《Severus Snape x Reader》Feeling different


It's been around a week since school started and students are acting up still, making Severus stressed. You haven't been well yourself, being nauseous and light headed, you shook it off as maybe too much stress yourself.

"Professor l/n!" You hear a student call, "having trouble?" You ask as you approach the student, noticing it was potters kid, "the potion... it's not working..." he says quietly, you examine the potion and realize didn't put the ingredients in correctly and let out a sigh, "Mr. potter be careful.... if you aren't , next time you won't be lucky with it, some students get blown up by it... now please read carefully, and put the ingredients in as they are told, do not put them all in at once." You pour the liquid out and give him a new pot. He smiles and looks at the book and reads.

Severus walks around and makes sure everyone is on task and no one is messing up. He sees that you are off but doesn't cause a scene in his class. He keeps an eye on you while he sits back at his desk and grades work.

You start to feel as though you are gonna throw up, you go over to Severus who sees how pale you are and before you can speak Severus nods, "go on," he says with care in his tone.

You walk to the hospital wing to be greeted with madam Pomfreys warm welcome, she did you down on a bed and ask you to lay down, and examines your whole body and looks up at you "you been feeling sick" she ask. "A little bit" you replied as she sits beside you. "When was the last time..." she stops herself and looks around to see the empty hospital wing except for you two. "You and Severus were intimate" your cheeks seem as if they were about to melt off. "I..." you can't get your words out. "Recently....." you muttered. "There's a high chance that you're pregnant, or sick from it, but it shouldn't last this long, so I'd suggest you go and take a pregnancy test okay sweetie..." her voice pierced through your heart, "pregnant! I can't be..." you thought, "how will Severus react...." you ask her as if she would know, Pomfrey looks around the wing again, and looks at you. "He's a mysterious man, his reaction is based off of the mood he's in... but he loves you unconditionally, I mean... since lily died, you were there to comfort him, I watched your relationship grow and he never looked at you the way he did lily... he's madly in love... I don't think it would affect him that much." She says trying to calm you down. "Maybe she's right, he is a sweet man, but he has anger issues... maybe he will hate me" you think. "Thank-you..." you say, Pomfrey nods and smiles at you.


After school you were about to leave when Severus stops you, "y/n... what's wrong," he ask with pure worry in his tone, you look into his eyes, the same dark eyes you fell in love with all that time ago, the same eyes that show so much love to you, and only you. You told him, "sev I think I might be pregnant..." you say with fear over him leaving, to your shock he holds you close and kisses your cheek, "go take the test... you know how I am about the words 'I think'" he says. You shake as he lets go of you and you quickly go to the store, you come back to take the test, you stand staring at it what seemed like days, slowly you feel your heart sink as you see 2 pink lines. "Nononono..." you mumble as you feel as if you were gonna faint, you hear Severus knock on the door, "you okay, what's the result..." he says with worry.

You stumble out the door and Severus catches you, he holds you close to his chest "shh shh, breathe y/n breathe," he rubs your back kissing your forehead, "it's okay, I'm here" he reassured. You looked back at him, meeting his gaze, his eyes held love and passion for you. You breathe In deeply "P-P... positive...." you manage to muster up. He nods in understanding and kisses your cheek where a tear was falling "I love you so much y/n...." his tone wasn't angry but.... happy?! "I'll be here through it all," he pulls you away with a small smile on his face, "I'm actually quite happy that you are pregnant... I always wanted to be a father," he chuckles "ironic I know... I'm known around here to 'have a hate to kids' but in reality it's different if it's my own." He laughs at his own joke. "You're not mad?" You respond with more hope in your tone, "I'm thrilled..." he smiles. "Now! Let's get some rest angel,"

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