《Pistols and Petals - TH》•20•


I pace my room in tears, not knowing what to do.

"Liv calm down he's gunna show up" Jessi says.

It's 2pm. Tom was suppose to be home 6 hours ago.

"What would possibly make him this late?! There has to be something wrong!" I say.

"Even if there is, they can handle it" she says. "Come on just sit down and take some deep breaths"

I listen to her advise and sit on the edge of my bed, trying to calm my nerves.

"He's always getting himself into dangerous shit" I groan.

"That's his job liv.." she says.

I pull out my phone and try him again. This time it went straight to voicemail. His phone is dead.

Just as I feel myself stressing out the door opens and Jackson walks in.

"Toms here" He says and I jump up.

"Where is he?" I ask walking towards the door.

"Just stay calm alright?" He says and my eyes widen.

"What happened?!" I yell at him.

"Calm down he's fine he's in his office" he says and push past him and run down to toms office. I open the door and see tom sitting on the desk as haz, dean, and another guy stood around the table, wrapping up toms arm.

"Hey darling" he smiles at me and my eyes widen. His face is bruised and slightly bloody, his body is a wreck.

"What happened?!" I ask frantically making my way to tom.

"Just a little disagreement, nothing to worry your pretty little head about" he says putting his hand behind my head and pulling me in to kiss my forehead.

"What happened?" I demandingly ask haz.

"Tom almost got shot but it just skimmed his arm, they tried to fight us but we beat the shit outta them" he says smugly.


"You dumbass" I groan turning my attention back to my beat up boyfriend.

"Believe me they look a lot worse" he smiles.

"You could have died" I sigh running my hand through his messy curls.

"Nah, Anyone who goes up against me fails" he says.

"You stupid shit" I shake my head as they finish bandaging up his arm.

"Alright give me a minuet with my girl" Tom says to the guys seeing how genuinely upset I was.

They all nod and leave the room, shutting the door.

"You had me freaking out thinking you were dead" I sigh.

"It's okay I'm okay" he says.

"Well not really" I say referring to his arm. "They could have killed you"

"Darling listen to me" He says grabbing my hands. "I'm not going to leave you. Nothing will ever happen to me, I'm okay. But this is my job and I can't go out and do it if You're going to be scared all the time"

I nod and try to understand his view on it.

"I'm never going to stop being scared Tom" I shake my head. "But I trust that you know what you're doing and can take care of yourself, I just don't want to loose you.. I just got you."

"And you won't darlin, I'm always gunna come home to you" he says and presses his lips to mine before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry I scared you" he mumbles.

"It's okay."

I pull away and take a better look at his face.

"I'm gunna fight whoever did this to you" I say looking at the swollen redness under his eye.

"You're cute" He smiles. "But I already killed him so.."

I don't know what changed in me, but now when he talked about killing someone I felt a heat rise in me, it almost made him hotter to think that if someone were to mess with him or me, he'd just kill them. It made me feel protected and powerful.


"Of course You did" I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him once more. I see over his shoulder a file with my sisters name on it sitting on the desk.

I really want to know what's in that... is he still trying to get my sister? I mean she's definitely left the country at this point so I don't know how he's manage to get her.

Just don't even think about it Olivia. It's not your worry.

"Alright im going to clean this mess up" he says motioning to his face. "Why don't you go to my room and I'll come cuddle in a second"


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