《Starsky Academy》18.


The crisp morning air brushed across my face as I tightened my hold on Avyn's saddle. He swooped silently, like a bird of prey, around the Academy's towers. A few other dragons flew around, and I could see some first-shift kids patrolling the boundaries.

I had come out here to clear my head. Everything that had been going on recently had been so much to handle... it was just nice to have some quiet time with my dragon.

You shouldn't worry so much, Avyn gently chided me.

It's hard not to.

Worrying won't help us.

That's supposed to be my line!

It's mine now, apparently.

I sighed externally.

No matter what, I'll keep you safe. Avyn's voice was soft.


There was a long lapse of silence where I just leaned down, turned my head sideways so I could see around, and focused on breathing and the sound of Avyn's wings flapping, beating against the cold morning air.

My dragon's indigo scales glittered as a weak ray of sunlight dusted them. I ran my fingers over his shielding, protective body, and then let my hand fall down to his side.

Suddenly I felt tense. Anger bubbled under my skin. My breathing grew unstable, and my fists clenched.

"Those dragons," I spoke aloud, knowing Avyn could hear and understand me, "Lucianna and Rosemary. They did not deserve to die. They... they were like you, Avyn. They loved, cared, trusted, and what did they get? Death. They got death, Avyn, for protecting the next generation. Duke is an evil man, and if Aiden's right, Erridor, his father, his far worse. We need to end this, Avyn. I don't know how. But we need to end this."

Avyn growled in agreement. I looked down and saw his claws were pressed tight against the pads of his feet. I glimpsed his eyes and they were red.


They hurt Rainsong, Avyn added.

"Speaking of," my voice was a little teasing now, "I noticed you seem really attached to her lately."

Avyn's red eyes shifted rapidly between brown (uncomfortable), purple (defensive), and golden (super happy).

What's that supposed to mean? He demanded, and I laughed at his surprise.

"You know, Avyn." I patted his flank.

After some silence I continued, "I know you like Rainsong."

What? Like? N-No! Definitely not! And besides... even if I did, she would never like me back... his voice in my head now sounded dejected. I felt pity for my dragon.

"Don't say that, bud." I comforted him. Avyn grumbled at my words.

I don't like her, period. He continued to deny it.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes.

Don't sure me, Lana! He mumbled.

I laughed and Avyn continued flying in contended silence. A breeze gusted across my face and I breathed in the fresh air with a sigh.

Avyn lazily circled in the air, and for once, I felt at peace, since the attacks first started. I closed my eyes as my dragon caught a draft and floated in a warm current.

All was well.

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