《Starsky Academy》2.


My heart thumped in my chest as my eyes strained to take in the words. The Starsky Academy for the Education of Dragon Riders? It was the most prestigious school in the world. It was unthinkable for an average kid like me to get in. Then again, nobody knew what SAEDR was like. It was all just myths.

Like the letter mentioned, a golden amulet was held onto the letter by a thin strip of metal tied around it. I fiddled with it, being careful not to press the button. My finger brushed against its metallic surface, and I carefully took it off the scroll by unfastening the metal buckle.

I lifted up the amulet. Words on it read "STARSKY ACADEMY FOR THE EDUCATION OF DRAGON RIDERS." Those too were the only words running through my mind.

My first reaction was heck yes. Everybody knew that if you were offered a place in Starsky, you didn't refuse. It just wasn't a thing. Students at Starsky were able to bond with and train their own dragon. It was the biggest opportunity ever. And it was free. No tuition fees, no dorm room fees (were there even dorms?), no meal or clothing fees. It was perfect for poorer families too.

My second reaction was one of guilt.

How could I leave my mom, who had already been through so much when she had gone through the divorce with my dad, all alone here? She didn't have any friends in Aerilon - she just had me. She worked hard every day to feed us. She loved me with all her heart. How could I be so cruel to walk off and leave her alone?

Suddenly, my eyelids felt like they were being weighed down by stones. A yawn escaped through my teeth. I rubbed at my eyes.


"I can't do this," I murmured to myself, setting down the amulet back onto the scroll, which had folded itself back up. "I can't put my mom through this." I ignored the wrenching dismay in my stomach as I gripped the scroll tightly in my fist and retreated to the serenity of my room.

A lamp was on, the light flickering. I sighed as my eyes landed on a small, grey photo of my mom holding baby me. There was another figure in the picture, but it had been cut out. I knew it was my dad.

I took the scroll and dropped it on my bedside table next to my lamp. Tomorrow was a Saturday. I'd talk to my mom about Starsky in the morning, when I was fully rested and had a clear mind.

Clicking off the lamp, I fell asleep within minutes.


A gentle ray of sunlight woke me. I yawned, turning over, and stuffed my face into the welcoming softness of my pillow. My mind still hadn't begun to churn.

Within a few minutes I had sat up, stretching my arms with a great yawn. I still didn't recall the events of last night until my eyes focused on the yellowed scroll sitting next to my lamp. My mouth dried. Excitement and confusion whirled inside my chest.

I heard the clinking of pots and pans from the kitchen outside my room. Shaking my head, I reached for the scroll and then carried it out to the dining table, leaving the amulet glinting in the sunlight next to my bed.

"Mom," I spoke, my voice still rasping with what I called morning syndrome. She glanced at me, warm eyes bright.

"Yes?" She replied, turning back to what she was doing, which I saw was making oatmeal for us both.


"Remember the letter from last night?" I inquired, keeping the scroll in my fist as I sat down at the table. I yawned again.

"Oh certainly, dear. What did it say?" By now she had finished with the oatmeal and brought two steaming bowls over. She took a second trip for brown sugar to have with the oatmeal.

"Well, I know it's hard to believe, but..." I lost my voice for a minute, pondering how to finish my sentence. I took my spoon and swirled around the oatmeal.


"Mom, it's from Starsky Academy."

I didn't even have to explain what that was. My mom, who had been tearing open the bag of brown sugar, stopped. She didn't look at me. Her eyes just froze as she stared at the wall, blinking slowly.

"Pardon?" She turned and looked at me after half a minute of silence.

"You heard me, mom." I scratched my cheek as I felt a sudden itch. "I was invited to Starsky Academy for the Education of Dragon Riders."

"Starsky Academy for the... No... Not that Starsky, surely?" She seemed shocked.

"Yeah. Read the letter." I pushed it towards her as she joined me at the table, the brown sugar forgotten.

She read it.

"Well honey, this is great!" Her reaction was not one that I expected. Her eyes became brighter than I've ever seen them. "I'm very proud of you!"

"Mom... don't you realize what this means?" I pursued, looking for a disappointed reaction from her. "I have to leave you."

For a moment her eyes dimmed. They even teared up, but she quickly wiped away the moisture and resumed her smile. "I know, honey. But this must be so important to you. I wouldn't stand in between that. As a parent I have to recognize when to let my child go." She sniffed. "I just didn't know it would be now."

"Mom, I won't go if you don't want me to." My voice was soft and quiet. Her eyes were tinted red from tears.

"Honey." She reached over the table to put her hands on my shoulders.

"This is huge."

There was a long silence. I let a smile grow on my face.

"You're right, mom. I never expected I of all people would get in." I couldn't hide my excitement now.

"I always knew you were special." She giggled to herself and wrapped me in a hug. I laughed along with her.

"I'll still write you. Whenever I can." I told her, and she sniffled into my shoulder.

"I love you." She murmured.

"I love you too, mom." I responded.

After another long silence, she leaned back. "You have a time limit, honey. Let's eat breakfast and then I think you should pack."

"I'm really leaving, aren't I?" I breathed.

"It's the adventure you've always wanted."

I smiled briefly, taking a scoop of oatmeal onto my spoon.

The adventure I've always wanted.

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