《Angel Academy》Angel Academy (20)


*Please go to the award page, click Fantasy, and vote for me. I know I don't deserve it because I haven't been uploading, but please keep supporting me. I've just been so busy lately. But because of the competition, I want to try to upload once a week. It's hard because I feel pressured to write good. Tell me what you guys want to happen, that will help. I adore you all and I am blessed to have this much support! ♥ - Brynne*

~Merick's Point of View~

Pressing my hand harder against my head, I tapped the pencil angrily against my homework. Looking out the window, I huffed. Dang younger kids, taking up the whole courtyard. They don't have this much work yet. Suddenly, my heart constricted and I dropped the pencil. I closed my eyes and concentrated on this weird feeling.

Power. Elemental Power. And a lot of it. But where the heck is it coming from?! Scanning out the window, I sensed around for the source.

Gritting my teeth slightly, I focused intently. It wasn't at the school, but it was not far away. My gaze wandered away from the school grounds. The city.

~Damien's Point of View~

I stopped walking and froze. Tristan and Blake halted and gave me weird looks.

"What's wrong?" asked Blake nervously. I barely heard him though since I couldn't shake off this feeling.

"Nothing," I mumbled and scurried away awkwardly. I could feel them staring at me, but they didn't follow. How did they not feel this? This feeling of power coming from somewhere. It was like more and more came in with every breeze.

Searching amongst the crowds of students, the force led me away and out into the field. My eyes widened in shock. It was Emma.

There she stood rigid in the middle of the field. Her eyes glowed fiercely and her mouth was set in a grim line. It looked like she was fighting off an invisible army. Fire shot everywhere with each move she did.

"Emma," I called out nervously, walking towards her. She didn't hear me. I instantly ducked as a whip of fire blew past my face.

"Emma!" I tried again but with conviction. She stopped and stared at me in surprise.

"Oh, hi Damien," she greeted me like she had just been doing something as normal as taking a walk. I had to force myself not to gape.

"What are you doing?!" I questioned. She could have burnt down the whole forest by now.

"Oh, haha. Um, I was just practising," she chuckled nervously. I gave her a look.

"What are you really doing?" I asked, stepping closer. Emma stared at the ground, biting her lip. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. Handing it to me, she then turned away like she didn't like the sight of it. I read.

Any time, any day, huh? I accept. Come and get me, I'm in the city - Jenna

Even if my sister didn't sign it, I would have know it was from her. Cruppling the note up, I tossed it over my head.

"You better not," I stated, not caring that I sounded like an angry parent. She looked up at me, her eyes glistening in worry.


"I have too," Emma answered softly. I stared down at her.

"You have no idea what she's capable of," I said. Her expression instantly changed. Eyebrows furrowing, she glared at the ground.

"Well then you obviously don't know what I'm capable of either," she replied coldly. Brushing past me, she glided back to the school. I stared. What is wrong with this girl?! Sighing, I followed behind after her.

~ Emma's Point of View~

How am I going to get there? Ugh, I wish I was old enough to drive. I know for sure Merick's not going to take me. I can imagine me asking him to drive me to the city to take down a crazy level five lightning chick. Then him locking me in my room like I was insane for even asking. I guess I'll just have to walk there. Somehow.

Straying out of my room, I left the school quickly. I didn't want anyone I knew to see me. Jenna was smart enough to plan this little play date when not as many students would be around the school. It was a Friday and it was one of the days when we could leave.

I jumped as a car honked at me. I saw Blake hanging out the backseat window, smiling at me ear to ear. The person driving the expensive, shiny black car was none other then Damien and he had Tristan by his side. Oh god.

"Get in," ordered Tristan, looking bored as usual. Blake thumped him on the head, calling him rude. They then started arguing. I instantly thought of River and Riley.

"We don't have all day," said Damien, leaning away from his friend's fight. I awkwardly headed towards them and hopped in next to Blake.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked Damien. He just stared out the windshield. We began to pull away from the school.

"I didn't want you to ask some random kid to take you," he mumbled.

"But why would you help me... fight with your sister," I asked cautiously.

"Because she needs to learn a lesson," he answered quickly.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"I'm going to make sure you win," he said. The car went silent.

Pulling into the city, Damien parked at an empty parking garage. Getting out of the car, we grouped up and started to form a plan. Suddenly, all of the garage's lights went out. There was no windows, so the building was pitch black. Taking a few steps back, I listened, breathing in with fear now. A bright yellow light appeared and it lit up Damien's face. I stared at the lightning he controlled in his hand. I mimicked him and made some fire.

I jumped as I heard one of the boys cry out in pain like they had just got hit. It sounded like Blake. The sound of a body banging the floor rang through the crisp air. I held back a squeal. A few seconds later, I heard Tristan grunt in distress, but he didn't fall. Hitting noises and the sound of lightning electrified the air. But my heart clenched as I heard a body hit the ground. God, I hope that wasn't Tristan.

Backing up even more, I searched frantically for the intruder. I need to find Damien.


Suddenly, I felt a breeze behind me. Spinning around I threw up my arm and surprisingly blocked someone's arm. I heard a evil chuckle. Jenna.

I cried out as she grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground. How is she that strong?! She's smaller and younger then me! Laying there on the ground, I tried my best to shield myself and I was on the verge of tears. But then I heard Jenna cursing and yelling. Lightning flew out in all directions. I could instantly tell that there were two different types. Damien.

"Get off me!" shouted a voice. It was Jenna. Some more grunting could be heard. I jumped as I saw lightning light up. It illuminated Jenna's face, which was contorted in anger and stress. I saw Damien's form behind her, his arms wrapped around her small body, restraining her. She somehow wiggled her arm out and raised the lightning to his chest. NO!

Running towards them, my heart felt like it was going to burst. Lunging for her arm to stop the lightning, she turned it so it faced me. I wasn't fast enough to stop my body from going into it. But in the blink of an eye, Damien released Jenna and threw her back. I gasped at how far she went. Smacking against the wall, she layed there. Her lightning diminished and the room was black again and was as silent as a graveyard.

"Jenna?" Damien called out weakly, his voice cracking. He sounded devestated. Stumbling towards her, his eyes started to fill with tears. I turned away, looking for Blake and Tristan to make sure they were ok. Just as I reached down to attempt to help Blake, a scream echoed through the air. I spun around and lit up a big fire ball to see what was going on.

Jenna was now standing, the side of her mouth turned up into a maniac's smile. Damien was on his knees, clutching his stomach. Something then inside me burst.

I can't describe it. It was like my whole being exploded. Everything was realeased and I felt invinsible. As fast as the wind, I flew towards them. I didn't know it, but burning energy surrounded me. Jenna was too shocked to even react. It was too late.

Grabbing her by the throat, I shoved her back against the wall. Then it felt like a dream. Like I wasn't really there. It was like an unknown force took over. I had no idea what I was doing, nor did I have a plan. Punching her stomach repeatedly, my fists were a blur. My fists were surrounded by that same glowing energy.

~Damien's Point of View~

I stared at my sister's face, horrified. She looked like her soul was being drained out of her. Her face was frozen in such fear and shock. Head banging against the wall with every punch, her body was lifeless. Useless.

"Stop," I whispered. It hurt to talk. Jenna had hurt me bad.

"Stop!" I tried again. I can't just stand here and watch my sister be tortured. Yes, she hurt me and my friends. But I can't describe how much it hurt watching her being beat up.

Stumbling towards them, I did my best to get to Jenna. Dear god, please make this stop. Make this all go away. Before I could get to her though, Emma had stopped. Jenna slid to the ground, out cold. Emma just stood there, bent over from exhaustion. I looked at her huffing and puffing. She was back to her regular self. Emma stared at Jenna in horror. Then tears began to stream down her face. She turned and ran out of the parking lot.

Dragging myself to Jenna, I kept praying repetedly, asking her to be fine. She has to be fine. She can't be hurt. She can't die. I had already lost her once. It can't happen again.

"Jenna," I weaped, kneeling beside her. Surprisingly, her eyes fluttered open. She started screaming and crying in pain. I felt a presence behind me and saw Blake and Tristan standing there. They stared at me like they were waiting for me to say something.

"Stay here. Don't leave her," I ordered with empathy. My roomates nodded obediently. Jogging out of the parking lot, I did my best to ignore the pain in my torso.

Walking the streets, I was alone. No one came around these parts of the city. It was already somehow dark out. I heard sniffling and turned down an alley. There, Emma sat, her knees brought against her chest. Sitting against a dirty wall, she cried with such emotion. Sitting beside her awkardly, I just wished that everything would be normal again.

"Why am I here?" Emma said, her voice broken from crying.

"Why are you where?" I asked carefully, not wanting to upset her.

"Why am I at this stupid school?! I don't belong. I'm a freak. I hurt her. I actually hurt someone.... I can't do this. I just can't do this. I want to go home," she cried. Now she was fully sobbing. My heart clenched at the sight of Emma in such pain. But this also brought back memories. I knew exactly how she felt.


"Please?! Please show me! Anything!" begged my sister, bouncing up and down. I chuckled. She just found out about my new lightning powers.

"Alright, fine," I sighed. She cheered. Excitement raced through me at the thought of using the lightning again. I felt so powerful and unique when I used it. Jenna stared with those wide blue eyes, waiting intently. Raising my hands, I brought forth the lightning. I laughed in surprise at how much I made. Jenna stepped back, afraid and nervous.

"Jenna! Look at me! Are you watching?!" I exclaimed. She looked like she wanted to run and hide. Why? My lightning is so cool! Adrenaline pumped through me. I couldn't stop. There was so much lightning flying around me. Before I knew it, it blew out of control.

I flinched violently as a high pitched scream rang through the air. I stopped the power flowing through me.

"JENNA!" I yelled.

* End of Flashback*

As Emma sat there, I knew how she felt. How it felt to lose control. To have no choice on what your element would do. Suddenly, I wished I could have been born normal. That both my sister and Emma could have too. Our lives would have been so much easier.

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