《Starsky Academy》5.


"This is it," Mabel directed me to a smooth white door.

We had just walked down a grand hallway, filled with portraits and paintings of dragons and former school Deans, and now I was standing in front of my dorm room.

"Is my roommate already there?" I questioned, my hand on the brass handle.

"Yeah. Her name is Amber. Amber Starseer." Mabel smiled.

"Um, Mabel?" I asked after another moment.


"I have my suitcase," I nodded down at it, "But what if I need more clothes or school supplies or something?"

"Oh, don't worry. The wardrobes are enchanted in there. They'll give you anything you desire."

"Oh. Really?"


I once again nodded. "When I'm done moving in and setting up, what should I do? It's only ten in the morning."

"I recommend looking around the school a bit." She then asked if she could see the amulet. I handed it to her. She muttered something incoherent and it glowed for a moment. "I just re-enchanted it so that whenever you press the button another teleporter appears to take you back to your dorm room when you need it."

"Oh. Thanks!" I smiled. Everyone here was so friendly.

"You're welcome. I'll be in the office if you need me!" With that, she patted my shoulder (she had to fly up to reach it) and then strutted back down the hallway towards the direction we came from.

I turned back around to the door, and decided to knock before just barging in. I knocked once. Then I knocked again. With the second knock, the door swung open to reveal my roommate.

Amber, as I knew her, had sky-blue eyes, straight brown hair that reached far past her shoulders, a small, button nose, and she was just a bit shorter than I. She blinked at me.


"Are you Lana?" She asked, cocking her head. Her eyelashes fluttered.

"Yeah. You're Amber, right?" She seemed a little bit awkward - it cued me that she might me introverted.

"Mhm." She responded, and then hurriedly stepped back. "Why don't you unpack?"

It took me just an hour or so to unpack.

Our dorm room was nice and cozy. On one side, facing out, there was a window facing outwards. I could see the rest of the Academy from it (more on that soon). The window stretched from the ceiling to the carpeted floor (which Amber had vacuumed because she assumed it was dirty).

Instead of a bunk bed, there were two twin sized beds. My bed had cerulean blue sheets, as well as white pillows and a matching throw. Amber's had a pastel blue comforter, a slightly darker blue throw, and dark blue pillows.

Our room was more spacious than I imagined. There was room for both of our desks, as well as some off-white chairs and a glass coffee table. We also had room for a very small, circular mahogany table. A bathroom was connected to our dorm (thank god we didn't have to share a bathroom with everyone else), which was mainly just white and grey themed.

And then the view.

Starsky Academy for the Education of Dragon Riders was the most beautiful building I've ever seen in my entire life.

From my view, I could see an outside battlefield and landing platform for dragons, as well as many spiraling towers and shimmering pools. The Academy was built into a mountain range, allowing for many platforms for dragons to land on.

It was easier to look at than describe.

When sunlight hit the building it was gorgeous. Every time I looked out the window my breath was taken away. At any given moment you could see dragons soaring in the sun's gentle rays; you could see them roaring and grunting to each other as their wings took on the wind's force.


"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Amber smiled as she sat on her bed.

"Yeah.." my voice trailed off.

There was a long silence.

"Where did you come from?" I eventually asked her. She seemed a little dismayed to answer this question.

"Well," Amber began, "When I was little, my parents both got a terminal illness. They were in the hospital for months before they passed away. Every day I would visit them after school, even though I was just four or five. I had to live in an orphanage up until I got the letter. A lot of kids there bullied me because I'm an introvert. I don't like being near a lot of people, and in the orphanage it's hard not to, so most of the time I was really socially awkward. I would act clumsy and some of the other kids there bullied me because of this."

Suddenly I felt very, very lucky.

"But it's okay," Amber hurriedly wiped at her eyes, which I could see had been tearing up just a little bit. "I'm past that part of my life. I've learned that life is unfair - well, most of the times." Her sky blue eyes lit up. "Now, life's being good to me. I actually got into Starsky!" Her voice, which had a slight accent I couldn't recognize, squeaked with excitement.

"I know!" I grinned in agreement.

"I wonder what my dragon will be like," she continued dreamily. "Big, small, red, green?" Then she looked at me, back to her quiet self. "Sorry. I got carried away."

"Don't worry." I shook my head quickly. "I'm very excited too. I know whatever my dragon will be like, it'll be perfect."

"Ever since my parents died, I've wanted a dragon." Amber spoke again.

I met her blue eyes with my sea green ones.

"You see," She sat back, turning her gaze to the window, where we could see the dazzling Academy, "The Orphanage was really lonely. I didn't have any friends. I felt like if I could have a dragon, I would have a friend. And maybe the dragon could protect me, too. From the bullies."

"I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here," I smiled at her, and she smiled back, "and not just the dragon. I'd like to be your friend, Amber," I giggled slightly. It was if I was back in kindergarten, asking somebody to be my friend.

"I'd like that." Amber smiled, and I realized how much having a friend would mean to her. "How about we tour the Academy now? We should acquaint ourselves with the school before we actually start classes."

"That's a good idea," I nodded. "Mabel told me we should do that as well." Then I laid my schedule down on my bed, the crisp sheet of paper not wrinkled yet.

From where she sat, Mabel took out her own schedule. Like I expected, they were the exact same. There were only 20 dragon riders for each grade at Starsky, and so all 20 would be in the same classes.

"What class are you most excited for?" She asked me.

"That's tough," I murmured. "Probably Dragon Bonding. I just can't wait to get my dragon."

"Me neither," Her voice squeaked again.

"Alright," I pushed myself off my bed and went over to the window, looking out at the Academy. "Ready to go?"

Amber nodded, standing up as well.

"Let's go!"


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