《Starsky Academy》30.


I woke to the beeping of a heart monitor.

My eyes didn't want to open, but I forced them too. All around me was sunlight and the warm scent of fresh chocolate chip cookies. and flowers.

"L-Lana? You're awake?" I turned my neck ever so slightly to see Amber watching me with wide, shocked eyes.

"I guess so," I croaked, desperate for a drink. Seeing there was a glass of water next to me, I took it and sipped it slowly.

Lana! I turned to see Avyn watching me with wide golden eyes. He was careful not to hurt me as he swiped his tongue over my face.

"Everyone will be so excited to see you!" Amber laughed. "Right now they're down eating lunch."

"What happened after... after Erridor?" I asked groggily.

"You tell me. Avyn died - well, we thought so at least - and then you blacked out and stayed unconcious for the last three days, in which the rest of us had to take you back here and, oh god, watch ou-" Amber's eyes widened and I turned my head in fear, only to laugh as my mother threw her arms around me.

"Oh you poor, brave, amazing, awful thing, you!" My mother sobbed into my smooth brown hair. "How could you put yourself in so much danger?!" She demanded.

"I had to save Avyn," I mumbled against her neck.

"Well save him you did," my mom laughed and drew back.

"You've grown so much, my dear." She sighed.

"Looks like there are more visitors!" Amber giggled. Apparently she had told Rainsong the news because her sapphire dragoness came in dragging Aiden and Thalia along with her.

Once I had caught up with everyone, they left me and Avyn for some peace and quiet. I was just about to go back to sleep when I heard Avyn's voice in my head.


You remember everything, don't you? With Death and all?

"You know I do." My voice was oddly serious. "I was so scared there, Avyn."

I didn't want to leave you either. I have a feeling Death might hold a grudge on us now, his voice was teasing.

"If Death didn't like us, I doubt they would have resurrected you." I giggled.

Avyn leaned down, resting his head lightly on my shins.

"Before I came to Starsky, I wanted an adventure. My hometown Aerilon was never interesting in any way, shape, or form." I sighed.

Avyn looked at me with his beautiful eyes.

"I guess I certainly got the adventure I asked for, didn't I?" I patted his head.

And just like that, I had turned out to be right. The plan worked, and Avyn and I were united in life, together as we would always be.

After all, we were extensions to each other's soul.

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