
As soon as we arrived back at the academy, an emergency meeting was held in the main hall, we all sat at our usual tables and talked about what had happened until principle Stoneheart arrived.

"SILENCE" he shouted over the loud rumble of murmurs.

The room immediately grew silent and all eyes were facing the stage.

"I know you all have questions about the demon attack on the village, but please know that we are handling it" informed Mr Stoneheart.

I tuned to face my friends and we all exchanged glances.

"So, to help keep you safe, we have come to the decision that from this day forwards, nobody is allowed to leave the academy grounds boarders without direct permission from me"

A few gasps were heard around the room, the principle held up his hand to prevent the growing mumbles and cleared his thought.

"As well as this, you will all receive an extra class on the different species of demons and how to defeat them, we do not yet know what they are planning but we must all be ready. Until then, the usual classes will run as normal and the training for the house games will also continue, if you have any further questions, my office is always open" he finished.

I watched closely as Asher got up onto the stage and whispered something to the principle, his eyes widened and he looked at Asher with concerned eyes.

"Everyone apart from Aurora, Shade, Chase, Max, Zack, Verity and Sylvia can leave" called Asher after an approving nod from principle Stoneheart.

We watched as everyone else left the room and approached the stage.

"I hear that you fought bravely today" he began.

"What is it that you want with us," said Shade sharply, clearly becoming impatient with his games.

The principle arched his eyebrow and looked at each of us in turn.


"The vampire that you saw, can you show him to me? Aurora?" he said getting straight to the point.

Shade stood still looking slightly confused and I stepped forward, knowing that I didn't really have a choice.

"Thank you" he smiled.

He quickly wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, I flinched under the cold contact and looked into his light grey eyes.

I let out an involuntary gasp and was plunged back into the moment in the forest, every detail was exactly the same from the birds soft singing to the rich smell of the towering pine trees, it was remarkable. I knew it was just a vision but I couldn't help but panic, I had absolutely no control of my body. It could only obey my past self.

Once I had been forced to relive every confused and pain filled moment up to arriving back at the ranch, I was finally brought back to reality. I gasped for air and reopened my eyes.

"That vampires name is Emrick... and he is the son of Lucifer." confirmed the principle with a distant look on his face.

My head began to spin, I looked into his eyes in an attempt to find any indication that he was lying to me, but all I saw in truth.

"How?... how is this possible? Lucifer has been dead for years, hasn't he? " I asked massaging my temples.

Lucifer was killed by Sebastian, everybody knew that, and every book held the famous story of the starstruck lovers.

"Yes, he has. That why the angels sealed Sebastian away, Lucifer was always their favourite, the golden boy, that was until Athena came along of course," he said as if he was recalling a distant memory.

"But... that boy looks the same age as us," said Verity placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course he does, he is an immortal... well vampire as their called now, Emrick is actually one of the oldest known vampires, and this makes him extremely dangerous, especially if he has sided with the demons to release Sebastian" explained the principle.


Mr Stonehert sighed heavily and looked over to Orpheus.

"Orpheus, there is also something that you should know... recent intel from surrounding werewolf packs has told us that Emrick has paired up with another vampire...Orfeo"

Orpheus immediately looked to the ground.

"Who is Orfeo?" I questioned moving to stand in front of Orpheus.

"Theo is my brother," he said through gritted teeth.

I looked at him to see that his hands were forming fists and shaking uncontrollably.

"Orpheus?" I questioned grabbing his hands.

"You don't understand,...my brother... he's... a monster," he said in a low voice.

I rubbed his arm comfortingly and drew my attention back towards the others.

"It is for that reason that I am putting together an elite team, and I want you guys to be a part of it," said Asher smiling at us proudly.

"Why us? there are plenty of others who have way more power than us" said Max stepping forward.

"That is not entirely true, besides, you all fight well together, especially Aurora and Shade" explained Asher.

I rolled my eyes at Asher who smirked in my direction.

"What? you two may not get along but you both know that I'm right" he said confidently.

I looked over to Shade who was leaning on a support beam, absorbing the information carefully.

"I guess... when will we train?" asked Shade.

"Training for the elite team will be held instead of your history lessons as we will be able to teach history during your other classes" replied Mr Stoneheart.

I nodded my head and looked at the others who all seemed to be agreeing with the idea. I looked at them in turn, and each one of them gave me a small nod, even Shade.

"We're in" I confirmed.

Asher beamed around at us and exchanged approving glances with Mr Stoneheart as if he was saying 'I told you so'

"In that case, follow me".

Since today is still our "break day" we had no lessons, so we followed Asher straight down to the training grounds.

"Now that you are joining my team, you all need to be able to work together, which includes working with Shade," said Asher seriously.

We all glanced over to Shade and for effect, he gave us a small wave.

"You will also be trained to be the best, and I'm not going to lie to you, it will be hard" he stated.

He continued to ramble on for a few moments and we stood quietly, listening patiently to his lectures he paced back and forth.

"Max," he said, suddenly stopping in his tracks.

Max furrowed his brows in confusion as Asher disappeared inside the weapons shed. A few moments later, he reappeared carrying a beautifully crafted sword.

"This sword has been used by hunters for generations, please take it," said Asher handing him the sword.

Max nodded his head and accepted it gratefully.

"The sword has great power that will bind with your soul and act on your instincts, for example, your hunter side allows you to sense anyone who is an enemy to you, even if you do not know to act on it. The sword will detect your power and the engravings that it holds will glow if there is an enemy nearby" explained Asher.

Max looked over the engravings and attached the sword to his belt.

"Thank you," he said bowing his head slightly.

Asher bowed his own head before drawing his sword.

"Let's begin"

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