《After Dark {Jonah Marshall/Adam Marshall}》Bliss


Adam awoke in broad daylight to a hand shaking his shoulder. He looked over to be greeted by the awkwardly smiling face of his best friend, Jonah. "Hey, I bought us some pizza. I know you haven't eaten in a while, and I've been throwing up my guts, so we both need something to eat." He placed a pizza box in between them and opened it. "Thanks, Jo...Are you okay though?" asked Adam.

"Oh? Yeah, yeah I guess so. I just get sick when I'm nervous." Jonah took a slice of pizza, which comforted Adam enough to take one himself. He hated eating when no one else was, and Jonah knew that. He already tried to make sure he ate first so that Adam would feel comfortable doing so. Neither of them knew why he felt that way, not even Adam himself. He just did. "You know, I can't wait to get back home. I'm exhausted, we should watch a movie when we get back too." Adam just admired how much Jonah always had to say. Jonah had a missing tooth, which is something Adam thought made him look like a child. He lost it falling out of the van, which made even Adam laugh. After making sure he was okay, though. He thought it was adorable, too. Between his big, brown eyes, his missing tooth, and his personality, it tied together and it made him adorable. "What movie would we even watch? We have 5 movies that we've watched a million times."

"Well we can rewatch them. I don't even usually pay attention, I prefer spending that time talking with you. It's the only time you don't yell at me for being stupid."

This made Adam's heart start racing. No one has ever told him before this that they enjoyed talking to him. He understood he took things too seriously sometimes, which made it hard to talk to him. But Jonah of all people enjoyed talking to him? They were practically opposites. Adam never hated Jonah, all his anger was the grief of losing his mother that he took out on Jonah.


"Hey, Jonah?"


"I'm really sorry for what I said. I was redirecting my grief and guilt and I shouldn't have dragged you into my burden."

"Adam, it's okay. I told you this. My reaction was uncalled for, too. I didn't want to lose you, and I should've gone in with you at the very least."

Adam just sighed and looked down. This prompted Jonah to reach over and hug Adam. They've never really hugged before, and this made Adam's face burn. After a few seconds, he hugged back, and they stayed like that for a bit. Adam took note of how soft Jonah's hair and jacket was, and how comforting this was to him. Neither of them wanted to let go. Eventually Jonah pulled back. "So, what next? You wanna just head home now?" Adam looked out of the window briefly to think about that, before coming up with an answer. "Actually, wanna just hang around for a bit before we head back?" He was nervous to say this incase Jonah took it the "wrong" way. "Hell yeah, I'd love that!" Suddenly, Jonah's usual energy was back, which cheered Adam up a bit. "I know this nice park we can go to, it's not too far away and we can sit by the pond and feed grape seeds to ducks!"

"That sounds nice, what're we waiting for?"

Jonah started the car again and began driving to the park. Adam for once was excited, he had no idea what had gotten into him, but he wasn't complaining. He gets to spend time with Jonah, his best friend, after almost dying. What else could you want? Though, this made him wonder if he thought of Jonah as JUST a friend. Or as something more...


His thoughts were interrupted by Jonah slamming the breaks and stopping the car. "Jesus, are you trying to kill us?"

"Hey, I haven't slept in days, gimme a break. You drive next time!"

"That's why I usually drive. What's your excuse for the other times when you're not tired?"

"Uh...let's not open that can of worms-"

Adam laughed at him before getting out of the car, followed by Jonah shortly after him. Jonah grabbed Adam's hand and led him to the benches by the pond, sitting down in one and patting the space next to him. Adam sat down in the space next to him and Jonah leaned his head on his shoulder. "The wind feels so nice, I could go to sleep like this!" He said.

"Well, why don't you? I wouldn't mind."

"You sure? I can stay awake until we get home."

"No, no. You did so much already, just go ahead and sleep, I can admire the view without getting bored."

"Haha, okay then, Shakesphere. Just stop talking like that, okay?"

"Give me a break, you have the vocabulary of a ten year old."

Jonah laughed, before leaning more onto Adam and falling asleep. Adam looked off into the pond and the horizon. He felt at peace, his best and only friend was with him. It was broad daylight so he felt a lot safer. He decided to take the risk, grabbing Jonah's resting hand and entwining it with his, holding it tightly. His heart was racing yet he felt calm. He leaned his head onto Jonah's, his face burning more and more and feeling as if he was going to explode from happiness. He felt himself dozing off and, for once, he felt safe and happy. As he closed his eyes, he smiled.

He really was in love.


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