《She's My Princess. (Snotlout X Ruffnut) ♡♀♂》♀-Training Daze-♂


TuffNut, Ruffnut and Snotlout had just arrived at training Then hiccup welcomed them. "Good, your all here. Today we will be learning how to fly other dragons, like if we are in a situation where we can't fly our own."

Ruffnut Looked at TuffNut and they banged their heads and laughed Then hiccup quickly interrupted saying. "No! Not happening, I will be paring you up today." Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut all sighed all very annoyed.

Hiccup continued. "Astrid you will be flying Toothless, Fishlegs on Stormfly, Truffnut on MeatLug, I will be on Hookfang, lastly Snotlout and Ruffnut on Barf and Belch. We will go one at a time on a small flying track...First up Snotlout and Ruffnut.

Snotlout and Ruffnut got on Barf and Belch and started on the track for once not doing anything wrong, until... "Hey Ruffnut, Wanna do something awesome?" Ruffnut replied. "What is it?"

Before even answering Snotlout gave the dragons a thumbs up, and they started blowing things up! Hicup got on toothless and tried to stop Barf and Belch but it was already out of his control at this point he was just screaming. "GUYS YOU NEED TO LAND, OR ELSE YOU ARE GONNA CRASH!"

After that, Both Ruffnut and Snotlout were thrown from the dragon and landed on the hard ground. Ruffnut got a cut on her face that started to bleed and she got up brushed off the dirt and went up to Snotlout. "What is wrong with you?" Snotlout got up and replied. "Well, that was exciting!" Soon Snotlout noticed her cut. "Ruffnut are you ok?" Hiccup then landed. "You guys are in so much trouble, I swear! You two can stay on the ground and until we have all finished.

Soon it was the others turn and Snotlout and Ruffnut just sat on the ground watching in silence. "What is wrong with you?" Ruffnut asked. Snotlout replied "huh? Your the one who agreed to it!" Ruffnut was so angry by that point. " See Snotlout now that's your problem You blame everyone else for what happens, your such a child sometimes you never even say sorry." Snotlouts eyes just narrowed "well sorry Mrs. perfect." Ruffnut just looked at him, cut still bleeding.


Snotlout then got up and got a wet rag and started to clean her cut. She jumped a bit Snotlout of course was just expecting to be punched at that moment but wasn't. He opened his eyes to see Ruffnut just pointing that cheek at him, so he continued. When he was done it was still bleeding. "I'll go find you some bandages, oh...and Sorry." Ruffnut was in a bit of a daze. "Ok...and Thanks, I'll help find some. Ruffnut replied.

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