《Angel Academy》CHAPTER FIVE


I walked through the doors of my dorm room to see a massive room with five double beds all covered in silver and black silk sheets. There was a fire on the right of the room opposite the middle bed, and there were desks with mirrors positioned on top of them for every person. I could also see a door at the far side of the room which I assumed led to the bathroom.

"New roomie!" Cried an excited voice, followed by pounding footsteps.

I looked to the left and was tackled to the ground in a hug. I rolled over and got to my feet into a fighting stance.

"Oh... sorry" she giggled standing up. "It's just I'm soooooo excited to be here! we're all gonna be the best of friends!" she shouted twirling around.

"Alexis, stop!" Bellowed another voice. "Sorry about her, she's like this all the time, I've learned to just roll with it," she said rubbing a hand down her face.

I looked at her blankly and relaxed, wondering how the hell can anyone be that ecstatic all of the time, but then I realised that I knew someone else who was exactly that... Chase.

"I'm Theadora but most people call me Thea, " said the girl who seemed to be looking after the hyper girl, she held hand and gave me a half smile.

"I'm Aurora," I said shaking it quickly.

"This is Alexis. She's part elf and part fairy and I'm a full witch," she said pointing to the bubbly girl beside her, she had light pink curly hair which brought out her bright green eyes and was wearing a white top, a pink skirt that was just above her knees and white boots.

"Nice to meet you," I said hesitantly holding out my hand.

She took my hand happily and shook it firmly.

"I can't wait to meet the others! This is going to be so much fun!" She said with wild eyes darting between me and Thea.

Still holding my hand she began dragging me towards the third bed along the row. I looked towards Thea who sighed and rolled her eyes tucking her dark red hair behind her ear.

"This is your bed," she said pointing to it.

I threw my rucksack on the bed and looked at the little chest of draws that was positioned next to it. There was nothing on its surface except my timetable which was folded neatly. I opened it carefully and a note fell out, looking up I saw Alexis, who was now jumping from bed to bed along the long row, ducking so she didn't hit her head on the curtain beams and laughing happily to herself. I sighed and returned my attention to the note.

'All dragon riders and dragon rider hybrids go the main hall tomorrow at 6 am. Don't be late. '

I sat down on the bed and read over the note again.

I asked through the link as I sat down on the bed.

he said he shouted making my brain buzz.

I asked.

he said pouring tired emotions through the link.

I inwardly sighed and grabbed my timetable,

7 am to 9 am - Combat,

9 am to 10 am - History,

10 am to 11 am - Break and option for breakfast,

11 am to 12 am - Magic and spells,

12 am to 2 pm - Dragons and riding,

2 pm to 4 pm - Lunch,

4 pm to 6 pm - Combat and conditioning,

6 pm to 10 pm - Final dinner and free time,


11 pm - night curfew, all students to be in common rooms.

*Food for breakfast is provided in the common rooms for students with classes before 10 am*

"Hey," said Thea sitting down next to me.

She looked at my timetable and sighed.

"It's pretty full on isn't it?" She said scanning my classes . " we have Magic and spells together" she smiled.

I nodded returning the smile, hoping that I would have some classes with Max, Zack, and Chase.

"How do you have so many different types of classes," she asked suddenly.

"Oh, I'm a hybrid," I said casually.

"Some of my other friends from my Coven are hybrids and they don't have this many," she said, her dark green eyes burning into mine.

I could feel her presence trying to enter my mind, without showing her any signs of what I was doing I blocked her out.

Alexis came and sat on the other side of me and Thea looked away confused.

"You're the Mythica! Aren't you?" Said Alexis excitedly.

"W-what?" I stuttered, unsure of what to say.

"Don't bother denying it, I can sense it when people lie" exclaimed Alexis, tilting her head slightly.

I looked at her blankly and sighed.

"You are aren't you? tell me that you are!" she shouted, leaping up and down.

"Yeah...I am" I replied looking at the floor.

"That's so cool!" She chimed excitedly.

I gave her a small smile.

Hearing the door creak open I brought my attention to it to see a two girls walk through , one was slightly taller than the other and had long light grey hair and soft golden eyes, she was decked out all in black, wearing a black tank top and black ripped jeans, finished with a black leather jacket and flat boots. The other girl had brown hair with golden streaks running through it which contrasted her hazel eyes, she wore a red tank top and blue jeans finished with a brown leather jacket and grey boots.

The girl with grey hair locked her cold grey eyes with my purple ones, challenging me because she sensed that I was a werewolf.

My instincts taking over I let out a low warning growl, I walked forward and allowed my unusual power to flow through my pores making the air thin and tense. She growled lowly determined not to break eye contact.

I wondered why this girl decided to challenge me as soon as she walked into the room, she had no idea who I was so for all she knew I could be an alpha. Although I had to give her credit for not backing down to me straight away like most people did.

My eyes darkened to a deep purple and her blank face changed allowing me to see that she was scared. I took another step and she looked down at the floor breaking the eye contact and letting out a small yelp, bowing her head in submission. Satisfied, I looked around to see Thea's and Alexis' confused faces.

"They're both werewolves," said the other girl "they were working out who's more dominant its sort of their thing and they can't really control it "

I nodded my head in agreement and held out my hand.

"I'm Aurora," I said giving them both a smile.

They both shook it quickly.

"I'm Sylvia and this is Verity," said the girl with grey hair.

"I'm a dragon rider," said Verity.

"Werewolf, angel hybrid," said Sylvia meeting my eyes once again, but this time without the threat.


"You'll be in a few classes with my friend Zack then" I directed at Sylvia accepting her eye. contact.

"What are you?" Asked Verity with a calculating look on her face.

"She's a Mythica," Burst Alexis.

They both gasped and looked at each other.

I ignored their reaction and watched as Thea and Alexis introduced each other before I walked towards my bed to start unpacking.

"We have to go to the hall for 6 am tomorrow," I said to Verity over my shoulder "you can walk with me and my friends if you want"

"Thanks" she chimed as she was led to her bed by Alexis.

I laughed to myself and emptied my bag on my bed.

I picked up the book that my father gave me and slipped it into the top drawer next to my bed. I threw my spare clothes and boots underneath my new uniform, at the bottom of the wardrobe which was on the other side of my bed neatly, and positioned my hairbrush, as well as a photo of me, my father, Zack, Max, and Chase on top of the draws.

After shoving my other items into the spare draws I opened the second section of my wardrobe to reveal a variety of weapons, from bows to daggers. I grabbed my own dagger and placed it on a spare hook before closing the doors.

I looked up at the huge wall clock.

I pulled my screen across and changed into my nightwear which consisted of black shorts and a grey top, I brushed through my long, snowy hair and walked over to the girls who were sitting comfortably in a circle around the fire.

"Hey" I greeted blissfully.

"Hey" they all synchronized.

Sylvia patted the seat next to her and I sat down glad she didn't take our little dominance challenge to heart.

We talked about pointless stuff for a couple of hours until we all decided to finally go to sleep.

I gratefully walked over to my large double bed and slipped under the soft, silk sheets.

"Night roomies" called Alexis loudly.

"Night" we all repeated tiredly.

I let my mind travel to tomorrow's events before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


A shrill ringing noise pierced my sensitive ears.

I whacked the alarm next to me to turn it off and stretched before sitting into an upright position.

I dragged myself out of bed to see that Verity already sitting at her desk doing her makeup. Rubbing my eyes I walked lazily towards the bathroom.

It was larger than I thought it would be and had separate shower booths for all of us with a long, brightly lit mirror with sinks underneath running opposite them. I looked at the doors to see our names were engraved on them in golden cursive writing.

I found my door and entered to see hooks containing silver fluffy towels with a bench positioned underneath. I took off my nightwear and folded it onto the beach before stepping into the shower sliding the glass behind me.

I turned the water to cold and let it stream down on me to wake me up, once I had scrubbed my body clean with the coconut bathing products that the school provided, I wrapped a towel around my body and hair and walked back into my room and over to my wardrobe.

I pulled the screen across and slipped on some underwear before pulling out my combat uniform, it consisted of plain black pants, a black tight-fitting tank top with silver streaks running down the sides and a black, protective, dragon scale jacket with my house crest weaved onto the back.

I then strapped on the bounds to hold my weapons, one on my right thigh, one around my waist and one on my back. I shoved a pair of beautifully engraved twin daggers and a quiver filled with arrows on my back and strapped a sword and a fold-down bow to my waist, finally I attached some spare arrowheads and a dagger to my thigh before slipping my own dagger into my boot carefully.

I pulled back the screen and ran my brush through my hair, braiding it to the side, out of my face before throwing on a black cloak and walking over to the door.

"Verity? You coming?" I called.

"Yep," she whispered emerging from behind her wardrobe.

She wore clothes similar to mine but didn't choose to have twin daggers, instead, she had a silver longsword hanging at her waist.

"Let's go," she said opening the door.

We walked down the stairs to see Chase, Orpheus, Axel and a couple of other people waiting around the common room.

"Hey guys," I said approaching him "this is Verity"

"Hey," said Chase in a low drooping voice, running his hand through his unbrushed messy hair.

"Hey," said Orpheus with a bright smile.

Once everyone was ready we all made our way eagerly to the hall, upon arrival, Axel swiftly walked to the front to join the other second-year dragon riders.

"We have called you here before your lessons to see if your potential dragon rider sides can be successfully awoken," said Felix seriously.

"You will each walk along a hallway containing different dragon eggs blindfolded, and if the dragon rider side of you is strong enough it will attract you to a specific egg. Your dragon" explained Dexter.

Everyone broke out in murmurs.

"As soon as you take off the blindfold and touch the egg, your dragons name will appear in your mind. You will take the egg to the nursery and wait for it to hatch, it usually takes a day or two depending on your dragons power" added Axel.

"Any questions?" Asked Shane.

"What if we don't choose an egg?" Asked a boy standing to my right.

"Then your dragon rider side is not powerful enough to be awoken so you will continue your classes as a single race rather than a hybrid" he explained.

We followed them along a few corridors and up a flight of stairs before we came to a room. They organized us in single file and tied blindfolds around our heads.

Due to my sight being taken away, my other senses heightened to the point where I could pretty much navigate and react without my eyes, one of the perks of being a werewolf.

The line began moving slowly through the doors, occasionally people stopped and moved either side of the corridor, I neared the end of the room and began losing hope when I felt myself being pulled by an invisible force, I allowed my body to follow it until I stopped in front of a stand. Knowing that this was my egg, I took off my blindfold to see a pitch black egg containing some purple tinges. I gasped at its beauty and ran my hand over its smooth patterned surface, it let off a faint silver glow and a name appeared into my head,


I scooped the egg up into my arms and made my way out of the room, outside there were people with happy faces holding eggs off all different sizes and colours in their arms but none of them were black like mine. When Axel saw me he immediately started whispering to the others.

I shrugged it off and walked over to Chase and the others. Chase had a dark blue egg which faded into a lighter blue, Orpheus had had a silver and blue egg, and Verity had a gold and green egg. We talked amongst ourselves and watched with pity as some students walked back down the stairs empty handed with blank faces.

"Everyone with eggs, follow us" instructed Dexter.

We followed them back down the stairs and along some corridors before walking back up another flight of stairs. When we reached the top we entered a huge room with open walls. There were dragon nests everywhere with dragons of all sizes flying in and out.

We chose a free nest and positioned our eggs into the straw.

"When you come back tomorrow most of your eggs will be hatched, it's important that you get straight to training your dragon as they will grow rapidly over the course of a week until they reach your age, so later this week, you will be appointed mentors to help you with the process" said Felix.

"What's your dragons names?" Asked Chase turning towards us.

"Ithrendal," said Orpheus.

"Nadia" replied Verity.

"Obsidian," I said looking at my egg. "What's yours?"

"Cobalt," said Chase proudly with a big grin on his face.

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