
We all lined up and watched cautiously as the mentors walked back and forth reaching out to us with their minds, I stood awkwardly watching their confused faces as they each tried to enter my mind but were not able to due to the powerful walls that I had constructed throughout my lifetime.

Nearly all of the mentors had moved on and chosen a student when a hooded figure emerged from the crowd.

He was easily over six foot and walked with a celestial authority that screamed angelic. He pulled down his hood to reveal pure white hair that hung neatly around his well-defined face helping to perfectly contrast his blazing blue eyes.

He came to a halt in front of me and looked deeply into my eyes in an attempt to enter my mind, his expression didn't alter but I could feel a presence tugging on my mind demanding for entrance.

I strained against the growing demand, refusing to let him enter as I know that once he has been into my mind it will be much easier for him to invade it in the future.

"Impressive," he said with a voice as smooth as the finest of silks.

His gaze travelled over my own pearly white hair and Obsidian, who was watching him peacefully from my shoulders before landing back on my eyes.

"My name is Asher, and I will be your mentor" he confirmed.

I shook his outstretched hand.

"Aurora" I confirmed.

"Well Aurora, as your mentor I expect you to enter all of the house games events especially the dragon teams, " he said seriously.

I gaped at him in shock.

"That won't be a problem," said Axel approaching us at a run "I've already written her and Chases names down for the team" 

I looked at him and grinned shaking my head. Of course he did.


"Good" stated Asher with a satisfied grin "I shall sign you up for the others" 

He gave me a small smile before bowing his head and walking back over to the other mentors.

"You should be honoured to have Asher as your mentor, he's the best there is," said Axel as Chase and Orpheus approached us.

"What did you say his name was?" asked Chase.

"Asher," I said glancing over to see that he now pulled his hood back up and was exiting the hall.

"Ironic" he laughed. "you know because he has white hair, shouldn't it be grey? like ash?" 

I rolled my eyes watching him laugh at his own joke, while Axel just looked at us and sighed.

"See you later?" he questioned looking over to Dexter who was frantically trying to call him over.

"Sure" we chorused together.

"Let's go get that book," said Orpheus.

We began to walk towards the door when I suddenly halted and scanned the room.

"Wait, where's Verity?" I asked noticing her absence.

"She said she'd meet us back at the common room later" Orpheus explained.

I nodded my head and quickly mind linked Zack and Chase to meet us in my dorm room.


We walked swiftly up to the nursery to put the dragons back for the night and then up to my dorm room.

"It's in here," I said running into the room and over to my draws.

Thankfully nobody else was here apart from Zack and Max who were sitting on the floor near the blazing fire. 

Upon seeing us enter the room they ran over to join us. 

I opened the top draw cautiously and pulled out the book. 

I flipped through its old, fragile pages scanning the words for any mention of a black and a white wolf.


After flipping past the prophecy predicting me being a Mythica I finally found it. 

"I think this is it," I said nervously.

I took a seat in-between Chase and Orpheus and began to read.

I read over the words multiple times.

"Well they got the hatred part right" I laughed pushing away the tears that threatened to fall. 

A single tear fell down my cheek, Chase and Orpheus wrapped their arms around me comfortingly. 

"We'll figure it out" cooed Orpheus, gently wiping away the tear.

"Whatever other information we find, this prophecy confirms that my father is not who he says he is... if he's even my real father at all," I said in a shaky voice as realisation set in.

"I've been lied to my whole life, I don't have anybody left " I sobbed shaking my head.

I covered my face with my hands and leant my arms down onto my thighs. 

I cried quietly and Chase rubbed small circles into my back.

"You have us, we are your family and you are ours," he said through his own tears. 

I sat up on looked into his comforting brown eyes before throwing my hands around his neck.

He embraced me and cooed softly as I openly let tears stream down my face.

Orpheus, Zack and Max joined the embrace and the five of us stayed there in each other's comfort, believing that everything truly was going to be ok, that we would all survive this mess, but we were wrong. 

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