《She's My Princess. (Snotlout X Ruffnut) ♡♀♂》⚜♡~Sickness~♡⚜


Snotlout slowly opened his eyes drawing out his blinks to find no Sign of Ruffnut. He Rubbed his eyes. "Ruffnut?" He got no answer and walked out of the small tent. He found everyone except Ruffnut there. "Guys, Where's Ruff?" TuffNut looked over at him with worry and Discust in his eyes. "I THOUGHT SHE WAS WITH YOU!" Snotlout didn't even flinch.

"So your telling me she's gone and you have no idea where she went?" TuffNut jumped on top of Snotlout. "WHERE IS SHE?" Snotlout just froze in confusion of what happened. Ruffnut came up behind them and tackled TuffNut. "Get off Him, Idiot."

TuffNut laughed. "Oh good, Your alive." She sighed. "Damn Right I'm alive. I'm not dead...I think..."

Snotlout got up and pulled Ruffnut off of TuffNut. "Okay, Just don't kill him Ruff." She turned around and hit Snotlout in the stomach. "Lemme go, Snotlout!" He didn't let go he just pulled her farther from Tuff. TuffNut got up and Jumped on Snotlout's back. "HEY, I wanna Beat Snotlout up too!" Snotlout fell onto the dirt. "ROSS!" Ross got up and pulled both Ruff and Tuff Off Snotlout.

TuffNut and Ruffnut were laughing and banged their heads together. "What the hell is wrong with those two, This morning their acting Stupider than Usual." Ruffnut Punched Snotlout in the shoulder. "Oh shut it Snotty, I don't wanna hear that from you." Snotlout rubbed the pain in his arm. "Ow." She chuckled Ran off in circles. "Where am I going?" Astrid stood up and pulled Snotlout to the side. "Ruffnut and Tuffnut ate some raw meet from Fishlegs and Uhh they are super sick." Snotlout tried to hide his worry but his voice was full of it. "Will they be okay?" Astrid sighed. "Hiccup sent a terror mail to Gothy, She will be here soon with Gobber."


Ruffnut just leaned over and threw up. Ross came over and rubbed her back trying to make her feel better. TuffNut laughed. "Dare me to jump in it?" Ruffnut laughed and gave him a thumbs up. Hiccup grabbed him mid air. "No, tuff your not doing that." Ruffnut threw up again her face now a bit more pale. Snotlout walked over to Ruffnut and sat next to her. "You okay?" She smiled and layed her head on his arm. "Nope." Snotlout put his arm around Ruffnut. "It's gonna be okay Ruffles."

Ross got a small bucket of water with a cloth. "Dose she have a fever?" Snotlout felt her head. "She's Burning up." Ross raised an eyebrow "TuffNut isn't...That's weird." TuffNut bit Ross's finger. "TASTES NASTY!" Snotlout started laughing and Ross was running around screaming and crying. Ruffnut laughed rolling around on the ground. "GOOD JOB TUFFERS!" Tuffnut nodded in sick satisfaction.

Hiccup sighed. "I don't think just Raw meat did that to them." Astrid replied. "They really need a medic." Ruffnut got up and called Snare. Snare ran twords her helping her keep her balance. "Guys looooooook, It's a Horsey!" Hiccup felt more and more concerned. "Right down their syptoms Ross."..... "Okay, So Nausea, Dizziness, Lack of Quardonation, Fevers and We'll Stupidity." Snotlout held Ruffnut in his arms trying to help here. "Why is she Green skined?" Astrid Gasped. "They have Sintoplasia!" Snotlout dropped Ruffnut. "What is that?"

Ross Got TuffNut on His Snow Wraith. "If it is, They can't wait they need help NOW!" Hiccup turned to see how concerned Ross was. "He's Right." Snotlout picked Ruffnut up bride Style. As he got on Hookfang Ruffnut passed out. "Damn, What caused this?" Astrid was scared for her friends. "I don't know guys." They flew off immediantly to get the twins Help.


As soon as they came past Gothyand Gobber. "Eh, Where are you kids goin?" Astrid felt tears. "We think they have Sintoplasia!" Gothy pointed in the direction back to Berk with her staff they all headed back to Berk.

Snotlout saw Ruffnut was getting worse and worse as they edged closer to Berk. When they got down Snotlout carried in Ruffnut and Ross carried TuffNut. "Gothy, are they going to be okay." She raised an eyebrow at the young man. "What? Their my Friends, Nothing more I don't really care I-I just wanna know." Gothy didn't answer. She quickly Showed Snotlout the door so she could help the twins.

Snotlout and the others sat on the stair waiting to see if their close friends would be okay. "Hey, Snotlout Ruff and Tuff are strong, I'm sure they'll be okay." Ross smiled. Astrid layed her head on Hiccup. Gothy walked out and drew out in words. "I've given them Healing Potions, now all we can do is wait you may come to see them now." Snotlout was the last to go in the room.

He tried not to act like he cared, But when everyone was gone. "Hey Ruff, Please keep fighting just a little longer and you'll be okay. The truth is I can't imagine a world without you in it." He kissed her forhead as she layed there as sick as ever. All he could do was wait and Hope for the best for his Best Friend TuffNut, And His Girlfriend Ruffnut. Snotlout held Ruffnut's hand and Sang to her. "." ~No matter how sick Ruffnut would get her hands stayed warm like her heart~💓💖💓

Snotlout felt his hand be gripped by hers she wispered to him weakly. "Snotlout, I can't Imagine a world without you in it either." Snotlout kissed her cheek as she fell asleep in his arms. TuffNut woke up and saw his sister. "Adorable, Not Snotlout just Her." He laughed a bit and went to sleep. ♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜

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