《Starsky Academy》25.


"Hey! Hey, excuse me!" I heard Aiden's voice shouting as his firm grip on my arm tightened. I pretended to struggle against him, but stumbled forward with a grunt.

My heart raced as our little scheme played out.

The three of us - Thalia, Amber, and I - had to pretend to be prisoners. Aiden had warned us about the magical barrier around the Fortress, and how nobody who wasn't invited in got in. We had puzzled about it for, perhaps an hour or so, before Thalia had the genius idea that would hopefully get us in.

"What are you doing?!" Game the gruff shout of the soldier, who was guarding the Fortress with a gun.

"Sir, it's Aiden!" He responded and dragged us forward until we were barely a few feet in front of the huge man. He was wearing something that looked like it could have been worn in the 1800 Fairy Revolt. Tan breeched, red button-up shirt, and even a dark hat and boots to complete the look.

"A-Aiden?" Apparently the guard knew him.

"Yes sir!" Aiden nodded madly. "I found these three girls spying on our Fortress! I know them from the Academy, sir."

At this the soldier growled, looking at us with his ominously dark eyes.

"Shall I take them to the prisons?" Aiden asked, and I winced at how direct this sounded.

"No, I shall check with Duke first." The man turned and was about to speak to another Guard who was a fair distance away from us when Aiden interrupted him.

"That won't be necessary, sir. I know the way in, I can take them."

The soldier shook his head again, "Actually, it'll be best if Duke knows. He wants to know everything that goes around here?" Then the man looked fearful, as if he was recalling some sort of memory.


"What would he do if he found out you had delayed the imprisonment of three possible dangerous spies? Have you forgotten that I am his trusted nephew, who was sent on the highly important mission of watching the Academy in the first place? Do you think he would be very happy with that? I promise to speak with him immediately after I take them down. Maybe I could even get you some sort of promotion." Aiden weaseled, and the soldier pursed his lips before nodding stiffly.

"Very well," He agreed, "Go on ahead."

He waved his hand and then proceeded to unlock and swing open the massive iron door, which led into a dark and dusty hallway. I swallowed, wondering how close I was to Avyn. Aiden continued the act, dragging us in, with Navi growling on our heels, until the soldier slammed the door and we were out of sight.

"It worked!" Amber squeaked, and we all let out long gasps and sighs of relief.

"Thank you, Thalia. I don't know how we would have gotten in without you." I nodded sincerely to the red-haired girl who, over the last few days, had become a good friend. She nodded back shyly.

Suddenly, I was met with a headache of pain. Both Amber and Thalia sank to the floor, and I collapsed too. My head reeled and I cried out in pain. I felt Navi's cool breath on my face, but my eyes were squeezed tight and I grimaced.

It was like before.

"Avyn," I gasped as the brief attack finished. We all sat up, shaky, and Aiden continued asking if we were okay. I shook him off.

AVYN! I screamed into the abyss of my mind.

L-Lana? Is t-that you?

Avyn, oh Avyn, yes it's me, I can't believe you're okay! Wait, are you okay? The pain I felt, that was yours! Where are you? Tell me everything! I begged him.


I'm working right now, f-for Duke... I-I'm so weak, L-Lana...

Oh Avyn, my precious one, you'll be okay. You've been so brave, so strong.

You shouldn't have come here. The words were spoken with surprising force.


You heard me, he growled, Now y-you're in danger and I-I... I'm worried I c-can't protect y-you.

Guess I'll have to protect you, then, I tried to tease him.

This isn't funny. Duke is a deadly man, a dangerous man. I can only imagine what Erridor is like. I guess now that you're in here, there's no turning back, but please Lana, for my sake and for yours, you must stay safe. You cannot risk Duke's wrath.

I will do my best, bud. I paused. Stay out of trouble until I rescue you. I love you, Avyn.

Rescue? How do you plan on that? He rumbled, And I love you too.

I quickly transmitted the ideas into his head and I could tell he was skeptical. After trying to persuade him it would work, he finally told me that he couldn't focus on talking right now, and that the soldiers were hurting him again because he was slacking. I told him goodbye with another sloppy "I love you," and then I quieted.

Aiden and Navi escorted us through the dank, musty hallways like they were soldiers themselves, and we travelled further down staircases in the Fortress until we finally arrived at the dungeon room. It shocked me just how many prison cells there were, but I tried to ignore my apprehension as Aiden pretended to drag us, shouting, past guards, and to our own prison cell.

Aiden opened the door to a nasty, grimy looking prison cell, where he shooed us in and we complied. As he was closing the door, he pretended to lock it, but really didn't. Through the bars he mouthed the words: "6:00. Be ready."

And with that he was off.

I turned to Amber and Thalia, my heart racing. We all stared at each other for a few minutes, hardly believing what was going to happen.

Lana? I felt relief at the sound of Avyn's voice again.


Promise me one thing. Promise me you'll survive tonight.

Avyn, I sighed.

I can't make promises that I'm not sure about.

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