《She's My Princess. (Snotlout X Ruffnut) ♡♀♂》☄✍~The Grace Of Truth~✍☄


Ruffnut woke up to find TuffNut standing over her. "Did ya Miss me." Ruffnut threw a pillow at his face. "How long have you been standing there?" TuffNut laughed. "2 hours." Ruffnut mumbled. "Geeeeet Out I'm tryin to Sleep." TuffNut smiled. "I made bacon." Ruffnut jumped out of bed and push TuffNut out of the way and ran downstairs. TuffNut rolled on the floor laughing. "There is NO bacon!!!" Ruffnut Puffed angirly. "Prepare to Die." Tuffnut's face got worried. "Shit." Ruffnut tackled his and started punching him. "AHHHHHH ROSS HELP!" Ross came running downstairs. "What's wrong?"

TuffNut was covering his face. Ross sighed. "You told her you had food didn't you?" Ross picked Ruffnut up and sat her down on the couch. "Don't kill TuffNut, I mean he is almost dead now that's good enough." TuffNut was laying on the floor in shock. "I'm not dead?" TuffNut got up and brushed off dust. "Ow. Thanks alot Ruff." Ruffnut smiled her most mishiviouse smile. "Your welcome, Ass hole." Ross sighed. "Okay Ruff and that's enough." 😐👌

Ross smiled. "TuffNut, Good timing now that your back Snotlout invited all of us to go hiking later today." TuffNut smiled. "Great, I definitely will be going." Ruffnut soon fell asleep. "Hey Ross, What's Ruffnut's problem?" Ross sighed. "I don't know."

Ross sat next to Ruffnut. "She deserves a break." TuffNut rolled his eyes. "What dose she do anyways?" Ruffnut threw a pillow at Tuffs face and laughed. "Ugh Ruff!" Ross tried his hardest not to laugh but couldn't help it. She got up got dressed and walked out the door, Ross followed.

"Hey, Where are you two going?" Ruffnut smiled. "Adventure." Ross looked confused. "Adventure inst a place." Ruffnut laughed. "For me it is."


Snotlout looked out his window to see Ruffnut. "You coming?" Snotlout asked. "Where?" She smiled. "Adventure." He laughed. "I'm coming." Once he got downstairs and out the door they all walked into the woods. "So Ruffnut, Where dose adventure lead us today?" Snare came up and ran past them chasing a butterfly. "Well Lout, Where ever it wants us to go, We follow the wind." Ross smiled. "Ruffnut, Your always so free spirited." Snotlout grabbed Ruffnut's hand. "That's my Ruff." ♡

Ruffnut let Snotlout's hand go leaving him confused as she ran twords a small waterfall and a pond. "Look where Adventure led us to." Ruffnut called Snare. "Snare loves water, it's nice just watching her swim around."

Snare jumped in the water and splashed Snotlout. "Snare!" Ruffnut and Ross laughed. Snotlout picked Ruffnut up and tossed her in the water. "SNOTLOUT!" Snotlout laughed

"Here." He put his hand out and she pulled him in. "Ruffnut!!?" Ross was rolling around on the ground laughing. "Seriously you guys, your like children!" Snotlout pulled Ruffnut into his arms. "Why did you do that?" Ruffnut had a playful smile on her face as they snapped back to reality.

"Guys! Tuff is coming." Ruffnut soon dove underwater and Snotlout got up on land. "Hey guys, Where's Ruff?"

Ross was not great at lying. "Ugh she's uhhhhhhh." Snotlout interrupted. "Swimming with Snare." TuffNut looked confused. "Then why are you wet?" Roos replied. "He got splashed."

"Okay, I just came to tell her that Stoike wants to speak to her." Snotlout looked worried. "Why?" TuffNut laughed. "I don't know, But it's not the first time." Ruffnut came up from the water. "Damn I have to talk to Stoike again, What for this time?" TuffNut laughed and helped his sister out the water. Snotlout couldn't help but to stare her hair came out of it's usual braids, It was a long beautiful mess. She didn't have her hair down much.


"Well I'll see you guys later." When TuffNut wasn't looking she gave Snotlout a kiss on the cheek. He hasn't been kissed by her in a while. He held his hand on his cheek and smiled. Ross laughed. "Someone's Happy." Snotlout and Ross went off to do their own thing waiting for Ruffnut. "So you and Ruffnut are getting serious." Snotlout smiled. "What do you mean."

Ross replied. "Are you ever gonna ask her to Mary you?"

Snotlout chocked on the words. "We're too young!" Ross sighed. "Well if Someone Dosen't her parents will arrange one for her." Snotlout huffed. "Well that sucks." Ross agreed. "Why do parents even care if their kids get married? It's her life, I mean she's pretty independent anyways." Ross and Snotlout used like 45 minutes talking about dragons and training.

"Hey Guys." Snotlout smiled. "What did Stoike need?" Ruffnut sighed. "My brother lied my mom wanted to talk to me, She pisses me off so much!" Ross asked. "Why?" Ruffnut sat down and Snare layed her head on her lap.

"She keeps bringing up marriage." TuffNut came up laughing. "Who would wanna marry you anyways?" Ruffnut punched him. "I don't wanna get married not yet anyways." Snotlout raised am eyebrow. "Yet?" She rolled her eyes. Ross sighed. "Why do parents do that,I mean we're kids."

TuffNut eventually fell asleep as they got into deeper conversations. Ruffnut huffed. "Marriage, if it's not with someone you love then it's Jail." Ross laughed. "I agree." Snotlout looked down at Ruffnut. "My dad is always trying to marry a women that will do everything I say, That's just weird." Ross laughed. "I thought you were that kind of person." Snotlout rolled his eyes sarcastically. "What about you Ross?" Ross smiled. "I have my eye set on someone." Snotlout's eyes met Ruffnut's. She got up. "I'm gonna I'm go get ready for the hike." Snotlout just watched her fly off with Snare. ♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜♡⚜

TuffNut woke up. "Huh? Oh, That was a boring conversation. We'll see you guys later." Snotlout sighed. "It's like Everytime me and Ruffnut share a moment she's scared." Ross frowned. "Yeah, She's kinda gets scared by the whole Idea of trusting guys." Snotlout looked confused. "She has Trust Issues?" Ross sighed. "No, Well yeah. But that's why I was surprised to hear she had a boyfriend, She trusts you Snotlout." Snotlout asked. "Why dose she have a hard time trusting people?" Ross frowned. "It's not important right now, We should go grab some food before we go hiking."

Ross got up Ignoring the question that he knew he shouldn't answer. Snotlout got up and looked happy that he was one of the first guys Ruffnut ever trusted. And so Ross and Snotlout headed off the get prepared for the hike with Their Friends. ☂✍☂✍☂✍☂

Hope you all Enjoyed Chapter 13 if you have any suggestions for chapters Please comment them and I'll be happy to write them out. Also, if you guys could please give each chapter a like/Star it would really help me out. Thanks. ♡⚜☄☂✍

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