《Angel Academy》Angel Academy (13)


*hey guys! I entered Angel Academy into the Watty Awards! WOOT! It seems that I am in fourth place right now in the Paranormal category, so I REALLY need your support! Vote, comment, and suggest to your friends! Oh and this story is also #112 on the "What's Hot" list, so I'm very happy! Oh and tell me what you think of the cast! Did I do good? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much! ♥ - Brynne*

~Emma's Point of View~

Ava led me out to the middle of the field then turned to face me. Taking fifteen steps back, she raised her hand. I knew this meant she was going to use her element, but what was it?

My eyes widened in shock as she sent a blazing ball of fire at me. Knowing I wasn't good enough to stop it, I just jumped out of the way. She sent another one. My body started to hurt from landing on the ground so many times.

"Stop!" I shouted. Ava just kept staring blankly at me.

"Use your element," she said and proceeded to shoot me with her fire. I was really starting to get fed up. Anger rushed through me and I shot a ball of fire at her. It took a lot of concentration but I was happy to see that it was the biggest one I have ever made, even though it was still small compared to hers.

Ava's back just bent as she dodged it, her feet never moving. I huffed at her irritated. She thinks she's so cool, doing the Matrix. But now she shot an even more powerful ball at me.

I put my hands side by side and used everything I had to create a wall, just like in Control Class. Gritting my teeth, I could feel myself being pushed back from the impact, my feet sliding slowly back against the grass. I let out a loud grunt and the flame was mirrored back towards her. I could now feel sweat coming down the side of my head. I smiled in triumph. She rolled her eyes, stepped forward and punched twice. With each punch, flame came racing towards me.

My eyes widened in fear at the speed of them. I dodged the first one and mirrored the second one. My body started to feel heavier. I was growing tired but I wasn't going to show it.

We kept battling it out. Ava looked like she was holding back, but she definately wasn't going easy. As time passed, I stopped going on the offensive and just focused on not being burnt to a crisp. I couldn't take this anymore. It was too much. As I dove to dive a fire ball, I stayed on the ground, unable to get back up. I cringed, convinced that she was going to shoot me again. I heard her footsteps coming towards me.


She leaned over and spoke in my ear.

"Gotta do better then that, Princess. I'll see you tomorrow, same time," she whispered. Gliding away, she left me there alone. I groaned angrily and hit the ground, accidentaly burning some of the grass. I quickly put it out and stumbled back to the school.

~Trinity's Point of View~

I looked up from my book to see Ava come in our dorm.

"How'd it go with Emma?" I asked curiously and a bit worried.

"She's weak," stated Ava shortly. She laid on her bed and instantly started listening to her Ipod. I glared at her. She always did that.

I really hope Emma's ok. I wonder where she is right now.... If Ava hurt her badly, she'll be in a whirlwind of pain (literally).

~River's Point of View~

I barely noticed Emma as she slumped past me. I stopped and turned and started walking with her.

"Where you headed?" I asked. She stopped and looked up at me with tired eyes.

"I have no idea," she said, a bit choked up. Emma looked like she was about to fall over. Today must have been her first with Ava.

"Alright, come on," I said, and walked infront of her, gesturing her for a piggy back ride. She stared at me like I was insane, but then awkwardly hopped on. She wasn't heavy at all, so I had no problem carrying her up to our room.

I could feel her blushing since people walked past us, staring. I really didn't care.

"Wait, River, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice rising in slight panic, as I descended the stairs, heading towards the boy's dorms. This wasn't allowed, but I could care less.

"Do you really want to spend the rest of your day trapped in your dorm with Ava?" I asked. She stopped talking. We passed by two boys who stopped and gaped at us. Then they winked and gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes. Who do they think I am? Riley? Ugh.

Our dorm room was left slightly open so I kicked it. Inside Merick and Riley were playing video games like bozos. They were completely absorbed and didn't even notice me walk in with there beloved. I set her down and she walked up behind them.

"Video games are allowed here?" asked Emma softly, as she watched them play. The boys head's spun quickly and they gawked at her. I hurried to shut the door, not wanting any one snitching on us for having a girl here.

"No," Merick and Riley responded in unison. I'm actually glad they broke the video game rule here. Makes my life a bit better.

"H-How did you get it here?" stuttered Emma. We stared at her. Oh, she must not know about Summer here at Angel Academy.


"When Summer starts, students are allowed back home until the school year starts up again. Riley snuck his Xbox 360 here last time he went home," I explained. I watched Emma's face brighten up. She must be feeling homesick. I couldn't blame her.

"Do we get to come home for Spring and Christmas breaks?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes," I answered. She sighed in relief and smiled.

"So Emma... It's Spring right now. When Summer hits, how bout you come home with me?" winked Riley. Merick and I glared at him.

She smiled and rolled her eyes. We sat down with the boys and I grabbed a control. I beat them instantly and they groaned irritated. I always beat them. That's why they always are up here practising while I'm gone. Emma watched us play the whole time, laughing when Riley screamed and swore when he died.

I looked over at the clock. Classes let out at three, and I found Emma around five. It was seven now, which meant dinner has started.

"FOOD!" Riley called out excited. He jumped up and hurried out the door. We laughed and followed him out, running to get out of the Boy's wing. It would be really bad if I got another detention, so I wasn't taking any chances. Riley was even worst off them me, so he hid Emma behind him as we headed down to dinner.

~Merick's Point of View~

I can't believe River had the nerve to bring Emma in our room today. We could have gotten skinned for that! But I was glad he did, it was fun. Except for the fact that Riley was hitting on her the whole time. That boy needs to learn how to control himself.

After we got our food, the four of us sat down, Trinity was already there and gave us weird looks. She'd probably freak out and lecture us if she found out we kidnapped Emma.

Riley then started talking about how River "cheated" at Call of Duty. They argued for most of dinner. He doesn't cheat, the dude's just insanely good. Emma tried to follow their conversation but failed, so she started chattering with Trinity. I never realized how much girls can talk.

So I just sat there, zoning in and out on the two conversations, whether it was about "how many kills" they got or about "how cute that girl's bracelet was." My head started to hurt from all this talking, so I decided to change the subject.

"So, what are we all doing for Spring Break?" I asked.

"Snowboarding in the mountains," Riley said proudly. I bet he uses his water abilities to cheat.

"Rock Climbing in the mountains," said River. Wow. Elements seem to really grow on people.

"Sky diving," said Trinity. Everyone stared at her in shock. She definately did NOT seem like a person that would sky dive. But then again, she is an air user.

"Wow guys, so what am I supposed to say? Setting people on fire in the mountains?" Emma said, making us laugh. Then everyone looked at me. I didn't have anything to say. A small flash of anger sweeped through me. I couldn't do anything cool with my element. Oh wait, I could turn people's lights off. Fun.

An awkward silence seeped its way through until Emma spoke again.

"So... I had my first Training lesson today with Ava," she started. Everyone groaned appathetically. My eyes widened and I instantly lifted Emma's arms up to look around for burns. I searched everywhere. I was relieved to find none.

"Isn't Ava such a Saint?" said Riley sarcastically.

"Yeah man, she's an angel!" contributed River.

"Nicest girl I know!" Trinity finished.

There sarcasm was true though. Ava just isn't friendly. Especially to Emma, which makes no sense at all. Emma didn't do anything to her. But Ava didn't used to be like that. When I met her, she was sweet and fun. Then she changed... I sighed.

The bell rang and everyone poured out of the Dining hall. Some people went to there dorms, others to the libary.

"Good night guys," said Trinity as she led Emma away to there dorm. Emma smiled at us as she left. The three of us went back to our room too.

~Emma's Point of View~

Trinity and I stopped our chattering as we entered our room. Ava was there, laying on her bed with her ipod, her eyes closed. Shocker.

I pulled up my desk chair next to Trinity's and we started on our homework. I had a one page of fire history due for Elemental History, a paragraph about an animal and its elemental abilities for Creatures class, and I had to practise passing for Control since Mr. Benson was checking tomorrow. I sighed, feeling overwhelmed.

Without Trinity, I never would have gotten through all that. I had found out that we had the same classes, I just wasn't with her today since she was feeling sick during the class hours. So we did all our homework togeather. She even practised passing with me and Ava didn't even notice. I looked at the clock. It was ten thirty. Two and a half hours on homework. I guess that wasn't too bad.

I fell onto my bed, exhausted. My body ached (thanks a lot Ava) and my mind was fried from all this new Element information. But I fell asleep with a smile that night. Angel Academy wasn't easy, but I had a feeling I would make it. My new friends would help me. I felt so close to Trinity and the boys already.

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