《Mistake // Jonah Marais》E I G H T E E N


"Where am I gonna sleep?" Jonah asked, following after me into my room and plopping down on my desk chair.

It was currently around 10 pm, and we spent the whole day hanging out. We went to a fair that was in town, but eventually left when Kentucky's bipolar weather decided to make it rain. Seriously, it was snowing not even a week ago, so how is it going to start raining?

"Well, this house only had three bedrooms. So you can either share my bed, or sleep on the couch. Or you can have my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. You are my guest after all."

"I can't take your bed, so it either I sleep on the couch or we share. I'm fine with both." He laughed, plugging his phone into the charger.

"Okay, I guess we're sharing! I'm gonna go take a shower, make yourself comfortable." I got off my bed to go to my closet to find clothes.

"Actually, before you do, I wanna talk about your parents. You said before you were gonna tell me about them, and I thought why not meet them while I'm here in Kentucky?" Jonah walked up to me and leaned against my closet door.

I thought about it for awhile. It's sad to think that he's expecting to meet them face to face. Unfortunately he can't do that, and it really sucks. My parents would have loved Jonah, and would be extremely happy that I met someone who makes me a better person overall and the happiest Ive been since the incident.

"Okay, we'll go see them tomorrow." I smiled, grabbing my clothes and heading to my bathroom.

I was a nervous reck.


Today was the day Jonah would find out the truth. The day he would 'meet' my parents. He, of course, was extremely excited and didn't know my tense posture as I drove my car to our destination.


But as soon as I pulled into a parking lot, his smile vanished and he turned to give me a confused look.

"Brin, what are we doing at a cemetery?" He asked, glancing once again at the tombstones surrounded by a black, gloomy gate.

"You said you wanted to see my parents..." I shrugged, unbuckling my seatbelt and turning the car off. I grabbed my phone and hopped out of the car.

"So you decided to meet up at a cemetery? That's a little strange, don't you think?" He have a small laugh, closing his door and following me into the actual cemetery.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, I stopped at my parents tomb.

Jonah bent over to read the names and then slowly stood back up, looking at me with a worried, but sad, face. "Brin... I'm sorry. If I knew, I would never have asked to meet them."

"It's not your fault." I shook my head as I ran a finger across my mothers tomb. I normally come to visit them at least once a month, but recently I haven't been visiting them as much so Jonah asking to meet them was kind of fortunate; I get to see them again and I don't have to hide the trust from him anymore.

"Do you mind if I ask why?" Jonah asked cautiously, not wanting to say anything wrong.

"No, not at all." I sat down next to my mothers stone and leaned my head against it and watched as Jonah sat next to my fathers and began reading his short 'biography'. "It was a car crash. Two years ago. I still remember my mom telling me they were just running to the store. I was only seventeen at the time and still lived with them. Anyways, a half an hour later a officer comes an knocks on my door. He tells me calmly that my parents were in an accident and I needed to get to the hospital quickly. He was kind enough to drive me, lights on and sirens blaring.


"When I arrived, the nurse told me my father didn't make it. I sat in the waiting room crying for hours, all alone. I'm an only child, and my grandparents passed away before I was even born. My mom was an only child and my dads brother died of cancer three years before their accident. So I guess you can say death just runs in our family. I didn't know Ashton and Ali at the time either.

"It felt like I was in that waiting room for hours, but in all reality it was probably only twenty minutes. The head doctor eventually came out and broke the unfortunate news to me; my mothers heart failed on her, having been punctured by a piece of glass. It was lucky she even lasted as long as she did, since she was bleeding uncontrollably.

"The worst part? I didn't even get to say goodbye. I had to deal with my parents death on my own. I would come here and sit and talk with my parents everyday for about two months. That's actually how I met Ali and Ashton. They both lost a close friend and would come here to visit her. They asked about my parents and we began talking. Ever since then we have been super close.

"They're actually the ones who motivated me to start my channel. My first video was random, and I still have never told any of my fans why my parents never make their way onto my account. They make assumptions and rumors, though I delete any comment I see of that. I don't know when I'm going to tell them the truth, but I know I will have to one day.

And please, Jonah, don't look at me any differently. I'm still the same person, and my parents death doesn't change that at all."

He didn't say anything. He got up, walked over to me to help me up, and pulled me into a tight hug while gently rubbing my hair as my tears - that i didn't even realize were there - continued to fall and my sobs rang through the empty cemetery.

"You're so strong, Brin. I don't know anyone who could have gone through what you did and still spread positivity through her following. I don't know how you keep your smile on your face everyday. I don't know if I could go through what you went through and still be able to act the way you do. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for being positive. And thank you for continuing to be yourself, even when it gets tough.

"Thank you for making me happy."

(a/n) word count; 1111

screams in fan girl. i'm actually really proud of this chapter... but anyways, if anything i've said previously in this book contradicts with anything i've wrote in this chapter then forget it lol. i'm really sorry about the slow updates. school has been stressing me the fuck out and i'm at a point where i just wanna quit lol

and i'm getting bored of this book, but i'm making it a priority to finish it

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