《Angel Academy》CHAPTER EIGHT


The next day I awoke to Alexis screaming dramatically.

"Get it out, get it out, get. it. OUT!" she bellowed.

I stretched my aching limbs and yawned, mentally preparing myself for the days first drama.

"What all the fuss all about?" I called groggily as I made my way over to the bathroom realizing that everyone else was still sleeping.


I rubbed my eyes and opened the bathroom door to see water all over the floor, I approached Alexis' shower and popped my head around the corner to see her sprawled out on the showers floor, water soaking her baby pink, sleepwear.

"What the-" I began before I saw Obsidian perched on the shower head, dipping his black shiny scales into the water.

"Control your beast" groaned Alexis making an attempt to get to her feet.

I held back a laugh as she slipped back down into the pool of water.

"It's not funny" she whined pushing her stringy, wet hair out of her face.

I helped her to her feet and handed her a towel.

"Sorry" I apologized watching her shoot glares at the baby dragon.

"It's him who should be apologizing, can't a girl take a normal morning shower around here?" she complained.

As if on cue, Obsidian flew over and licked her across her already soaked face.

"Now I have dragon slobber all over me? Great," she said letting a small laugh escape as she rubbed her face with the towel.

"Obsidian, come here" I called.

He hovered in front of me, his deep purple eyes filled with an apologetic look before he took his usual place on my shoulders, he had only been gone a day and was already much heavier.

"What are you doing here so early anyway? and how did you get in?" I asked quietly.

He raised his head and images of him being alone and then his journey through the window came flooding through my mind.

I nodded my head and looked at Alexis who was drying her hair with the towel I gave her.

"I better go up to the nursery to let Kai know that he's with me" I explained.

"Okay, see you at break?" she asked back to her usually cheery self.


"Yeah" I replied with a warm smile.

I took the little dragon off my shoulders and placed him on my bed.

"Stay here, I need to get ready," I said sternly.

He curled up into a small ball and did as I said.

Returning to the bathroom I quickly washed my face, braided back my hair and dressed in my combat uniform.

Satisfied with my look, I called Obsidian back to my shoulders and pulled on my boots.

I walked into the empty common room and switched on a light, rubbing a hand down my face I walked over to our basic kitchen area and poured myself a glass of water.

Taking a big gulp, I sighed at the pleasant coldness of it running own my thought.

"Obsidian go find Chase" I commanded after 10 minutes had passed, sending him an image of Chase to his mind.

He looked up at me happily and flew off eager to complete his new task. I smiled happily and took another gulp of water.

"What are you doing?"

I turned around and his aura hit me like a bolt of lightning, caught off guard I managed to choke on my water, I span around and clutched onto the sink to try and regain the ability to breathe.

"What the hell" I gasped meeting a familiar pair of red eyes.

A glint of amusement crossed his perfect features before quickly disappearing.

"What are you doing? its 6 am" he asked sternly.

"If you must know I'm going up to the nursery before class," I said annoyed at the boy.

"So your not sneaking back up to your dorm?" he questioned accusingly knitting his eyebrows together.

"What? why would I-?" I began searching his eyes for answerers.

My eyes widened in realization to what he was implying.

"NO!" I stated loudly.

He sighed heavily and took a step closer, intensifying his effect. I bit down on my inner lip to maintain an expressionless face, he stopped walking and looked into my eyes confused for a second.

"I'm surprised, a girl like you can get anyone she wants" he spat harshly regaining his emotionless complexion.

"Well I'm not like that, and even if I was I wouldn't have to explain myself to you," I exclaimed trying to contain my anger. "What are you doing down here anyway?"


Like seriously who the hell does this guy think he? and what the hell is his problem?

"I fell asleep on the couch if you must know," he said irritably.

I made fists with my hands and dug my nails into my palms, drawing blood to control my anger. I usually had good control but when I'm around Shade it's different, anything he does to annoy me makes it extremely difficult not to give in to my wolf side rip his head off.

He smiled smugly, satisfied that he had got to me and walked past me, bumping into my shoulder. The burning pain radiated through my body sending me down to my knees, I clutched my arms around my waist protectively and took deep breaths to calm myself down.

What the hell is happening to me?

I heard footsteps coming down the stone steps and got to my feet, quickly washing away the blood off of my now healed hands.

"Hey," said Chase appearing in the doorway with Obsidian flying in front of him.

"Hey" I repeated walking towards the common room doors slowly.

Obsidian flew up to me and landed back on my shoulders sending me his happy emotions.

"Shade passed me on the stairs, are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied not wanting to worry him.

I smoothed Obsidians pitch black scales making him purr lovingly. Chase watched and nodded his head as we made our way up to the nursery.

After walking through the corridors in a comfortable silence we walked into the nursery and found that Kai was nowhere to be seen.

"Kai?" I called.

Obsidian squealed happily and shot off my shoulders towards his nest. Chase and I exchanged glances before following him expecting to find Kai.

We approached his nest, but we still couldn't see Kai, instead, a beautiful blue baby dragon perched proudly in its next making immediate eye contact with Chase.

"I can feel his emotions" he gasped.

I smiled at him happy that he could experience the same bond that me and Obsidian now shared.

Cobalts big, ocean blue eyes glanced at Chase trustingly, Chase nodded his head slowly in response.

"You can do it," he said comfortingly.

The little dragon spread his dainty wings and began to flap them, sending straw everywhere as he began to ascend into the air. He looked at the ground and squealed happily before darting forwards flying into Chase's chest.

"Aww he's so adorable" I cooed earning a growl from Obsidian who was watching closely from his own nest.

Chase beamed at me and helped Cobalt to get comfortable on his shoulders.

"You won't be able to carry them for long, better make the most of it"

We turned around to see Kai strutting through the room elegantly with a dragon perched on each of his shoulders and arms and one even sat on top of his head.

"Kai? what the hell?" I laughed.

"What can I say, the kids love me" he mocked placing the baby dragons into their freshly cleaned nests.

"You still up for helping out later?" he asked.

"Yeah of course" I replied

To be honest I was looking forward to doing something non Shade and non-prophecy related.

"Great!" he exclaimed clapping his now free hands together.

"I assume you're taking those two with you?" he questioned gesturing to Cobalt and Obsidian.

"Definitely," said Chase immediately.

"You coming?" I asked Obsidian who was still watching us from his nest.

He let out a little huff and perched himself around my shoulders.

"See you later Kai" we synchronized.

"bye," he replied with a small wave.

We walked back down through the school towards our combat lesson.

When we arrived everyone was gathered in a small group around Shade and Mr Kohl.

"Ah, there you are. I was just going to send Elizabeth here out to find you" said Mr Kohl pointing to a moody looking girl with bright emerald green eyes and curly brown hair which had blond highlights streaking perfectly through it.

She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at me and Chase.

"Anyway, as I was saying today will be a tracking lesson. You will be assigned to partners to each follow a different marked trail, each trail leads eventually to the same place which is where we will all meet to go over different skills. Everyone happy?"

We all murmured a quick yes in agreement.

"Oh, and one more thing. I will be choosing the partners."

Everybody groaned which made Mr Kohl smile around at us with an evil grin.

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