《○304 Reasons we Love you□ (Squid game guards x reader)》Number 4. trust🖤


It was very quiet, no one daring to say a word, the only noises were shoes tapping over the floor...

The corpses and all the blood... i doubt it would leave anyones mind so quickly...

I saw people shove each other so they would, these people were murderers... they wouldnt forget that so easily eithe i suppose...

I walked along the staircases with the others which seemed to be equally disturbed...

I walked down the halls behind the others, fiddling with my hands...

We walked down a staircase with two ends...

Like all the others i wanted to turn left but as i walked down i suddendly heard a guard behind me speak.

"Right" it took a small moment for me to realize what he meant but luckily i quickly understood and followed him the other way. Luckily none of the other players noticed...

I walked into a hallway and looked around a bit.

"Here, take it. The rations arent too big" i looked back to the guard.

He was holding an apple out to me...

I looked at it for a quick moment.

"No thank you" i shook my head

"That wasnt a request"

"I dont trust you. My dad told me not to take food from strangers"

"Just take it"

I paused.

"Take off your mask, ill take it if you do"

"I cant do that"

I glanced around.

"There are no cameras or other guards here. I dont see why you couldnt"

I could hear low sigh as he undid the mask covering his face.

I looked at him a bit suprised...

"You dont look much older than me... whats your name"

He looked like he was in his early twentys, maybe 2 or 3 years older than me...

"Names are for friends. Will you take it now?"

I nodded taking the apple and stuffing it in my pocket.

"Can i have your mask? Ill give it back in a second"

He hesitated but handed it to me.

I examined it a bit, the triangle shape pointed out that i havent met this guy before...

I formed a small scratch on the mask with my fingernail, it looked unoticable but if you knew it was there you could see it, i felt like i should be able to tell him apart from the other guards...


I gave it back to him.

"What do these symbols you guys have on your masks mean anyway?" I asked.

"Sorry, i cant tell you that"

I pouted a bit

"Hey, one last question. Whats your name? I dont want to have to call you by your serial code all the time"

I paused, "names are for friends..."

He simply nodded before putting the mask back on.

"I need to get you back to the other now, but one last piece of advice, watch out for the other guards, escpecially the squares. Theyve got their eyes on you"

I hesitantly nodded before following him back to the rooms where all the other players were...

I awkwardly sat down next to some other people... there was a complete silence across the room...

All of the sudden the lights turned on again as some guards stepped forward. Most of the players, me included, shot up immediantly.

There were several guards with triangle masks, but from the distance i couldnt see if any of them had a scratch on them...

"Congratulations for making it trough the first game"

"Here are the results of the first game"

The number of players shown above rapidly went down... and stopped at 201...

"Out of 456 players, 255 players have been eliminated"

"201 players have completed the first game"

The room seemed to fall into a mild panic... everyone was looking around nervously... honestly i was a bit scared too...

Suddendly i heard a voice of a woman yell out of the crowd...

She started begging to be released and rambled about having an unnamed child at home...

Honestly i couldnt help but feel a bit sorry...

The guards seemed quite unfazed tough...

I looked up at them, a few of them seemed to glance my way while others only looked forward...

Another woman started to bed for their life and for her release...

More and more people started bowing down and begged for forgiveness... i really only stared from the sideline...

I looked back at the guards and shrugged, honestly i wasnt as scared of them as the others seemed to be... as of now, one of them had already saved my life...

"There seems to be a misunderstanding"

"We are not here to harm you or collect your debts"


"Let me remind you. We are presenting you with an opportunity"

"An opportunity?" One of the guys in the crowd asked

"You call this an opportunity?"

"You make us play a childrens game and then kill us"

"How is this an opportunity?"

'I mean... hes not wrong..'

"We may be in debt, but that doesnt mean we deserve to die!" Another guy pleaded.

"This is just a game."

'Correction, killing game...'

"You killed all those people! And yet you call this a game?!"

"They were simply eliminated for breaking the rules of the game"

"As long as you follow the rules, you will safely exit this place with the promised money"

"Prize money or no prize money, i dont care!" A guy with dried blood on his face yelled out.

"Please just let me out!"

Some started chattering while others kept begging...

Honestly, i was doing neither, i just stared forward and waited for the square guy to continue speaking.

"Clause one of the consent form: a player is not allowed to voluntarily quit the games."

I mean i did read it trough but... i didnt expect it to be meant in that sense...

"You really think you can get away with all of this?!" The guy from ealier exclaimed.

"The police will barge in any minute, looking for the people reported missing!"

The police? From my experience they wouldnt do much...

"Hes right! If you dont let us go, theyll locate us by tracking out phones and come find us!"

"then that will be it for you!"

The whole crowd was swiftly shut up as the guard fired a bullet to the ceiling.

Everyone immeadiantly hit the deck as the triangle pointed their guns at us...

"Clause two of the consent form: A player who refuses to play will be eliminated."

"Clause three of the consent form!" A man stood up and called out.

"The games may be terminated... upon a majority vote."

"Is that correct?"

"That is correct"

'Wow that guy is clever...'

"Then let us take a vote"

"If the majority wishes to quit, you will have to let us go."

"As you wish, we will take a vote on wether or not to terminate the games"

Everyone seemed to calm down a bit...

"But before we vote, we will reveal the prize amount from the first game"

Once again the piggybank lowered from the ceiling and this time... cash started to fall into it...

And it wasnt just a bit of cash...

"The number of player eliminated in the first game, 255."

"Allocated prize money for each player, 100 million won"

"Therefore, the current total of 25.5 billion won has been accumulated into the piggy bank"

'Wow... i could... buy anything with that...'

"If you quit the games now, the 25.5 billion won will be sent to the families of the eliminated players, 100 million won each"

"However, all of you will return home empty-handed."

The woman from earlier raised her hand.

"Uh sir?"

"So then if we make it trough all six games, how much do we get?"

"There are 456 players. So the total is 45.6 billion won"

"We will begin the vote."

'Ive made up my mind...'

There were two buttons, a red X and a green O... both looked appealing to me.

"You can see two buttons in front of you, if you wish to continue, press the green button with an O"

"If you wish to cease, press the red button with an X"

"Once you finish voting, move to the other side of the white line"

"The vote will be held in reverse of the number on your chests"

"Player 456, please cast your vote"

He walked forward and without much hesitation clicked the red button...

The next was a smaller woman, "player 455 please cast your vote"

She walke forward and started to hesitate... she shot a glance at the huge amount of money... and laid her hand onto the green button.

I gulped as other frowned at her...

More and more people walked up to the buttons, one after one casting their vote... some green, some red...

"Player 304, please cast your vote"

I nodded starting to walk forward to the buttons.

I shot a glance to the money...

'this... this isnt just for me... this is for my family... and for my life...'

I gently pressed down the green button as my vote got cast...

I walked over to the line, i could feel many dissaproving stares on me...

The last person was up... the voted were 50/50... this now all depended on that guy...

He looked over the buttons for at least a minute... slowly he reached out and... then he pressed the red button...

I sighed as others cheered loudly...

'Game over i suppose...'

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