It isn't particularly easy to 'hurry up' when trailing 2 suitcases behind me!" He replies, out of breath.

Once our luggage is dropped off, we enter a train cabin and search for Lily's compartment. I spotted her a few compartments back, but once I made it to the window, I saw her sitting next to James. His clique also filling up the small space. I frown slightly as I look back at Severus, who only just caught up. He looked in and immediately sighed, making his way to find another compartment. Lily must have seen us briefly because she jumped up, unlocked the compartment and asked us to sit with them.

"(Y/N)! Severus! Come join us!" She said cheerfully.

I walked back up to her, Severus reluctantly walking back as well.

"Lily, I don't think it would be ideal-"

"Oh come on! I'm sure they'll be happy to have you here as well." She said, cutting me off.

I could hear James and his friends laughing a bit. I sighed and looked at Severus, who seemed slightly bothered by Lily's offer, but complied anyways. I sat in between Severus and Sirius to make Severus feel less uncomfortable. James looked over at Severus with a devious smirk. I could sense something was about to go down.

While Lily had stepped outside of the compartment to purchase a couple sweets from the food cart in the hall, James elbowed Peter and spoke.

"Hey, Snivellous. Congratulations on graduating! I really didn't think a loner such as yourself would be able to accomplish it!" He said, causing his friends to erupt with laughter. Severus got up, whipped his wand out and pointed it at James angrily.

"Say that one more time and your head is the next thing to not make it out of Hogwarts." He seethed.

He lowered his wand slowly and stuck it back in his holster before he sat back down, huffing out some air.

James shut up for a little, but I knew it wouldn't last long. A couple hours later, Lily had gone to the restroom and I could sense something else was about to happen. Not a minute later, Sirius decided to sling his left arm over my shoulder. He then spoke,

"It's sad that we won't be seeing each other next year. Although you're friends with Snivey over 'ere, you've always been rather interesting to me if you know what I mean (Y/N).."

I threw his arm back over my shoulder into his lap.

"That goes for only one of us, 'if you know what I mean'." I mocked him, earning a resounding 'ooo' from his friends.

Severus chuckled a small bit at my response to Sirius' obvious flirting.

Once the joking died down, Sirius tried yet again to quote on quote 'flirt' with me. He pretended to stretch and put his arm back over my shoulder.

"You know, you'd probably have a chance if you weren't part of a bully squad Sirius." I responded as I shoved his arm away.

"We don't bully people (Y/N), we just mess with people from time to time." James chuckled.

"Oh really? And what do you have to say Remus. You're the Prefect after all. Tell me, what is your opinion on your friends constantly picking on Severus, huh?" I asked Remus, who seemed surprised that I addressed him during all of this.

"Well I definitely don-"

"Hold on a second. It seems Snivellous has gotten himself a girlfriend to defend him!" James cuts Remus off.

Severus tears his head away from the window and looks around bewildered at James's statement. Everyone in James' group except Remus, began singing something.

" (Y/N) and Snivellous sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Severus seemed to have had enough of it.

Just at that moment, Lily came back to the compartment. The singing had come to an end by the time she opened the door.

"So, what did I miss!?" Lily asked cheerfully as she sat back down.

"Oh nothing much! Except for that fact that Severus has got a girlfriend." James chuckled.

Lily seemed surprised and couldn't seem to say anything because of that.

"I really don't ha-"

"And it's (Y/N)!" I hear Peter say loud enough for Lily to hear.

Severus and I exchanged awkward looks before we heard a familiar cheerful squeal.

"Oh I'm so happy you two finally got together! I'd honestly wondered when you'd finally realize how perfect you are for each other!" Lily exclaimed happily and smiled at the two of us.

The rest of the train ride was quite awkward. But once we had finally arrived at Platform 9 3/4, we said our goodbyes, along with a little teasing from James and Sirius. After Lily left with the other four, Severus looked at me and began speaking.

"I hope we can forget about what just happened back in the train. I don't want this becoming more awkward than it already has."

I was sad at hearing Severus' words, but replied with,

"Yeah, sure Severus."

"Good. I'll message you by owl in the following weeks." Severus told me as we picked up our luggage.

I nodded in agreement.

"Alright then. Goodbye, (Y/N)." Severus said with a sigh.

I leant forward to give him a hug and replied,

"Goodbye, Severus. I hope to see you sometime soon."

He gave me one last smile before heading towards the brick pillar. And just like that, Severus was gone.

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