《BURNER ✅》18 • stay


"Donna, Don apologises but asks that you wait in his office."

"Thank you Charlie." Anna smiles as she walks through the halls of the warehouse. Anna and Marcello are yet to move back into his house. The warehouse is still the safest place. It isn't what Anna expected of a mafia warehouse. The place is practically a resort.

Anna pushes open the door to Marcello's office and moves towards his large mahogany desk. Anastasia makes herself comfortable in his office chair leaning back against the soft brown leather.

Anna is quite familiar with the warehouse having now been here three weeks. Christmas is one a few days away so Anna insisted on decorating the warehouse appropriately and planning dinner for everyone. Today Charlie took Anna Christmas and grocery shopping. It took Anna a while to convince Charlie to walk with her instead of trailing behind with the glare but eventually the two were shopping together like old friends.

"I love coming home to you mio amore." Marcello's voice startles Anna from her thoughts. She blushes profusely as Marcello stands in the doorway with his arms crossed. His eyes trail over her body finally locking with hers.

"I like being here." Anna says honestly.

"You haven't missed to many classes I hope?"

"It's ok. I have done a lot online." Anna says with a smile. She swings her feet up onto the desk and Marc chuckles.

"Remove your feet." Marc says softly.

"Did you just give me an order Don?" Anna smirks.

"More like a suggestion." Marcello stalks towards his love.

The two stare at each other unmoving.

"I thought we could move the day after Christmas."


Marcello nods, "I have had the house security checked roughly ten times. I think it is about time we can move in."


Anna leaps out of the office chair into Marc's arms.

"Not that I don't love this place, and the guys, but it will be nice to just be the two of us."

"I couldn't agree more." Marcello says pressing a kiss to her hair. "My men have become very attached to you."

"And I them." Anna smiles. "Charlie and I went shopping today."

"I know. I approved it."

"Of course you did." Anna rolls her eyes. "I should go and make dinner." Anna pulls away.

"It can wait."

"But the boys can't." Anna walks towards the door.

"Stay." Marcello pleads.


"Please. Just for a minute."


"I'm rescuing you!" Lucy's voice enter the kitchen.

"What?" Anna says looking up from the dishes.

"We are going out."

"Lucy, I have so much to do. Christmas is tomorrow. We have to-"

"I'm taking you out." Lucy says happily.

"No Luce I-"

"I'm taking you out." Lucy repeats herself.

Anna sighs, "Am I dressed ok?"

"Perfect." The two link arms walking out towards the front of the warehouse.

"Miss Anna." David stops them. "Where are you going?"

"Lucy is taking me out for brunch. We will be back-"

"I can't allow that unless Don have approved."

"Out of our way men in black." Lucy demands.

"I really can't-"

"So should I call the almighty Mr Morretti and tell him you are making his Queen upset?"

David's face contorts into confusion.

"K bye!" Lucy pulls Anna out the door before David is able to object.

Guilt eats Anna as Lucy drives her away from the warehouse. The two stop at the local mall. Lucy immediately pulls Anna out of the car. Anna follows behind an excited Lucy. What happened next couldn't have been planned.



"Mr Morretti, I have David Simms from your organisation on line one." Jean enters Marcello's office.

Marcello looks up from the human resources manager in front of him.

"Take a message."

"But he said-"

"Take. A. Message."

"But Mr Morretti-"

"Jean! What do I pay you for?"

"He said it is about Miss Carmichael." Jean says quickly.

"What?" Marcello's eyes go wide. His thoughts all consumed by Anastasia.

"He said it is about-"

"Put him through." Marcello growls out.

"Yes sir." Jean quickly exits the office and Marcello dismisses his employees.

When David is put through he is frantic.

"Don, we lost her."


"Lucy took the Donna out shopping. I tried to stop them but she argued...I sent some men after them. To watch them. But we lost her."

Marcello is silent, unsure of what to say. Anastasia, his Anastasia.

"I'm coming. Find her!" Marcello slams the phone down collecting his things. Dismissing Jean for the day Marc makes his way down to his company garage. He opts for the fastest vehicle home, swinging his leg over his motor bike he speeds down the road.


Anna's eyelids flutter and her eyes do their best to adjust to the light.

"Pretty lady is awake." A low voice says from across the room. Anna hears an accent.

"What the hell?" Anna realises she is tied to the chair.

"It is nice to meet you Anastasia." A blonde man steps in front of her.

"I wish I could say the same." Anna spits. "I'm guessing you are the Irish." Anna rolls her eyes.

"You're boyfriend spoke about me?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Anna says defiantly.

"Marcello Morretti? Your boyfriend of the last two months."

"I don't know a guy named Morretti." Anna lies. A hand slaps across Anna's face and there is not stopping the shriek that comes from her mouth.

"Lie to me again and I slap you...again."

"Fuck. You." Anna spits. "Who are you?"

"McDermant, Will McDermant."

"Well Will, what the hell am I doing here?"

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