《Scooby doo and Sammi (Fred x oc)》Welcome to Spooky island!


Sammi sighed as they landed. It was the longest plane ride she had ever been on. Fred had not ignored her like she had been trying so when they landed she quickly got up and out before Fred. Fred tried to follow behind but Brady cut him off.

Fred could tell him and Brady weren't going to get along very well. "Welcome to Spooky Island the frightfully popular spring break spot for college students. Catch our Electrical Torture Parade. It's a Dead World After All. And the world famous Splatter horn" the voice of Emile Mondevarious said as the Scooby gang, except Daphne, walked along the board walk.

"Scooby-Doo! And the rest of Mystery Inc. It's marvelous to see you! How fanta... I'm sorry" he said as the toy figure hit a girl in the head. Emile came out of the figure and stumbled a bit. "It's a new toy. I'm just getting up to speed with it" Emile explained and then opened his arms like he was going to hug them. "Welcome!" He said as Daphne came up with her thousands of suitcases.

"Thank goodness. I was afraid I'd have to lug those to the hotel" she said as she put her suitcases down. "That's what Spooky Island's about, realizing your worst fears. I'm Emile Mondevarious, the owner of this amusement park" Emile said and shook hands with Fred. "You seem less..." Sammi started as her brother finished with "Spooky". "...than we'd have guessed" Velma continued.

"I can be pretty spooky when called upon. I can go: Claws and everything" he said also roaring like a monster then sighed. "Oh, You wouldn't want to run into me in a dark alley" he said and Velma nodded. " So you're the one who brought us here?" Velma asked and Emile shook his head. "No.


What brought you here was your insatiable appetite for a juicy mystery" he said motioning the gang to follow him.

Daphne speed up to where she would be next to Emile. "The truth is,

Mystery Inc. is broken up" she said and Emile jumped. "That's the beauty of something broken. It can be fixed. There in lies its potential. And I need you to fix Spooky Island" he explained and Sammi looked around. "What's the problem?" She asked as she walked faster to be away from Fred.

"Hey! Wait up Sammi" Sammi heard and turned to see Brady running to catch up. The gang and Emile stopped as Brady finally caught up to them. "Sorry, I had bag troubles" he told Sammi and she nodded before hugging him. "Oh Mr. Emile Mondevarious, this is my boyfriend Brady. Brady this is Mr. Mondevarious and the gang. You meet Fred" she said as Fred glared at Brady.

"That's Daphne" she said pointing to the said Blonde. "Velma" she said pointing to her glasses wearing old friend. "And you know my brother and Scooby" she said and Shaggy waved. "Nice to meet and see you guys" he said as he waved and ignored Fred. "Anyways back to what you were talking about" he said before stepping back a step to say he was done interrupting.

"Again, what's the problem?" Sammi asked Emile looked at her. "I believe somebody's casting a spell

on the students" he said and Sammi gave him a weird look. "Now listen and look around. Notice any difference between those arriving and those departing?" Emile asked and Sammi noticed the well behaved people that where departing.

"They look like sober, well-behaved college kids" Velma answered. "Precisely. They didn't before they came. They've changed. In other words, a magic spell" Emile said before the gang turned toward the group. "Carol! Carol, how was the island?" The gang heard from a guy that was heading toward a girl in front of the departing lane. "Are you tricking on me?" She asked and Sammi had confusion written on her face.


"It's me, Brad. We've known each other since we were 3" the guy, Brad, said before Carol picked him up. "Back off my grill, son!" She told him before Brad yelled "Carol, what are you doing?" Carol through Brad towards Emile, Brady, and the gang. She then picked up her stuff and moved along like nothing happened.

Brad crawled over to his stuff he dropped and Emile turned to the gang. "I'm terrified. The young people that come off that barge the people I love the most, they're in danger" Emile said before Sammi smiled. "I'm going to solve this one first" Sammi and Velma said at the same time. "Not before I solve it first" Fred countered. "You'll look like total idiots when you're captured and I save you" Daphne said before she turned and went inside the hotel and the others turned to solve it, except Shaggy and Scooby. "Thank you. Marvelous. Maybe we can celebrate later by having a little spookapalooza" Mondevarious told Shaggy and Scooby before Scooby stuttered on the last word Mondevarious said.


Sammi decided to take Brady with her and she found some weird footprints leading to........................ Fred. "What are you doing?" Sammi asked as Fred turned to Sammi and Brady. "Looking for clues. Obviously I already found some heading up to the castle" he said and glared at Brady.

"Ok, what is your deal?" Sammi asked as she stepped in front of Brady. She had enough of Fred's glares and decided to ask him about it. When he didn't respond Sammi realized that he was jealous of Brady. She smirked to herself and shrugged. "Fine don't answer me. Come on Brady, let's go look for clues elsewhere" she said dragging Brady by the hand.

It had now become dark and Sammi went, with Brady, to go find Shaggy and Scooby. She found Shaggy holding Scooby and with a blonde haired girl. She saw Daphne in the distance. Sammi and Daphne both walked to where Shaggy and Scooby where. "Shaggy. Scooby" Daphne and Sammi said at the same time. Both the girls motioned to follow them and Shaggy and Scooby looked at each other.

Sammi sighed and grabbed/dragged Shaggy and Scooby by the ear. "Ow" they both repeated over and over again as Daphne went with Sammi, Brady, Shaggy, and Scooby. Up ahead the castle seamed to be more creeper by the minute.


Hey guys, I can't believe I have almost 100 reads. It's crazy. I can't wait until more people read this. Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying this. See you guys next time. 😄😇😍

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